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Guest ThePunisher

" We don't allow commies in our state, so get your Marxist a.. back on that plane and take it to Chicago where all your commie friends are".

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Now remember that I'm a ignorant witch with no manners or respect for the office of the President of the United States. I always behave in this manner. Enjoy your stay.

Some folks have total respect for the OFFICE of the President of the United States and still have utter contempt for the current occupant.

The current occupant suffers from the reverse -- he's got total respect for himself and utter contempt for the Office of President of the United States.

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Now remember that I'm a ignorant witch with no manners or respect for the office of the President of the United States. I always behave in this manner. Enjoy your stay.

The office, yes. The man, hell no. It does my heart good to actually see a government leader with some guts put him in his place.

Obama is the most dangerous President in modern history, he has no respect for the Constitution and no respect for America or the American people or anyone else besides himself. Well maybe Jerimiah Wright or Bill Ayres.

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Guest bkelm18
Now remember that I'm a ignorant witch with no manners or respect for the office of the President of the United States. I always behave in this manner. Enjoy your stay.

You respect the office, not the man.

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Guest President Fernatt

"In deep Chicago, born and raised. In the office is where i spent most of my days,

chillin out maxin ralaxin all cool and organizing some protests outside of the school, wen Gov. Jan Brewer she was up 2 no good, started makin trouble in ma neiborhood,

I got in 1 lil fight and Michelle got scared. She said you're gettin on ur plane and flyin back to D.C.,

I whistled for an escort and wen it came near the license plate said Hussein and it had a Quran on the mirror, if anythin i could say that this cab was rare but I thot naww forget it, yo homes to D.C!!!!

I pulled up 2 the house bout 7 or 8 an I yelled 2 the escort yo homes smell ya later,

looked at the White House I was finally there ta sit on my throne as the prince of Amer"

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