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Someone good is running against Corker!

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I honestly wish I had a solution, but thanks for proving my point.

Voting for the lesser of two evils really worked in the last presidential election, didn't it?

Really not wanting to argue here, but how did THAT prove your point? Too many people did NOT vote for the lesser of the two evils in that election. I know way too many people who disliked McCain as much or more than I, and refused to vote for him. In situations like that and what we face next time, THAT will get the Obamas elected. Now in Primaries, I agree with voting your heart, but I fail to see how taking a vote away from the GOP nominee will do anything other than aid the the other side. Again, I point to the last time an Independent had a huge following. Look what happened then. Were we better off having Clinton for 8 years or is it just possible that 4 more years of George Bush the 1st might have been preferable?

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I honestly wish I had a solution, but thanks for proving my point.

Voting for the lesser of two evils really worked in the last presidential election, didn't it?

Actually too many voters stayed at home, while the machine got a lot of one time voters to help

elect a communist dictator in a masquerade.

Someone said it here, a while back. We haven't had too many good candidates for years. It really is time

to flush the elites from the Republican Party.

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Hey gang, so if you didn't know already Corker's seat is up for reelection this fall. I don't know about you, but I do not like corker. He is simply another slimy politician who is not a true conservative. So I want to introduce Brenda Lenard as the person we should have as our next Senator from TN.

Brenda Lenard For US Senate 2012 | Facebook

The only thing stopping us from having Brenda represent us is US not telling our neighbors about her and why Corker sucks. I personally sat down with her for 2 1/2 hours the other night to talk about shooting videos for her campaign and felt like I was talking to myself. A real person who simply wants very little government in all aspects of our lives.

Thanks, ;)

Brenda Lenard for US Senate 2012 | Why Brenda she will be one to watch along with Issues | Zach Poskevich | U.S. Senate 2012

Corker has been in there long enough, if they don't impose term limits we should.

It all begins with local elections if you want to change the direction of government.

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The solution is to only vote for people who will protect your freedoms, not by judging who is electable.

Sometimes you have to make judgment calls on which is workable and which is not. Your solution is a noble one,

but you need to convey your convictions and principles and see where they match others, form coalitions and

parties to make your convictions and principles work with others. Individuals have to communicate with others

and learn what works and make it happen. Not that simple. Taking the arrogance out of the internet and allow

it's use as a medium can go a long way towards that.

When more people apply reason and logic to their views about a particular topic, it's funny how more people

tend to agree. I know I have changed my mind several times on a few topics around here. I value the medium.

When I disagree with someone on a topic, I try to pose my response as a question, rather than belittle someone

else's view, because it stimulates debate and makes they and I think about it more. But there are those that don't

get the hint.

Now, back on topic!

Whoever the gal is, the fact that she announced is a good sign. Now I want to know more about her because

she might turn out to be that candidate we could use. Economics is a large part of the equation for her. She

will need to gain traction to get contributors to her campaign. If her message is good, I wish her well and will

support her, myself.

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Really not wanting to argue here, but how did THAT prove your point? Too many people did NOT vote for the lesser of the two evils in that election. I know way too many people who disliked McCain as much or more than I, and refused to vote for him. In situations like that and what we face next time, THAT will get the Obamas elected. Now in Primaries, I agree with voting your heart, but I fail to see how taking a vote away from the GOP nominee will do anything other than aid the the other side. Again, I point to the last time an Independent had a huge following. Look what happened then. Were we better off having Clinton for 8 years or is it just possible that 4 more years of George Bush the 1st might have been preferable?

You're proving me right because voting for the GOP nominee because a third party candidate is "unelectable" simply perpetuates the broken system we currently have. None of the current GOP candidates are any better than what we currently have in the WH.

So, in my view, until we somehow break the stranglehold the two party system has on national politics, we're going to keep getting what we've always gotten.

I'm through voting for the lesser of two evils. From now on I'm voting my conscience.

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You're proving me right because voting for the GOP nominee because a third party candidate is "unelectable" simply perpetuates the broken system we currently have. None of the current GOP candidates are any better than what we currently have in the WH.

So, in my view, until we somehow break the stranglehold the two party system has on national politics, we're going to keep getting what we've always gotten.

