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Woman Held Teen At Gunpoint After ‘Ring And Run’ Prank


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no body edits anymore. Who has a .9 mm pistol?

That would require the editor to know that there is no such thing as a .9. A gun is a gun is a gun....and they're all bad.

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Look here folks, this is what happens to a society that refuses to whoop your kids. Girls don't really need a spanking most of the time as the average good girl can be tore down to her feet with words. A man can usually tell his daughter how utterly ashamed he is of her and that is punishment enough, but us boys, well, we only understand when the biggest dog quits barking and starts biting.

If these were my boys, I'd wear their little butts out and then since they like ringing door bells so much, I think we'd just make a day of ringing door bells and make them go door to door to every house in the area taking up donations for St. Jude.

Hey hippies! Medicate and talk to your spawn all you like, it doesn't work half as well as a good father [notice I said GOOD father] with an iron fist.

Notice the mother quoted as saying "My son didn't do anything wrong" Well, give her three licks from a belt for even saying that.

Edited by Caster
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Whipping your kids or not has nothing to do with it, I got whipped plenty of times. I did the "ding, dong, ditch" among other things. Anyone else do the flaming bag of dog poo? :)

While I'd be pissed if some kids did it to me, as stated, kids will be kids and that lady is stupid. Hope that "former assistant DA" enjoys the a little jail time.

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Whipping your kids or not has nothing to do with it, I got whipped plenty of times. I did the "ding, dong, ditch" among other things. Anyone else do the flaming bag of dog poo? :)

While I'd be pissed if some kids did it to me, as stated, kids will be kids and that lady is stupid. Hope that "former assistant DA" enjoys the a little jail time.

Well of COURSE I did it too. AND, I my poor little butt cheeks suffered the wrath when I got caught. You say it has nothing to do with it. Well, I respectfully disagree. It's not about beating this behavior out of existence. It's about sending the message that this behavior is not to be tolerated. It falls in the give them an inch, they'll take a mile category. Would I get mad at my kid [if I had one] for this? No, not really. BUT, they must be made to understand that miscreant behavior is unacceptable. The "encouraged" prankster of today can and often DOES become tomorrows burglar, vandal, ect.

Plus, only when you reach our age does the things that you weren't supposed to do become a light from glory days long past. Otherwise, guys would have little to talk about over beer.

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The DA does need some jail time for being stupid, but the kid isn't all innocent either...nor the mother.

"He didn't do anything wrong", except be 17 and out drinking. Wonder if she bought the beer for him too? I am sure most everyone has had a few beers before they were 21, but we were also smart about it and did it at home and made sure we were in for the night.

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Well of COURSE I did it too. AND, I my poor little butt cheeks suffered the wrath when I got caught. You say it has nothing to do with it. Well, I respectfully disagree. It's not about beating this behavior out of existence. It's about sending the message that this behavior is not to be tolerated. It falls in the give them an inch, they'll take a mile category. Would I get mad at my kid [if I had one] for this? No, not really. BUT, they must be made to understand that miscreant behavior is unacceptable. The "encouraged" prankster of today can and often DOES become tomorrows burglar, vandal, ect.

Plus, only when you reach our age does the things that you weren't supposed to do become a light from glory days long past. Otherwise, guys would have little to talk about over beer.

Disciplining kids is a very fine line to walk. I have 2 boys, 4 and 1. The 4 yr old has always been quite a handful. If he's awake, he's in motion. Fairly recently (honestly, after watching one of those Nanny 911 shows) I've noticed that my attitude is reflected in him. When I've had a crappy day and my patience is worn thin, he's more difficult to deal with. If I'm relaxed and polite, so is he (most of the time). I try to keep that in mind, but it doesn't always work.

My Dad was a fairly stern disciplinarian. In that sense, Dad was more an authority figure than a friend. I've got friends that have much more "friend-like" relationships with their fathers than I do and I envy that somewhat, so I'm trying very hard to have that with my boys.

Which is a long way of saying, that hippie stuff really does work on some kids. But sometimes not.

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I got plenty of spankings.. and the only thing happend is that I resent my mom for it.. It didnt teach me anything..I dont get why people think that beating your child with a belt or spoon is the answer...and I spanked my son.. a whole whopping 2 times when he was just a tyke.. didnt do anything , but made him scared of me..Pranks dont warrant geettting beaten over it.. unless someone gets hurt..


Just because you opt not to spank your kids does not make you a Hippie.. there are plenty of other options for disciplining your child.

That lady does need to get her head examined .. or she just had a relly reaaaallly bad day..

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Personal responsibility - something most lawyers and certainly a former ADA should know all about. She must have learned firearm responsibility by watching tv and movies... where else do people shoot a round in the air to make an offender stop in their tracks?

A fool and her weapon are soon parted.

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The “cranking off a round†and the husband getting the kid out of the house makes it sound like she probably has been diagnosed with some mental problems.

I wonder if NY will try to justify keeping her out of prison when they want to send the Tennessee HCP holder for three years for mere possession.

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Disciplining kids is a very fine line to walk. I have 2 boys, 4 and 1. The 4 yr old has always been quite a handful. If he's awake, he's in motion. Fairly recently (honestly, after watching one of those Nanny 911 shows) I've noticed that my attitude is reflected in him. When I've had a crappy day and my patience is worn thin, he's more difficult to deal with. If I'm relaxed and polite, so is he (most of the time). I try to keep that in mind, but it doesn't always work.

