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Real Purpose of Dust-up With Gov Brewer

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There was nothing wrong with the letter or her request, but I don't think that anyone on this forum would want anyone wagging a finger in there face for any reason. Even someone who "talks with their hands".

Obama deserves all of the criticism that he receives. He has been a typical lying politician, but the finger wags should have gotten Brewer a beat down by the secret service.

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There was nothing wrong with the letter or her request, but I don't think that anyone on this forum would want anyone wagging a finger in there face for any reason. Even someone who "talks with their hands".

Obama deserves all of the criticism that he receives. He has been a typical lying politician, but the finger wags should have gotten Brewer a beat down by the secret service.

Did you read this in the first post?

Ms. Brewer said Mr. Obama had walked off while she was still talking. “You know me, when I talk, I am animated and I talk with my hands,†she said, explaining her finger-wagging. “I suppose that the picture was probably shot when I was moving my hands around.â€

In an interview with ABC News that was broadcast Thursday, Mr. Obama said the conflict was being blown out of proportion.

I really hate to side with the dictator but maybe it has been blown out of proportion? Much ado about nothing except media spin over two that had a few spats.

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Guest lostpass

The smart thing to do is to make Obama run on his record. The dictator, fundamentally change America, socialist crap isn't going to work.

I think my campaign would be:

"I gave that guy five bucks for a 4.75 bucket of popcorn, he said he'd be back with the change. He never came back because he's too busy arguing over whether I should get five nickels or a quarter"

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A beat down? You're kidding? I guess you would put her on a terrorist watch list, also.

After all, she is a Republican.

It doesn't matter that she is a Repubican. She sucks because she is a politician. I would not like the photo if she were wagging her finger at you. It's disrespectful to do that to anyone.

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Guest ThePunisher
It doesn't matter that she is a Repubican. She sucks because she is a politician. I would not like the photo if she were wagging her finger at you. It's disrespectful to do that to anyone.

She's a republican governor trying to protect her citizens of Arizona that Obama won't protect, and she's making hard fiscal decisions to keep her state from going bankrupt. Obama snubbed her off b/c he thinks he's a dictator, and it's belittling for him to have to talk to females, especially republican females. IMOP she didn't disrespect him enough. She should have stuck her foot up his butt as he was walking away.

Respect! Are you kidding. This Dictator has no respect for our country or the people. He's sticking his nose up to the people. Ever notice how he always has his head tilted back. It's a dictator way of showing his arrogance and contempt to the sheeple that he's ready to slaughter.

Edited by ThePunisher
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There was nothing wrong with the letter or her request, but I don't think that anyone on this forum would want anyone wagging a finger in there face for any reason. Even someone who "talks with their hands".

Obama deserves all of the criticism that he receives. He has been a typical lying politician, but the finger wags should have gotten Brewer a beat down by the secret service.

Based on the SS agents I have met,I'd say they stood back and let her do it,with their full support.

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but the finger wags should have gotten Brewer a beat down by the secret service.

A "beat down" ? I think you have the Secret Service confused with a different SS. Although ol Heinrich would have approved of the idea of a beat down.

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Guest lostpass
Based on the SS agents I have met,I'd say they stood back and let her do it,with their full support.

That's completely different from the report I got from an agent. He only dealt with him why his was running )or so he says) and said he was a pretty nice guy, treated him as a real person instead of a lackey. The other thing I've heard from a less reliable source was that he is really good at listening, regurgitating your position and then doing what he already decided to do.

The story is something like this: BoLM guy gives Obama a briefing about what is going on at the border. Outlines what he needs to make a difference. Obama nods and says whatever and denies the requests. That guy came away with the feeling that he could've told him that were massive nuclear dragons massing on the border that shoot HIV ridden needles out of their mouths OR he could tell him that fuzzy friendly job spewing blimps were about to float into the country and the response would be the same either way. His honest take is that he decided about most things before he has the info.

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Guest Lester Weevils
The other thing I've heard from a less reliable source was that he is really good at listening, regurgitating your position and then doing what he already decided to do.

The story is something like this: BoLM guy gives Obama a briefing about what is going on at the border. Outlines what he needs to make a difference. Obama nods and says whatever and denies the requests. That guy came away with the feeling that he could've told him that were massive nuclear dragons massing on the border that shoot HIV ridden needles out of their mouths OR he could tell him that fuzzy friendly job spewing blimps were about to float into the country and the response would be the same either way. His honest take is that he decided about most things before he has the info.

I haven't the foggiest whether that story is fact or fantasy, but find it extraordinarily credible because it perfectly fits my preconceptions! :)

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Guest lostpass
I haven't the foggiest whether that story is fact or fantasy, but find it extraordinarily credible because it perfectly fits my preconceptions! :)

The second story is not first hand. But I am friends (or was, that guy won't e-mail me back) with a senior BoLM officer. That was the story, more or less, that he got from his superior. But you know how these things go... I wouldn't bet a nickel on it being true but, like you Lester, it seems true to my biases. Hey, we all like to be right! Right?

