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Deadliest Sniper Punches Out Jesse Ventura !!!


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Well, I guess I will be the limp d***ed beta-male on this thread.

Earlier in my life I would have lost my temper in such a situation and would have done exactly what I felt like doing, which was more than likely beat the crap, or at least try to, someone who insulted me. Now, I have got to the point to where I will question my initial reaction as to determine whether it is the best action. Considering I now carry a gun, I really question it. I will not escalate a situation that can be easily diffused.

While I would love nothing more than to knock the s*** out of Ventura, in this situation I would have asked him to leave. If he wouldn't leave, I would have got some people to help me make him leave. I would then call the police and later on post a You-tube video of him being a total jackass. While punching him would have made me feel good, showing the world what a jerk he is would have, in the long run, made me feel better.

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I absolutely can't stand Ventura. He is nothing more than a loud mouth jerk. However, I would like to know when it became okay to assault someone because they say something you find highly offensive.

The minute they start trash talking the dead at the wake, that's when.

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The minute they start trash talking the dead at the wake, that's when.

Plus 1.

Also, going thru the same or similar training aint the same. At the very end of the Vietnam thing, I went thru training to go to Vietnam...I did NOT go to Vietnam...it aint the same. They merged the fields after Ventura got out. Ventura was never in combat.

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Well, I guess I will be the limp d***ed beta-male on this thread.

Earlier in my life I would have lost my temper in such a situation and would have done exactly what I felt like doing, which was more than likely beat the crap, or at least try to, someone who insulted me. Now, I have got to the point to where I will question my initial reaction as to determine whether it is the best action. Considering I now carry a gun, I really question it. I will not escalate a situation that can be easily diffused.

While I would love nothing more than to knock the s*** out of Ventura, in this situation I would have asked him to leave. If he wouldn't leave, I would have got some people to help me make him leave. I would then call the police and later on post a You-tube video of him being a total jackass. While punching him would have made me feel good, showing the world what a jerk he is would have, in the long run, made me feel better.

your chart here says that you're ****ed up. You talk like a fag and your ****'s all retarded. No, don't worry Scro', there's plenty of 'tards livin' kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded, she's a pilot now.

Next you'll probably suggest watering the the plants with toilet water.

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Wish you could hear what he was saying. Sure can hear the host but not the guest!

Perhaps, you can pull up a video transcript on O'Reilly. I happened to catch a few minutes of his show last night, and this sniper was on there giving the same story to O'Reilly. One thing I found interesting was he told O'Reilly that he knocked Ventura to the ground and then ran off because cops were present. Now I am quite certain that everybody is going to disagree with me, but if I am going to punch someone in defense of another person's honor, sacrifice, and/or dignity, I am certainly not going to run off. I will stay put and let it be known why I did it and suffer any consequences that may follow.

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I don’t blame him for taking off; I would have done the same thing. You can’t punch people out because you don’t like what they say. But apparently Jesse didn’t want charges pursued or the guy would be arrested. Running usually doesn’t work; but it appears to have worked for him. thumbsup.gif

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Guest mustangdave

If you knew how the Police on Coronado Island treated sailors...and especially SEAL's...you would vacate the the local watering hole pronto...dealt with them many times retrieving shipmates from the pokey.

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If you knew how the Police on Coronado Island treated sailors...and especially SEAL's...you would vacate the the local watering hole pronto...dealt with them many times retrieving shipmates from the pokey.

THIS! I have been to the bar that this supposedly happend, at the request of a LT from Team 3. Coronado is rather pricey place and they dont treat Sailors/Service members all that well. Unless you are O-5 or above.

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.... Some people deserve a pop in the mouth and I fully approve. 'Nuff said.

:) Right on bkelm. IMO, that is one of the things wrong with many people today, the don't think that running their mouth will get it "popped" as you say. Makes one think twice knowing it is possible.

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Somethings are worth standing up for and the Honor of a dead fellow soldier is one at the top , he got what he needed law or no law.With soldier like him is why someome can pis* and moan about a loud mouth POS in in front of your warm cozy computer.

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I don’t buy for one second that Ventura is in Mexico totally out of touch with the rest of the world…. This 2012. :)

They are probably all involved in this together to create a bunch of drama and keep their names in the spotlight.

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Guest WyattEarp
Thanks for the tip. I reckon folks who don't allow other's words to manipulate them are all just yella.

not necessarily. some people just have restraint and self-control, and realize it would probably cost them more trouble than it's worth, and so they just let it go.

it takes a bigger man to restrain himself, walk away and let it go, than it does to give in to anger and let loose a punch.

words are words, sometimes they are hurtful and said intentionally to provoke a response, other times it's just people talking because deep inside they're so insecure with themselves or their abilities, it's the only way they can degrade someone to a lower level than how they feel so they can feel better about themselves.

if you go beating up everyone who ever says something hateful, hurtful, or smart ass to you, you're liable to end up in jail, or you might swing on someone who is more capable than you and you find yourself in a world of hurt, or they might be crazy and they shoot or stab you.

is the words someone else says really worth dying over? or risking seriously bodily injury? going to jail/prison over?

you'll really be thinking "I showed him" when the guard marches you to your cell and you hear the steel door slam behind you and the lock clicks into place.

I have a hard time giving credibility to anything from infowars.com, Alex Jones is a nut case who is more interested in lining his pockets for his own personal gain and attempting to invoke panic and fear into the public with some of his video theatrics. According to Alex Jones, we are living in the modern day Soviet Union.

listen to this slop...how can anyone take that seriously?

Alex Jones - Police State - Episode of the hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air! - YouTube

for the last 12 years he's been babbling about the impending UN takeover, and how Ft. Hood is allegedly housing thousands of U.N. tanks and APC's. 6 years ago all of our guns were supposed to have been confiscated, and no one was supposed to have any more guns or ammo. Still have my gun, and I have a permit for it too! he's just a fear monger out for publicity and attention.

I ain't buying it. I like Ventura and doubt he said those things. I think this guy might be trying to sell a book. I'd like to hear more than one side of this story.

I haven't seen many SEALS, current or former, who go on radio or tv shows bragging about punching someone. Most of the time if SEALS give interviews, they recount a combat situation in which serviceman were lost in the line of duty.

This SEALS account of what happens seem pretty out of character, the few I met when I was stationed at Ft. Eustis, VA in 2002 for AIT, didn't walk around with a bunch of bravado, and I would have never guessed they were SEALS until I asked what their jobs were, and some of them were shorter and weighed less than I did!

the SEALS i have been around, walked around like normal people, quietly, minding their business, having a good time, but they also walked with a presence and with confidence. You just kind of got the feeling from being around them that today, tomorrow nor any day in the future was a good day to decide to take a piss in their cheerios.

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