My Dad was a fairly stern disciplinarian. In that sense, Dad was more an authority figure than a friend. I've got friends that have much more "friend-like" relationships with their fathers than I do and I envy that somewhat, so I'm trying very hard to have that with my boys.

Which is a long way of saying, that hippie stuff really does work on some kids. But sometimes not.

My dad was an authority figure, and at times, we were anything but friends. I had plenty of friends. I needed him to be what he was.

In my young 20's, I found myself working in a major city, and seeing the world for what it was. I called my parents one Sunday, and thanked them for beating my ass. I also said that the ones that didn't get that growing up, would wind up getting it from folks that didn't care about them.

Now, kids can call the law and file charges for a well deserved whipping, and the authority figures work for the TSA. The world has gone to hell.

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The DA does need some jail time for being stupid, but the kid isn't all innocent either...nor the mother.

"He didn't do anything wrong", except be 17 and out drinking. Wonder if she bought the beer for him too? I am sure most everyone has had a few beers before they were 21, but we were also smart about it and did it at home and made sure we were in for the night.

lolz...I literally had the exact same thought after reading this

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My son didn't get spankings much. But one thing he did get was the feeling that I could if it needed to be done. We were also very, very quick about nipping any bad attitudes or behaviors the second they showed themselves. We were also very involved in knowing what he was doing and who he was with at all times.

Some people would frown upon it but we installed monitors on his computer. We would watch it live and then later on use it to make it seem as though we were psychic. It was very helpful in preventing problems because we would know about any plans he had that might get him in trouble. Then we would not let him make it to to those plans. We would also walk into his room unannounced if he had any frineds over, girl or boy.


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Guest lostpass
Look here folks, this is what happens to a society that refuses to whoop your kids. Girls don't really need a spanking most of the time as the average good girl can be tore down to her feet with words. A man can usually tell his daughter how utterly ashamed he is of her and that is punishment enough, but us boys, well, we only understand when the biggest dog quits barking and starts biting.

If these were my boys, I'd wear their little butts out and then since they like ringing door bells so much, I think we'd just make a day of ringing door bells and make them go door to door to every house in the area taking up donations for St. Jude.

Hey hippies! Medicate and talk to your spawn all you like, it doesn't work half as well as a good father [notice I said GOOD father] with an iron fist.

Notice the mother quoted as saying "My son didn't do anything wrong" Well, give her three licks from a belt for even saying that.

Fer sure, if you just hit your kids hard enough they'll turn out great. I use a tazer on mine and when that doesn't work I break out the steel toed boots. Nothing like some crushed ribs for compliance. And in my house I make the rules.

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Fer sure, if you just hit your kids hard enough they'll turn out great. I use a tazer on mine and when that doesn't work I break out the steel toed boots. Nothing like some crushed ribs for compliance. And in my house I make the rules.

You're funnin' us. I'll bet you don't even spank them after youl bail them out of jail :cool:

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In my house growing up both my parents were fairly strict. They didn't want me turning out like one of "the bad kids" in the neighborhood. I knew what I did would have consequences if it were wrong and I was punished accordingly. I'd get a whooping or be grounded for a week or so pending what I did, it seemed to work out fairly well, I think I turned out alright. My sister on the other hand, 5 years younger, escaped with a lot more than I ever could. I look at her now and she finally and just barely graduated college, and has just now found a decent job that pays more than 7 an hour. I on the other hand gave my mom 1 year of college before I joined the service and that's where I've been and will be for the next 5 years at a minimum. I wanted to join right out of high school, but I think it worked out for the best.

I that year of college I also got to work with my dad at the plumbing company he works for. I had gotten my plumbing license my senior year when I worked for my uncles company. In that year of working with him he moved from being the strict dad to being more friendly in nature. He tells me all the time that he was sorry if he was ever too hard on me, I tell him if he wasn't I might not be where I am today.

Kids need a disciplinary figure in their life. I look at my daughter and I'll spend the first 16-18 years of her life teaching her how to be someone beneficial to society, not a leech and what's right and wrong. The remaining years after I've given my "lessons" we can be friend, at that point she will be an adult and can make her own decisions. I just have to work on her relationship with my wife now. I can point at her and she will stop what she's doing, my wife on the other hand....it takes her a little more effort. I don't go around spanking my daughter though, unless it's needed, most of the time I tell her how disappointed I am in her. This can relate back to an earlier post, most normal girls can be torn down with words, they don't need a spanking.

I look at my generation and am saddened, as well as generations coming after mine. Less kids are outside, doing physical stuff and more often stuck behind a computer or a gaming console. More concerned about leveling up in their game than experiencing life. Those that are outside aren't given any guidance for the most part, and I see if in my neighborhood. A little boy across the street from me was sent outside to play, he was out there by himself. I'm in a fairly new neighborhood so there isn't too many kids running around yet. Even with that I make it a point to take my daughter out a few times a week and play soccer or my favorite is watching a 3 year old trying to hit a golf ball.

Kids need guidance, not a friend, they have the rest of their life to be your friend, give them structure and a good background and they will go far.

Sorry for the ramblings, just my opinion on things. I feel strongly about the downfall of our society due to parents not being there and other varying factors. I could go on for days about "kids these days", maybe I was born in the wrong period of time.

Edited by gunrunner32
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