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Deadliest Sniper Punches Out Jesse Ventura !!!


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Wow. What infinitesimally small amount of respect I had for Ventura is gone. It takes a special kind of POS to make a statement like that at a wake in front of the family. Maybe he should go protest with those d-bags from Westboro so he can be among like-minded wastes of oxygen.

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I would like to hear the other side of the story as well.

I absolutely can't stand Ventura. He is nothing more than a loud mouth jerk. However, I would like to know when it became okay to assault someone because they say something you find highly offensive.

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I would like to hear the other side of the story as well.

I absolutely can't stand Ventura. He is nothing more than a loud mouth jerk. However, I would like to know when it became okay to assault someone because they say something you find highly offensive.

Aside from the law, verbal assault doesn't count in your book?

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Guest bkelm18
I would like to hear the other side of the story as well.

I absolutely can't stand Ventura. He is nothing more than a loud mouth jerk. However, I would like to know when it became okay to assault someone because they say something you find highly offensive.

Go to a wake full of hardcore service members and trash the dead. Pretty sure you'd get popped too. Some people deserve a pop in the mouth and I fully approve. 'Nuff said.

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Aside from the law, verbal assault doesn't count in your book?

Was it assault with a deadly word? I don't like the old wind bag either, but what happened to sticks and stones? I'm offended every time a politician opens his mouth, but I can't go around punching them.

If he was being offensive, surely the thing to do would have been to have him removed from the premises and make it a headline where he would be viewed in worse light without question.

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Was it assault with a deadly word? I don't like the old wind bag either, but what happened to sticks and stones? I'm offended every time a politician opens his mouth, but I can't go around punching them.

If he was being offensive, surely the thing to do would have been to have him removed from the premises and make it a headline where he would be viewed in worse light without question.

Verbal assualt is against the law in some places too, but like I said, I wasn't talking about the law in this case which is why I said, "Aside from the law...."

Ventura gets zero sympathy from me regardless of the law.

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I would like to hear the other side of the story as well.

I absolutely can't stand Ventura. He is nothing more than a loud mouth jerk. However, I would like to know when it became okay to assault someone because they say something you find highly offensive.

Someone asked this same question on a Facebook discussion about this same topic. This was my response:

The Special Operations community is a small, tight knit community with some unwritten rules of which Ventura was certainly well aware. And one of the rules is, sometimes getting your ass whipped is the appropriate and expected response. This was one of those cases. In my opinion, Ventura should be glad it was only one punch from one guy and not a beat down by the entire team, which also would have justified in this case. Telling someone that their friend or family member deserved to die because of decisions made by politicians they never met is begging to get your ass kicked every day of the week and twice on Sunday. In truth Ventura should thank Kyle for so swiftly and effectively answering his pleas. But Kyle, being they Type-A bad ass that he is would probably just shrug it off and say, "No thanks necessary. I was just doing what had to be done."

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Guest mustangdave

When it happened..it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...Ventura invites controversy. And...not to belabor the point...and I'm kinda splitting hairs...Yes Jesse was a UDT...back in his day UDT's and SEAL's were separate critters...they all went to BUD/S...and there was no difference in the training...when you graduated...you were either assigned to a SEAL Unit...or a UDT Unit. The "communities" were merged ( I Think ) in the late 80's or early 90's...and all UDT's "became" SEAL's...so yes Jesse was a SEAL as well as a UDT...but more importantly...Jesse has a rather huge mouth and doesn't necessarily know when its best to keep his opinions to himself.

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Was it assault with a deadly word? I don't like the old wind bag either, but what happened to sticks and stones? I'm offended every time a politician opens his mouth, but I can't go around punching them.

If he was being offensive, surely the thing to do would have been to have him removed from the premises and make it a headline where he would be viewed in worse light without question.

My dad was in the Air Corps in WWII. He decked a guy once in a bar who insulted him. That's what a real man does.

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Guest db99wj

All fights aren't assaults.

I'm sure technically you could charge someone, even convict, but sometimes people get into fights, and sometimes you get your assed kicked. Doesn't mean it should be an "assault".

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I would like to hear the other side of the story as well.

I absolutely can't stand Ventura. He is nothing more than a loud mouth jerk. However, I would like to know when it became okay to assault someone because they say something you find highly offensive.

If he gets charged I'll pay the fines!!!!


Sent from my iPhone

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Guest BungieCord
Thanks for the tip. I reckon folks who don't allow other's words to manipulate them are all just yella.

Not necessarily yella, they just don't have any standards.

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