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Tennessee lawmakers say no to later school start date

Guest aBRG2far

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Guest aBRG2far

Tennessee lawmakers say no to later school start date


KNOXVILLE, Tenn (WVLT) -- Tennessee students won't get more time in the summer sun, because Tennessee legislators voted against setting a later school start date today.

The 4-5 vote disappointed a group of Knoxville parents who have spent months trying to convince legislators to pass the bill.

Parent's aren't giving up just yet, and they say say this could help their cause.

Today's vote in State House K-12 Subcommittee would not have made the bill law, but it would have kept that a possibility.

The bill would stop Tennessee schools from starting classes before Aug. 15. Right now, Knox County schools are set to begin Aug. 11.

Representative Harry Brooks was the first to vote no. He's from Knoxville, and says he didn't want to take away local control of the school calendar.

The Knoxville parents are part of the larger statewide Save Tennessee Summers effort.

At first, the group pushed a bill that created a post-Labor Day start date, but they compromised on a suggested Aug. 15 date.

Parents say starting earlier and earlier in the August heat is unbearable for their kids.

Some parents call this "no" vote an opportunity, saying they didn't have enough votes to get the bill passed in the full committee. Now, they have time to build support for the next go-around.

Kathryn Eggleston is with Save Tennessee Summers, and says "I think it'll help come August when school starts and everybody remembers why it's not very fun to start in the heat of summer, or very cost efficient. I think people will realize their representatives voted no and maybe this will bring us more support and get us a whole other group of people."

The next legislative session starts next January.

The bill would not have affected year-round schools.

There's a similar bill now in the State Senate.

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So if they start later doesn't that mean the kids would have to go longer? So how exactly is that "saving the summer?" Not to mention, kids lose a lot of what they learn over the summer. Teachers spend the first few weeks going over remedial things from the last school year to make sure the kids are ready. Personally, I would like to see the school year be all year long like they do in other countries just have more shorter breaks.

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Parents say starting earlier and earlier in the August heat is unbearable for their kids.

Don't schools all have air conditioning for the most part?

Unbearable? Freakin kills me. Poor babies, I don't even know where to start with this.

Save Tennessee Summers

get rid of the fall and spring break and the kids could basically have all of June, July, and August off. But for sure that would get the mommies all mad that their little darlings don't get breaks. No wonder kids are turning into lazy slobs.

Sorry rant off

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest TNDixieGirl

When I was in school, every single school year started the day after Labor Day, and ended the last week in May. Period. We didn't have a week off every other month during the freakin' year. I say put it back the way it was. My son's school year started on August 2 this year and that's pure BS!

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Here is the current law on a school term 49-6-3004 There has to be at least 200 days of school. 180 classroom days, 10 days of paid vacation (200 day term) or 11 paid days ( if 221 day term) or 12 paid days (if 240 day term), 5 days of in-service, 1 day for a Parent-Teacher conference and 4 days at the discretion of the local Board of Ed.

It would seem the real reason that most school systems have to start so soon is because of all the breaks, administrative days, etc... through out the year. Cut a few of them and you could start a week or two later at least.

Here are a a couple of other "laws" I found that I wonder if they are followed. I will be asking my kids when they get home this afternoon.

49-6-1001 Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

49-6-1004 Period of silence or prayer.

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Here is the current law on a school term 49-6-3004 There has to be at least 200 days of school. 180 classroom days, 10 days of paid vacation (200 day term) or 11 paid days ( if 221 day term) or 12 paid days (if 240 day term), 5 days of in-service, 1 day for a Parent-Teacher conference and 4 days at the discretion of the local Board of Ed.

It would seem the real reason that most school systems have to start so soon is because of all the breaks, administrative days, etc... through out the year. Cut a few of them and you could start a week or two later at least.

Here are a a couple of other "laws" I found that I wonder if they are followed. I will be asking my kids when they get home this afternoon.

49-6-1001 Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

49-6-1004 Period of silence or prayer.

I don't recall ever doing this

Each board of education shall require the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in each classroom in the school system in which a flag is displayed. Each LEA is encouraged to have a flag in each classroom and patriotic, fraternal, and other organizations or individuals are encouraged to donate flags to schools to enable them to have the flag of the United States of America present in each classroom. Each board of education shall determine the appropriate time during the school day for the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. At the time designated for the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, students shall stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance while facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts or in an appropriate salute if in uniform; provided, however, that no student shall be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance if the student or the student's parent or legal guardian objects on religious, philosophical or other grounds to the student participating in such exercise. Students who are thus exempt from reciting the pledge of allegiance shall remain quietly standing or sitting at their desks while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance and shall make no display that disrupts or distracts others who are reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Teachers or other school staff who have religious, philosophical, or other grounds for objecting are likewise exempt from leading or participating in the exercise. If a teacher chooses not to lead the Pledge, another suitable person shall be designated either by the teacher or principal to lead the class. Each board of education shall provide appropriate accommodations for students, teachers or other staff who are unable to comply with the procedures described herein due to disability.
during high school.
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Guest TNDixieGirl

My sons high school recites the pledge every morning right after the daily announcements are given. I did it through all 12 years of school as well.

