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My last weekend of freedom

Guest WyattEarp

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Guest WyattEarp

inevitably, all good things must come to an end and as such this is my last weekend of freedom. I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened, and I've kept positive, stayed busy, done good things, but apparently I'm just no match for Father Time or for fate, sometimes no matter how hard you try, you still find yourself on the losing end.

So it is with sadness and a heavy heart, I have to break the news to you all, that as of January 12th at 9:40 am Central Daylight Time, I have to give up my freedom and go pay my dues..........................................


Ok, calm down, I'm not going to prison dab nabit, Wyatt's just going back to school that's all. :D

had y'all going there for a minute didn't I? ;)

It's been a wonderful, nice and refreshing break, but wow, I was so busy, it FLEW by! Interviews, worked a graduation doing photography, and christmas with the family, a few photo assignments, worked the Music City Bowl, a friend from Kansas City flew in to celebrate the new year with me and some friends in knoxville, run here, run there, stay up all night, organize my photography files, clean out junk from computer, sleep all day, watch movies, do some precursory studying for my upcoming classes to get prepared, and get my game face back on!

But I'm actually ready for school to start! Ready to go tackle this semester and surpass that personal best 3.5 GPA I got last semester, I won't be foolish enough to think I can get a 4.0, but I know I can beat that 3.5, and that's my goal this semester!!!

I've already got an easy 3 credits, and 12 quality points in the bag with my internship at the newspaper. That's an A right there, it's pass or fail, no grade assigned, but if you pass, you get all 3 credits, and 12 quality points, so same as an A. My beginning web design class, I'm familiar with basic html and web design already, plus I've been studying some HTML tutorials in my free time when I had nothing to do, that SHOULD be an A. Retaking the marketing class online, that should be at worst a B/B-, the online class is so easy, already seen the assignments and study guides from friends and classmates who took it last semester with the teacher I will have, I will probably get an A, unless of course I just slack off and dont do anything in that class. The other 2 classes, wont be easy, but they aren't super hard classes, they are just visual design apps classes, so a 3.75 GPA is my goal this semester, should be attainable, but if I beat the 3.5 and fall short of the 3.75, I'll still be a happy son of a gun!

wish me luck, I'm excited for this semester....never thought I'd say that considering I remembered a time in my life I hated school and teachers and books, but I am! It's going to be BUSY! but a busy bee, is one that does not have time to get into trouble of any sorts, and I plan to keep it that way!

I also love the start of the Spring semester, because that means spring is just around the corner! Warm weather, purty girls in short shorts and spaghetti strap tops, but I may have to avert my eyes and behave, I met a young lady over winter break, and we've started dating (all you fathers on here can relax, your daughters are all safe!!! :lol: And so am I, cause her dad doesn't own any firearms!! LOL. :) ), but we are just taking it slow (sorry, not posting pics, I'm sure the last thing she wants is her picture plastered all over the web, where a bunch of strangers who happen to predominantly be men can drool over it lol and I'm not about to disrespect her like that, but maybe later down the road somewhere, if things turn serious, I might share a pic of the two of us together, too early at this point for anything else).

I also love the spring storms that come with the spring semester! My video camera is jumping up and down in it's bag right now just waiting on some storm chasing opportunities! My hope is to talk to all my professors, and get it cleared to take my finals about 10 days early, so I can book out of here early, and hit the road for a few weeks of chasing when it's active out and the good storms are firing off! Snagged my first and only tornado of my life last year, I want to see 10 more this year and capture them all on film and video!

I find out in March if I get the NFL Films internship or not. If I don't get it I have a contingency plan. I plan to a do a local internship doing web design and video production/editing over the summer, and take a summer class or two and spend the rest of my time volunteering with a local Police Department doing volunteer work with troubled kids. I'm also going to a do a little traveling out to the Smokies on the weekends to do some backpacking and camping, and photographing some of the great scenery.

2011 was the best year of my life, so much good happened, but it needs to make way for 2012, because this year is gonna be even better!!!!

Probably won't be online much after next Thursday, so if you don't see me post very often, at least you know why. This semester is going to be crazy busy, but I seem to thrive under pressure, kinda like Tim Tebow. I'll check in once in a while, Fridays are my day off from school, have classes the other 4 days, but I'll be working at my internship on Fridays and Saturday mornings.

To all the members on here who are college students, whether new freshman from high school, students with degrees in progress, or those of you going back to pursue a degree, or finish up one you started many years ago, good luck this semester!

Everyone else, I hope you all have a prosperous, happy and joyful 2012.

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Guest WyattEarp
When I read "My last weekend of freedom" I thought maybe you had decided to get married. :lol:

now that made me....


I had to get the windex out and clean up a half a can of coke that just got sprayed all over my iMAC monitor as I was reading that. :)

thanks for the good luck, it's gonna be another great semester!

But I won't be getting married anytime soon, hehe. I am in no hurry! Rushed things a few times in previous relationships and got burned and hurt, so I'll just stick to taking it nice and slow and letting things happen on their own. When the time is right, I'm sure I'll know it, she'll know it, and we'll both be able to talk about it and go from there. let's just let me get graduated from college first and find some full time employment drawing a real paycheck, before we go talking about the "M" word. ;)

Edited by WyattEarp
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Guest WyattEarp

wow, you guys all associate prison with marriage, either there's some seriously negative thought process going on here, or I think I'll take the hint, and I'll just skip the marriage part. :D

How many "I love me" threads are you gonna make? ;) Best of luck.

oh snap, lol. sorry, I can't help but share good news. I'm enjoying some well deserved and hard earned happiness, when you get it going, it's infectious and you can't help but share! so I hope the good things rub off on everyone else on here. :lol:

Maybe a mod or Admin can just merge all those threads, and dub them "Wyatt's Feel Good About Life Thread". :)

but look at it this way, it's better than posting negative, grouchy news, bitching about a bunch of bad things happening all the time. :D

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I first thought I was going to find out another poor soul has given in and gotten married. Its good to see the drive to go back to school. I'm dreading the same thing, it's been 8 years since my last college class. Good luck with it and good luck on reaching your GPA goal.

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Guest boatme99
Good luck, Wyatt!

When I read "My last weekend of freedom" I thought maybe you had decided to get married. :)

My thoughts too. Remember, school is about the easiest thing you'll ever do in life. Just wait until you do get married!

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