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Anti-gun protest at Starbucks on Valentine's Day

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  Patton said:
Makes me want to pass out flyers in the hood about the sheep that will be standing outside starbucks that day.
Disregard I remembered it's a boycott.
Guest lostpass
  strickj said:
They do not care if people OC in their stores. They do not care about one scared customer. All they care about is money from the masses.

That pretty much nails it. This boycott or buycott won't change the corporate policy one way or another.

Anyone know the difference between anti gun and pro gun money? Neither do I. Why be more restrictive than local laws? It doesn't make any sense at all. If the people around the area wanted onerous gun restrictions they'd have them.

I went the extra mile and contacted the organizers of this thing and suggested that if they really wanted to make the boycott sting they would avoid shopping at gun shops for a year. Imagine all those poor mom and pop gun store owners having to muddle through without gun haters buying guns for a year.


I will go, I will spend some money, I will not hurt anyone. I doubt I will speak to anyone or thank anyone, but personally, I would just be happy to know that there will be enough of a surge in sales that day to negate (if not reverse) the plans of this super-minority group. What would that take, probably $10 in sales per store?

Not really all too excited about excessively rewarding a company for adopting the stance of following their local laws. But, I do respect that they are not caving to pressure, especially considering what Starbucks' main demographic started as.


Guest mikedwood
Posted (edited)

Perfect! We were going anyway. It will be great cause me and my wifes 1st date started at Starbucks. Will be so cool not having the hippies lounging around on their stupid Macs (If you use a Mac and love it great. I'm currently torqed at Ipads and Iphones due to having to specialize a website for them since they don't handle Flash) None the less we will be there and I'll be carrying.

Oh just way off topic but funny. When we met at Starbucks on the 1st date I ordered her a Vanilla Strawberry frozen smoothie thing. She was flying high and thought it was love, turns out the drink had 1,200 calories and like 84 carbs, hehehehehehe.

Edited by mikedwood

I don't know if any organizations in TN are protesting, but I found this article about some organizations across the country protesting Starbuck's (wonderful) policy on carrying in their establishments. Here's the link...

Call for Boycott of Starbucks on Valentine's Day Over Gun Policy

If you get a chance, and don't mind the prices, please grab a cup of coffee or something on Valentine's Day! Please support this company that supports our 2nd Amendment rights.

I'm going to bump this closer to Valentine's Day so the maximum amount of people know!


Like anyone will be there....... The women will be busy emotionally blackmailing the men and the men well we will be busy trying to figure out women.... as usual!

Guest kirkosaurus
  TGO David said:
I think the OC part of this is an idiotic idea and will just play into the hands of those who are trying to get Starbucks to change their stance on the matter. Discretion is the better part of valor. I don't expect you to completely understand that at 24 years of age, but I would hope that you'd at least consider the advice of people who have been on this earth almost twice as long as you and understand that sometimes our "opinions" on things like OC and the negative impact it actually has on people come from experience.

Well, I'm almost twice his age and I'll be OC'ing at my local Starbucks in Smyrna or Murfreesboro just like I do at Publix, Kroger, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Advance Auto, various restaurants and many other places I go and never have an issue. I don't see too many "hippies" around here and doubt all the pants wetting liberals in this city hang out at Starbucks. I don't see how being polite, looking normal and going about your normal business buying coffee while open carrying is "idiotic" at all. The only people that make a negative impact are the stupid mall ninja in-your-face type.

  kirkosaurus said:
Well, I'm almost twice his age and I'll be OC'ing at my local Starbucks in Smyrna or Murfreesboro just like I do at Publix, Kroger, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Advance Auto, various restaurants and many other places I go and never have an issue. I don't see too many "hippies" around here and doubt all the pants wetting liberals in this city hang out at Starbucks. I don't see how being polite, looking normal and going about your normal business buying coffee while open carrying is "idiotic" at all. The only people that make a negative impact are the stupid mall ninja in-your-face type.

Hey, just don't be Voldemort.

For all they know, you're a cop/detective in plain clothes.

You'd be surprised what you can do walking purposefully while carrying a clipboard. . . .


Just because you don't agree with OC doesn't mean it's wrong. I think the OC crap is way overboard. When people do it no one seems to care or we get compliments.

Only people who seem to have a problem with it are gun owners who don't agree with it.

  • Administrator
  hornett22 said:
Just because you don't agree with OC doesn't mean it's wrong. I think the OC crap is way overboard. When people do it no one seems to care or we get compliments.

Only people who seem to have a problem with it are gun owners who don't agree with it.

No, the people who have a problem with it are the bed wetting activist types who have nothing better to do than wage massive letter-writing campaigns, pester their equally liberal elected representatives, and generally make life miserable for the minority of gun owners who care about the right to carry. You do realize that the majority of people who own firearms don't have a handgun carry permit or even care an iota about carry, right? TGO's membership is an anomaly just like most Internet forums because here members care about it.

I believe it's well within your right to carry openly and I think it's great that you have the choice to do so. I'm opposed to anyone taking choices and therefore freedoms away from the American people. But I also believe that it is pretty obvious that a person should use a little discernment when making a choice and that open carry has so many disadvantages that it's really not worth it.

If you're trying to make a "We shall not go silently into the night!" sort of political statement with your sidearm, refusing to conceal it just because you don't have to, more power to you. That's your right. Just don't expect me to be excited about it. That's my prerogative and my choice.