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Guest rj8806

Forgive me if this comes out wrong but the school system here is a joke. The main(and only) reason we left Florida in 2004 was to put my children in a "better" school system than the Florida system. As it turns out, the system here is terrible. I have never seen so many days off in a school year. It seems like every other week, they have at least 1 day off for something. They have fall break, christmas break, spring break, days off for teachers, presidents, the leaves turning colors and hey, look the sun came out today, lets have a day off.:P It's freakin ridiculous. Had I known this beforehand, I would have never left Florida. Please don't get me wrong, I like Tennessee, just not the school systems. My son's teachers would rather flunk him then give him help. The principal would rather be out playing golf trying to make super intendent than be in school trying to rectify the issues at hand.

We are actively planning our return home to Florida. Hopefully, befroe the end of summer.

rant off.....


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Guest TNDixieGirl

I don't care for the school calendar/schedule anymore, but I'm proud to say my son is in one of the better school systems in the state. They don't allow "thug" clothing or "ho" attire, they still believe in discipline and actually enforce it, they still recite the pledge and they have some of the best teachers/administration I've ever seen in a public school system. And the curriculum outline can't be beat. Next year, my son will be taking advanced courses that will actually earn him college credits. We will pay extra for those courses, but I'm so glad they even offer them.

I feel lucky compared to some of the schools in the area/state. We moved out of Memphis specifically to get away from the school system. There are plenty of other reasons, but that was at the top of our list once he was born.

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Parents say starting earlier and earlier in the August heat is unbearable for their kids.

Umm....But its ok for them to play video games in the unbearable heat in August :doh:I say stick there little butts in school year round.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

Yeah, that'd be real fun to try and plan summer vacations around. Let the kids miss 2 weeks of school cause I'd like to go to the beach for vacation. No biggie.

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Guest tadams

Since moving down here to Tullahomer, I have witnessed this "Year-round" schoolin' philosophee. I must say that I'm not impressed. I don't know how on earth the parents can even keep up with it.

As if the odd day off, once in a while thing, wasn't confusing enough... Now they'll go to school one day a week, then off for the other 4. The following week, they'll just start back on a Wednesday??? I don't have any yard apes, but only live on a street that a school is on and, thus, see them and the 'rentals during the few "in session" days.

I didn't have any real summers once I was in high school... but the memories until then are wonderful. Many of those summers helped me shape my character and much more of who I am. Summer events really meant a lot to me, as a boy. They really mean even more to me, now.

How do these kids fit in things like camps, baseball, and cloud staring? I can't imagine how the BSA could run a summer, if all the boys were on this crazy school schedule. It would be a disaster.


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Guest titanwolf
Don't schools all have air conditioning for the most part?

Unbearable? Freakin kills me. Poor babies, I don't even know where to start with this.

get rid of the fall and spring break and the kids could basically have all of June, July, and August off. But for sure that would get the mommies all mad that their little darlings don't get breaks. No wonder kids are turning into lazy slobs.

Sorry rant off

They mave have A/C but they may not work. I remember not having A/C at times and it was miserable. Not to mention the school buses which do not have A/C.

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Yeah, that'd be real fun to try and plan summer vacations around. Let the kids miss 2 weeks of school cause I'd like to go to the beach for vacation. No biggie.

Actually, many foreign countries have school year round. You get vacations more frequently.

I am not in favor of a day here and a week there but Monday through Friday 8 to 3 every week. Then you don't have a bunch of miscreants running around causing trouble for 4 months of the year.

Sure, I enjoyed my summer breaks too but I also could have stood to be in class more.

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I happen to like the modified school calendar used in Wilson County. Nine weeks on and two weeks off. Summer break will be 8 weeks. Gives us a chance to take spring or fall vacations without taking our son out of school. This fall we are planning a trip to Disney World with both the kids. I don't mind the short summer break.

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Guest TNDixieGirl
Actually, many foreign countries have school year round. You get vacations more frequently.

I am not in favor of a day here and a week there but Monday through Friday 8 to 3 every week. Then you don't have a bunch of miscreants running around causing trouble for 4 months of the year.