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Guest ThePunisher
It does not matter. In one year we will have another president and everything will be just great like it was three years ago. Looking forward to the return to utopia.

Well, how is the utopian Hope and Change working out for our country. If the republican nominee doesn't live up to expectations of turning around our country, then he only gets four years. Send all the slime politicians a message of term limits based on their performance. You don't have to pass a law of term limits, the people always control the amount of time they get to stay in office. But there is one requirement of the people, and that is they cannot be apathetic of our system of government, or be brain dead.

I believe it is only the democrats that preach the Utopian idea of society, based on stealing from those that work hard to get what they have. Class warfare only divides our country instead of uniting our country. The democrats have never learned the commandment of thou shall not covet what belongs to thy neighbor, and I don't believe they ever will learn it. The democrat concept of utopia will only destroy our nation, and the last three years are a pretty good indication of that happening.

Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest Lester Weevils
The second story is not first hand. But I am friends (or was, that guy won't e-mail me back) with a senior BoLM officer. That was the story, more or less, that he got from his superior. But you know how these things go... I wouldn't bet a nickel on it being true but, like you Lester, it seems true to my biases. Hey, we all like to be right! Right?

Hi Lostpass

Agreed! The tale is exponentially poignant on at least 1.414214 levels!

For one thing, it is delicious to wallow in a tale made seductively credible due to the same quirk in my own perceptual system of which BHO is supposedly guilty (according to the story).

Simultaneously the story is profoundly difficult to disbelieve. The brain is a wondrous thing. The tale rings too true to be otherwise.

Perhaps reinforced by each individual's life experiences. How many years could the average human live without working for at least one jerk like that?

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There is no evidence that she is wagging her finger at BO. We don't know what is being said on either side, so it is entirely possible that her finger pointing might of been a appropriate for the moment. We just don't know. Consider the Brain Williams stuck his finger in George Bush's Chest when interviewing him. How inappropriate was that ?

Also consider this, BO THE PRESIDENT IF THE UNITED STATES, TALL MALE gets off AIR FORCE ONE, with MANY SECRET SERVICE AGENTS, WITH MANY BIG SUV'S AND MANY ASSISTANTS VS A GOVERNOR, SMALL WOMAN WITH LITTLE AMOUNT OF ASSISTANTS AND MAYBE 1 BODYGUARD Who is in the power position here ? Hint: it ain't the Governor. Think of the intimidation the Office of the President carries with it.

if BO was an honorable man, he should be defending her from the unscrupulous attacks from his side of the aisle i.e. Jesse Jackson, Brian Williams, NBC, MSNBC, ABC etc

Williams Bush.png

Edited by JG55
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But, it is all his fault. Still!

After the race card is stripped away, you got to the root of the problem between

the two presidents, JG55: Character. One of those old fashioned things people

seem to forget nowadays. Unfortunate that all politicians suck, isn't it?

As much as Bush did wrong, the mistake was made by the make up of the Congress

and the outside political driving forces, a lot of unfortunate laws passed and a lazy

citizen electorate.

Whatever went on between Obama and Mrs Brewer, I do believe he was displaying

less character and politeness than your example.

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Well, how is the utopian Hope and Change working out for our country. If the republican nominee doesn't live up to expectations of turning around our country, then he only gets four years. Send all the slime politicians a message of term limits based on their performance. You don't have to pass a law of term limits, the people always control the amount of time they get to stay in office. But there is one requirement of the people, and that is they cannot be apathetic of our system of government, or be brain dead.

I believe it is only the democrats that preach the Utopian idea of society, based on stealing from those that work hard to get what they have. Class warfare only divides our country instead of uniting our country. The democrats have never learned the commandment of thou shall not covet what belongs to thy neighbor, and I don't believe they ever will learn it. The democrat concept of utopia will only destroy our nation, and the last three years are a pretty good indication of that happening.

Democrats and republicans are both destroying our country. Once Obama loses in november we will start making excuses for the new president in january. I agree with you that there are a lot of hard working people in this country and they are getting gorilla f*cked by both parties.

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Guest ThePunisher
Democrats and republicans are both destroying our country. Once Obama loses in november we will start making excuses for the new president in january. I agree with you that there are a lot of hard working people in this country and they are getting gorilla f*cked by both parties.

Yeah, I'm reminded by Obama and the democrats that it is Bush's fault all the time.

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Hi Lostpass

Agreed! The tale is exponentially poignant on at least 1.414214 levels!...

Our culture is rife with quotes and anecdotes such that "even if they aren't true, they should have been" -- because they fit the verifiable profiles of the individuals so perfectly.

- OS

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