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Romney getting the Black vote.........

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Guest FroggyOne2

Yeah, but other sources are saying that the glove man is slipping a lil to the lizzard.. we'll have to wait and see how it goes with sanity and his new ad campain.

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I knew that would ruffle some feathers.

I really don't think that 47% of both white and blacks not paying taxes and getting entitlements are going to vote their sugar daddy out. And, based on the last election - 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. As in past years, black women turned out at a higher rate than black men.Exit polls: How Obama won - David Paul Kuhn - POLITICO.com

The mass rush by blacks to the polls was the single biggest reason that Obama carried the traditional must win states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and broke the GOP presidential grip on North Carolina and Virginia. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: The Black Vote is Still President Obama's Trump Card, But Only if the Numbers Are There

This says that they don't like Romy either - Hell Would Freeze Over Before Black Christians Vote for Mitt Romney - BCNN1

The rest didn't come in a dream but in my observations and discussion with friends, blacks included. I know several that are voting for BHO on race and party alone. Show me where Romy is more likely to be voted for by blacks than BHO, those that won't be holding their nose and I'll reconsider my thoughts.

Edited by kieefer
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Why would blacks vote for Romney when his religion degrades blacks and only allowed blacks to serve in a position of leadership beginning in the 70s. If I'm not mistaken most people who desire to receive welfare were already on it before the lame king took office.

BHO and the Dems take advantage of minorities and the poor just like the GOP takes advantage of poor and uneducated whites. They could switch constituents and the game would be the same.

Some of you had better stop thinking that you matter to any of them.

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At least you didn't say you weren't going to vote for a guy whose name rhymes with :D. :)

I have a little more couth than that. :)

Also have issues with guys named after amphibians or have two first names, the former for damn good reason, the latter, well that's just me.

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Welfare rolls up in '09; more enroll in assistance programs - USATODAY.com

Welfare rolls rose in 2009 for the first time in 15 years, but the 5% increase was dwarfed by spikes in the number of people receiving food stamps and unemployment insurance.

Numbers On Welfare See Sharp Increase - WSJ.com

Welfare rolls, which were slow to rise and actually fell in many states early in the recession, now are climbing across the country for the first time since President Bill Clinton signed legislation pledging "to end welfare as we know it" more than a decade ago.

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I have a little more couth than that. :stick:

Also have issues with guys named after amphibians...

Pretty good :), but let's be fair: he was named Newton, after his biological father. His parents' marriage lasted only a matter of days, but plenty of time the nasty to work.

And hey, without one important previous Newton, we would just float around because we wouldn't have gravity!

- OS

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While we're throwing numbers around, let's do a little word problem that doesn't involve cherry picking. When wages remain flat, as they have for the last 10 years, and the cost of living continues to increase, more people will slip below the poverty line. This will happen no matter what. This is simple arithmetic, and has nothing to do with any political philosophies.

Who's plan will fix it? Probably nobody's. Who is to blame? Most of them.

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While we're throwing numbers around, let's do a little word problem that doesn't involve cherry picking. When wages remain flat, as they have for the last 10 years, and the cost of living continues to increase, more people will slip below the poverty line. This will happen no matter what. This is simple arithmetic, and has nothing to do with any political philosophies.

Who's plan will fix it? Probably nobody's. Who is to blame? Most of them.


If you apply logic to these issues you can't point your finger at people that you don't like and blame them for every social ill in the country.

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Pretty good :D, but let's be fair: he was named Newton, after his biological father. His parents' marriage lasted only a matter of days, but plenty of time the nasty to work.

And hey, without one important previous Newton, we would just float around because we wouldn't have gravity!

- OS

And don't forget the one with the figs.

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