I'm through voting for the lesser of two evils. From now on I'm voting my conscience.

The thread is about a new face at the local level, I believe that's where we need to start.

Yes the system is broken but one person and another party is not going to make a difference, it just divides votes.

We have to fill the house and senate with like minded people, build a majority and run the current establishment out of office.

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The thread is about a new face at the local level, I believe that's where we need to start.

Yes the system is broken but one person and another party is not going to make a difference, it just divides votes.

We have to fill the house and senate with like minded people, build a majority and run the current establishment out of office.

Let me know when we actually get some like minded people running for office. I have yet to see it.

They are all the same to me. Marsha Blackburn proved this to me recently. When I voted for her, I was stupid enough to believe that she was different.

Edited by DaddyO
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Let me know when we actually get some like minded people running for office. I have yet to see it.

They are all the same to me. Marsha Blackburn proved this to me recently. When I voted for her, I was stupid enough to believe that she was different.

Were you voting with your conscience then or for the lesser of two evils?

Her votes may not satisfy you completely but she's better than having a leftist idiot in her place.

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Were you voting with your conscience then or for the lesser of two evils?

Her votes may not satisfy you completely but she's better than having a leftist idiot in her place.

Let's see.... a leftist idiot or a neocon idiot..... neither of whom give a rat's hiney about the Constitution.....hmmmmmmmm

Can I flip a coin?

Edited by DaddyO
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For all those who hate the choices you have when you enter the voting booth...get out there and run for office yourself. Short of doing that you will NEVER find a candidate who votes on issues the way YOU do/would.

I don't mean to sound mean but I've been hearing this crap for 40 years...people keep complaining about their "choices" of candidate but they seem to think super statesmen are just supposed to drop down from heaven or something...if you want better choices, go out and find someone and convince them to run or run for office yourself...if you aren't willing to do either then you only going to have what you've been having no matter how much you bellyache about it.

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For all those who hate the choices you have when you enter the voting booth...get out there and run for office yourself. Short of doing that you will NEVER find a candidate who votes on issues the way YOU do/would.

I don't mean to sound mean but I've been hearing this crap for 40 years...people keep complaining about their "choices" of candidate but they seem to think super statesmen are just supposed to drop down from heaven or something...if you want better choices, go out and find someone and convince them to run or run for office yourself...if you aren't willing to do either then you only going to have what you've been having no matter how much you bellyache about it.

Robert makes an excellent point here. The fact is that there are no "perfect" candidates. You have to take them for what they are, ...."warts and all"... and, just like you and me, there are plenty of "warts". My gripe, like most of yours, are the senatorial seats. There are those here who dont like bob corker, most all here dont like lamar. At least, corker has held a real job and is a capitalist. I dont agree with all of corker's positions; but at least he is a capitalist, and, i think, a "real person".

You can bet that lamar aint a capitalist (...he's crony capitalist...) or a "real person". Lamar is a man who actually believes he is the "best and brightest"; just like that famous senator from Carthage, Albert Gore, Sr. (...read his story sometime, he was dethroned over the infamous gun control act of 1968 vote -- he voted for it....). It appears to me that those of you who want someone thrown out of office ought to spend that energy against lamar. He is a dangerous man. Lamar is much more likely to sell you out for political gain than corker (...in my opinion, anyway...).

I've been watchin him for a long time, from the governorship on. Lamar brought "scorched earth" politics to Tennessee. He used every tool at his disposal to destroy his opponents. I dont think that corker would ever do that. Havin posted this little tirade; i dont think that lamar can be beaten when he runs. He is simply too slick a polititian with too great a coalition of diverse well-healed suporters. That's how he can take some of the positions that he does (...and be "independent" as he puts it...) and stay in office. He has made the calculation that he can do whatever he chooses to do and no one group has the horsepower to dethrone him. The only way we can get rid of him is retirement (...unless he does something really heinous, like ole Al Sr. did.; which i think he is too smart to do...). We may get some relief from lamar when Bill (...the Snozz...) Haslam finishes up his second term as governor.