Guest NYCrulesU
  kirkosaurus said:
Well, I'm almost twice his age and I'll be OC'ing at my local Starbucks in Smyrna or Murfreesboro just like I do at Publix, Kroger, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Advance Auto, various restaurants and many other places I go and never have an issue. I don't see too many "hippies" around here and doubt all the pants wetting liberals in this city hang out at Starbucks. I don't see how being polite, looking normal and going about your normal business buying coffee while open carrying is "idiotic" at all. The only people that make a negative impact are the stupid mall ninja in-your-face type.

I agree 100%. I OC & CC. It's about 80/20. Church, CC. Someones home that I'm not quite sure of their views, CC. Anywhere else around town...out to eat, store, gas, OC.

I get looks from time to time. But I get the same looks without a gun...I'm covered in tattoos and piercings. I OC for comfort and because I choose to. No political statement. No agenda.

The "problem" OC'ers are the Leonard Embody types. The ones that want to agitate LE while claiming they are "helping the cause" or "flexing their rights". I've seen more than enough Youtube vids of these idiots purposely carrying AR's down the street while videoing themselves just waiting for a LE confrontation...then spewing on about their Constitutional rights....blah, blah etc.

If you want to OC, and I do, just put your holster on, put your handgun in your holster...and go about your daily business as usual. Nothing wrong with it. It becomes an issue to me...when people set out to make "statements" and have their 30 seconds of Youtube fame.

It's my opinion that there are 3 2a camps.

The CC'ers

The OC'ers that are just as mature and reaponsible as their CC counterparts.

And the OC douchbags, that live in moms basement playing MW3 day and night, that have nothing better to do than stir up trouble and cry foul when their guns and permits are taken away.

Again...just my opinion.


I have around 15 guys and gals at work who are going to Starbucks on the 14th. You'uns need to do the same. This could be a big day for Starbucks. Ask for a "Double capacino latte grande with a half twist."


I don't understand why some of the OCers are getting all butthurt just because not everyone thinks OCing is a good idea. No one is trying to take the right away from you, there are just some who have different opinions about it. Geez.

  NYCrulesU said:
I agree 100%. I OC & CC. It's about 80/20. Church, CC. Someones home that I'm not quite sure of their views, CC. Anywhere else around town...out to eat, store, gas, OC.

I get looks from time to time. But I get the same looks without a gun...I'm covered in tattoos and piercings. I OC for comfort and because I choose to. No political statement. No agenda.

The "problem" OC'ers are the Leonard Embody types. The ones that want to agitate LE while claiming they are "helping the cause" or "flexing their rights". I've seen more than enough Youtube vids of these idiots purposely carrying AR's down the street while videoing themselves just waiting for a LE confrontation...then spewing on about their Constitutional rights....blah, blah etc.

If you want to OC, and I do, just put your holster on, put your handgun in your holster...and go about your daily business as usual. Nothing wrong with it. It becomes an issue to me...when people set out to make "statements" and have their 30 seconds of Youtube fame.

It's my opinion that there are 3 2a camps.

The CC'ers

The OC'ers that are just as mature and reaponsible as their CC counterparts.

And the OC douchbags, that live in moms basement playing MW3 day and night, that have nothing better to do than stir up trouble and cry foul when their guns and permits are taken away.

Again...just my opinion.

Well among the CCers there are those that fully support OC even though they may not do it. :screwy:

  Fallguy said:
Well among the CCers there are those that fully support OC even though they may not do it. :screwy:

I'm starting to lean that way. For somebody like Kirk, that always open carries, I sure don't think he should conceal just when he goes in the Starbucks on protest day. He obviously handles it well, or we would have seen him in the news.

  • Administrator
  mikegideon said:
I'm starting to lean that way. For somebody like Kirk, that always open carries, I sure don't think he should conceal just when he goes in the Starbucks on protest day. He obviously handles it well, or we would have seen him in the news.

I've met Kirk. He's a clean cut individual who probably strikes people as being "someone who should be carrying a gun". Like it or not, everyone profiles. Everyone makes on-the-fly judgments about others based on the way they look, the things they do and the things they say. A person dressed smartly, business casual, with a tucked in shirt and a firearm in a nice belt holster is likely to be brushed off as someone who they perceive as being required to carry a firearm and not a threat to them. Unfortunately that could also backfire, but I'm not going to debate that again.

A person covered in tattoos, wearing urban-style clothing, baggy pants, untucked t-shirt, etc. and a gun on their hip is probably going to receive a lot of scrutiny from their fellow citizen as well as the police. They won't strike most folks as being "someone who should be carrying a gun" because there are certain assumptions made about them based on appearances alone.

Is this fair? Not especially. Is it a fact of life? You bet.

  • Moderators
  TGO David said:

A person covered in tattoos, wearing urban-style clothing, baggy pants, untucked t-shirt, etc. and a gun on their hip is probably going to receive a lot of scrutiny from their fellow citizen as well as the police. They won't strike most folks as being "someone who should be carrying a gun" because there are certain assumptions made about them based on appearances alone.

Is this fair? Not especially. Is it a fact of life? You bet.

My clothes are tighter fitting and lean more towards rock t's than urban, but yeah, that's me. I mention that only to say that in my experience (purely anecdotal, I know) I haven't received any more noticeable attention from others when I have OC'd. I don't do it often, but when I do, I am reminded that most people are pretty unobservant.

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