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Herman Cain Endorses Gringrich Giuliani Praises Gringrich Knocks Romney

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We have Pelosi saying how nice he is, Oliver Stone said he would vote for Paul over Obama, and now we have Snoop Dog endorsing Paul. Wow, isn't it amazing how liberty and freedom can attract people from all sides of the political spectrum? I'm still wondering where people are getting all of this unelectable crap. It seems that so many have gotten drunk on the right-wing media kool-aid. With so much at stake, it is rather unfortunate.

I believe none of those endorsing Paul have any idea what freedom or liberty is. I believe they like his anti-war, anti-drug law views. Pelosi just wants to spend the money that is saved by ending the wars, Snoop wants drug laws eliminated and Stone, have no idea what his angle is. Maybe he thinks BHO should have invited him to the WH by now?

Thanks for posting the Malkin piece.

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I believe none of those endorsing Paul have any idea what freedom or liberty is. I believe they like his anti-war, anti-drug law views. Pelosi just wants to spend the money that is saved by ending the wars, Snoop wants drug laws eliminated and Stone, have no idea what his angle is. Maybe he thinks BHO should have invited him to the WH by now?

Stone's beef with Obama would come from his foreign policy. In regards to the other two, yes, they have different motives than freedom or liberty. However, a lot of people that are independents and moderates and they are voting for Paul do understand those concepts. A lot of the younger people, myself included, realize that unless things change we are going to get the drop your pants and grab your ankles treatment in the future.

We have hit a debt to GDP ratio of 100%, and our debt is increasing by a trillion a year. Who is going to pay for it? Is it going to be the baby boomers who are about to retire? No, of course not. It will be my generation and the generations after me that get stuck with the bill. Personally, I find it unconscionable that generations before me are going to leave their kids and grandkids in such a dire situation. I am working my butt off, saving, and trying to be responsible by living well below my means in the hope of having a better future. Unfortunately, the skies aren't looking any clearer. I am also paying a ton in taxes to perpetuate a failed system. I wouldn't gripe about my taxes if the government was at least attempting to control spending.

Each year we hear these political bromides about how we have to get our fiscal house in order so we are not punishing our kids, but nothing is ever done; the behemoth keeps growing and our debt continually rises. We are well beyond the point of putting a stop to this fiscal insanity. Is Romney going to correct the course? Judging by his record, I would say no. What about Newt? Due to his erratic behavior and responses, who really knows what he will do. While Santorum shows flickers of hope, some of his go along to get along votes raises a lot of questions as to whether he will stay committed to promoting a limited government and controling spending. I will give him 50/50, and that is why I would rather see him over Romnay or Gingrich.

Lastly, we have Paul. There has not been a greater and more outspoken champion of limited government and civil liberties than congressman Paul. Nobody, whether they like him or not, questions his devotion on those issues. He has been saying the same thing for almost 40 years. Due to his unwavering fiscal positions, I will be voting for him in the primary. Will he get a lot of what he wants done if he wins? No, but he will be able to do things like rescinding executive orders, shrink the executive branch immensely, and veto crap legislation that comes out of congress. Will the other candidates do those things? Probably not, and a maybe on Santorum.

Are all of the candidates better than Obama, and will I vote for the GOP nominee? Of course they are, and I will reluctantly vote for the GOP nominee. However, I believe we are at a pivotal moment in this country when we have a chance, albeit a very small one, of electing someone who make actually bring about some positive growth in the right direction. I am not going to rely on some political calculus or strategy to determine my vote, which I have done in the past. This year, I am standing on principle in the primary. If by standing on those principles, I become aligned (through vote only) with Ronulans, anti-war pacifists, anarchists, racists, dope-heads, looney leftists, etc... so be it.

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Guest Lester Weevils
Poor ole Ron just got 7% of the vote in FL :D hope he doesn't hold anything against that Snoop Dog endorsement. :)

Well, given that FL can select a president with lower than 1 percent margin, it might be a wakeup call for whoever is the R nominee when the Grand Old Fart Party gets around to crafting a platform. :)

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