That's how i see things lookin out the picture window at the little "blue snow" here on the hillside in east tennessee. Just remember this, it can be worse. You could have Harold Ford Jr. as a senator instead of Bob Corker. Everyone with any sense ought to be thankful for that. I say, thank you Bob!!!


Edited by leroy
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Thats great...but what are YOU going to do about it so you don't have to settle? :hat:
Well, I'm not gonna run for office. I simply am not going to open myself or my family up to that kind of scrutiny. Short of that, I can try to persuade people and make what I consider the best use of my vote at the ballot.

That's really all I know to do.

And, because I DO vote, I have the right to bellyache if I want. :)

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.... I can try to persuade people and make what I consider the best use of my vote at the ballot.

That's really all I know to do.

And, because I DO vote, I have the right to bellyache if I want..... :hat:

Agreed. The important thing is that you vote. If ya stay home and say "....they all aint worth a damn....[...and many arent!!...]; you get folks like Nobama....). The reason that Nobama is president today is that most republicans simply couldn't stomach McCain.

Keep up the good work.


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Fight organized crime! If they aren't crooks when they go into office, they are at the end of their first term.

Senators live like princes. The money and power are intoxicating, and most of them will do anything to stay in office. They don't even live under the laws they create for us commoners.

Limiting them to one term is good for them and us. Do the right thing!

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As much as that sounds right, sometimes I would rather re-elect some, rather than the alternative.

We must keep our representatives feet to the fire somehow. One way is to repeal that Amendment

that took away the state's role in deciding US Senators. Somewhere around there was a great


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Well, 6.8 AR, your statement begs the question, how do you put a Senator's, like Corker, feet to the fire? He has a huge amount of money, his estimated net worth is over $50 Million, one of the top 10 richest U.S. Senators, and its ever increasing, plus a huge "war chest" for re-election. How does one garner impact on a person who has the wealth to negate impact?

Actually, it begs the question, how could he even relate to the "common man?"

It really does seem to be a situation of the "haves vs. the have nots." No large amount of personal income? No large amount of contributed $ to get you elected? No chance at becoming a U.S. Senator.

Bob Corker, R-Tenn.*Pictures - CBS News

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Well, 6.8 AR, your statement begs the question, how do you put a Senator's, like Corker, feet to the fire? He has a huge amount of money, his estimated net worth is over $50 Million, one of the top 10 richest U.S. Senators, and its ever increasing, plus a huge "war chest" for re-election. How does one garner impact on a person who has the wealth to negate impact?

Actually, it begs the question, how could he even relate to the "common man?"

It really does seem to be a situation of the "haves vs. the have nots." No large amount of personal income? No large amount of contributed $ to get you elected? No chance at becoming a U.S. Senator.

Bob Corker, R-Tenn.*Pictures - CBS News

Although you didn't ask me I'm going to offer my $0.02 anyway. :)

I think anyone can be defeated. That said, if they are really well entrenched and well funded then maybe one's time AND money should be spent on races in other states where the outlook isn't so doubtful...if good conservatives can elect enough true conservatives to the Senate then Senators like Corker or Alexander will wither 1) go along with the conservatives so as not to look too out of step, OR 2) become somewhat irrelevant no matter how they vote. Going along with that is having enough conservatives in the House so that a slim majority of liberals/Dems/etc. in the Senate can't just block everything.

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I think anyone can be defeated. That said, if they are really well entrenched and well funded then maybe one's time AND money should be spent on races in other states where the outlook isn't so doubtful...if good conservatives can elect enough true conservatives to the Senate then Senators like Corker or Alexander will wither 1) go along with the conservatives so as not to look too out of step, OR 2) become somewhat irrelevant no matter how they vote. Going along with that is having enough conservatives in the House so that a slim majority of liberals/Dems/etc. in the Senate can't just block everything.....

Folks, Robert is right about this. An incumbent, well funded candidate can be beat. Take a look at the history of Albert Gore, SR. He was a 3 term sentator from tennessee. He pilfered the pockets of tennesseeans from 1953 to 1971 (....January 3, 1953 –

January 3, 1971 ...). He was rich, powerful, and well connected. He lost to a republican because of his vote for the Gun Control Act of 1968.

The moral of this story. Everybody can be beat.


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