Sure, I enjoyed my summer breaks too but I also could have stood to be in class more.

Which is one more good reason why I don't live in a foreign country.

I'm sorry, but I don't have a miscreant running around all summer. My child works all summer to pay for things like car insurance and maybe a few extras he'd like to have. And even when he didn't work, he wasn't on a mission to go looking for trouble.

And on that note, my 3 sisters nor myself were miscreants running around all summer. We had enjoyable family vacations and trips that our parents took us on. And the rest of the time we enjoyed whatever other activities we could do, or maybe just hanging out with friends or the grandparents.

4 months? Who ever got 4 month long summers?

So because YOU needed more class time, and must have been a miscreant since thats apparently how you view all school children, all the future generations after you should be banned to school 12 months a year? Oh please.

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Actually, Dixie, I don't have miscreants (my children are active but then again they are 3.5 and 2 so it is expected) and I don't view all children as miscreants I am mainly speaking about the population of children that get in to trouble because there is nothing to do. I can recall many summer days being bored to death because there are only so many times you can go to the pool not to mention there are friends that you have in school that you don't get to see over the summer because they don't live near you.

Most schools let out in early May (due to the lack of A/C that our wheel tax was supposed to provide) and don't go back until mid August. So I guess the actual amount of time is 3 months. We also didn't get near the number of "breaks" that kids get these days. I don't recall a fall break, a 3 day Thanksgiving break, Christmas break has gotten longer.

Many parents suffer hardships because they have to find some one to watch their children during the summer months. Parents don't get 3 months off from work when their kids are at home. Sure there are summer programs but these come at a cost.

Most schools spend the first week or two getting students back in to the study mode. This leaves less time to actually teach new things.

Sorry if I offended you, I am sure your son works hard as did I once I was finally old enough to get a job, but crime does increase during the summer because many children are left with out supervision.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

You didn't offend me at all. I enjoy discussion with different viewpoints. I just don't agree with your logic. Not saying it's right or wrong, I just don't agree. And thats perfectly fine.

When I went to school, we ended last week of May (always) and started up again the day after Labor Day (always). Two weeks for Christmas break (always). There was no deviation from that schedule except for the typical national holidays, that were being observed back then.

As it stands now, mine still gets out at the end of May, but now begins again at the beginning of August. Absolute BS, in my opinion. And they do it so they can add in all those ignorant days here and there throughout the year.

We didn't have all the nonsense breaks they have now. And I think those stupid breaks disrupts the childs line of study worse than 3 months off. So what they have to have a week's refresher each year. When I take a week off work I feel like I need a refresher to get back in the groove.

Kids that are intent to commit crimes do it all year long. They don't wait for summer break. Sure I had days when I was bored, but did I, or you for that matter, go committing crimes to amuse ourselves?

Is it the school's job to babysit our kids during the summer so they stay out of trouble? Do you think this year round school will be provided free with no extra taxes to push on us? The cost of everything related would rise, and at what benefit? So people don't have to find childcare? Again, not the government's problem.

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I agree it is not the governments job to baby sit our kids. We will have to agree to disagree on this topic as I think year round schooling is a good idea. My kids are home schooled anyway (mommy is a great teacher) and they will be doing school work year round. At least until they hit high school then we will see what they want to do.

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The kids that suffer with the early start date for school are the ones outside practicing football and the ones in the bands. For some reason the TSSAA wants to start football season way too early, so the kids have to begin practice during the "dog days" of summer. We lost a kid here in Gibson County last year during practice and several other kids have also died in the last few years. I don't know whether or not global warming has anything to do with the extreme high temperatures we have been having, but I've worked in them and you really have to watch yourself. I can't imagine being in shoulder pads and helmets during the heat. I agree with a lot of you that cutting out a lot of the breaks in the school year would let school start a little later and would save money on utility bills and could save lives. Now to get the TSSAA to push their playoff and championship games back a few weeks is another question.

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Yes, going to a football game in August is NUTS. The season should start at the end of September and go through to Thanksgiving.

But since I graduated they have totally changed the divisions. My high school doesn't even play half the teams they used to and there are more schools in the area now.

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They mave have A/C but they may not work. I remember not having A/C at times and it was miserable. Not to mention the school buses which do not have A/C.

This is a very good example of political BS!Your right about the school busses not having a/c,but here just a short few years ago there was an out cry here in Chattanooga,and other places I'm sure,about the vehicles the Humane Society were using not having a/c.So they ended up spending thousands of dollars to put a/c in the back of these trucks.

It burns me up(pun intended:D)to see a school bus with the windows down,but at least the animals are not suffering :)

Edited by strickj
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