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Franklin Gun Shop

Guest WarrenPuckett

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I'd say Useltons is better than FGS. Their range fees are the rediculous thing. I choose not to patronize either for other reasons also. I will say I have hit up FGS for certain ammo purchases.

Guest 6.8 AR

That's the good thing about capitalism. One can like it for the price, another for the

location and amenities and another can for the sheer idea that it exists and can be

freely exchanged from one to another for so many reasons. Useltons and Franklin has

it's clientele and knows how to price accordingly. I guess they're doing something right.

They are still in business!


I thought I'd stop by and offer a trade to FGS last week. They tried to pull the cheesy sales routine on me and show me some guns and then take $500 off the price of the gun after tax so basically offered me $420ish for a gun that sells new for $1000. Instead of taking the $500 off and only paying tax on the difference as is customary they tried to sneak that past me as if I wouldn't notice. I told the guy (pretty sure he's the owner) I would need a little more out of it but that I would check out a few more things. He said hold on a sec and walked away from me and never came back. I waited 10 minutes and just grabbed my trade and headed out the door.

I was treated like a I was a complete moron and that I should be excited about one of the most insulting trade offers I've ever received at a store. I probably won't be stopping in there anymore. It's just not possible for me to buy anything from them as there is never something I have to have so much to pay their crazy prices. The Springfield Micro I was looking at was priced higher than I've seen new one's priced at other stores and I'm supposed to take peanuts for my trade and go against those prices?

  Kenstaroni said:
I thought I'd stop by and offer a trade to FGS last week. They tried to pull the cheesy sales routine on me and show me some guns and then take $500 off the price of the gun after tax so basically offered me $420ish for a gun that sells new for $1000. Instead of taking the $500 off and only paying tax on the difference as is customary they tried to sneak that past me as if I wouldn't notice. I told the guy (pretty sure he's the owner) I would need a little more out of it but that I would check out a few more things. He said hold on a sec and walked away from me and never came back. I waited 10 minutes and just grabbed my trade and headed out the door.

I was treated like a I was a complete moron and that I should be excited about one of the most insulting trade offers I've ever received at a store. I probably won't be stopping in there anymore. It's just not possible for me to buy anything from them as there is never something I have to have so much to pay their crazy prices. The Springfield Micro I was looking at was priced higher than I've seen new one's priced at other stores and I'm supposed to take peanuts for my trade and go against those prices?

They tried to do the same thing with me. I walked away and sold my HK to a guy in florida for 350 more than what they were offering.


You know, I enjoy going into Useltons as well but out of the last 6 times I have been in, only 1 time have I seen anyone in the range. Maybe it is used but for what they are charging, even for 1 time use they would be smart to drop it to 10 per use, stop the silly practice of making you buy their ammo.

but it ain't my shop and I have no idea what to takes to build a range. I know it costs money to run a range and ongoing costs are real. So it may take what they are charging to but goodness, it hurts


I've been in Uselton's and they have always been very nice and polite. About the only things I've bought were a set of 1911 grips and some 1911 mags. They have some really cool and antique knives and of course their very expensive (but nice) 1911's. Got no complaints about Useltons. They don't have the selection that FGS has so I don't have much to gripe about as I only go in there for a few things every now and then that I know they have. There's no point in window shopping.

I definitely don't understand why the only place in the area with a range, Uselton's, doesn't sell their range time at an affordable price in order to bring in more customers. I'd take less money at the range and more customer traffic over asking too high of a price thus deterring customers from using the range and thus not patronizing the store. Maybe I'll own a store someday so I can do what I want...lol

Posted (edited)

I've bought several guns from FGS and found them to be flexible on pricing on both new and used guns. As a repeat customer, I've been treated fairly, been given an ample amount of their time (even when I didn't buy anything), and feel like I've given them the opportunity to make a profit.

I find it funny how people expect independent small retailers to be able to compete with Internet-only companies on price and still survive. Once a small retailer cuts margins down to the level of an Internet seller, yet has to continue to carry the overhead of a brick and mortar store with employees on the floor, the end is near. It's just not a profitable business plan.

And if one small independent retailer chooses to build a business plan whereby they are somewhat higher priced than other local competitors, let the market decide if they will survive.

We've all seen independent businesses come and go in every industry. Those that survive and thrive are those that can execute a business plan and achieve on-going profitability. I think FGS's business longevity shows they have a successful business plan.

We're a capitalistic society (though the current POTUS is trying his best to make it otherwise). No reason to begrudge a small business' success.

Edited by italia

I'm sorry to hear that... I am curious about your previous statement that Franklin Gun shop had the Kimber Pro Carry II $300.00 less than we have it priced... Our Kimber Pro Carry II is on sale right now for $774.99, and our regular price is $848.00. Now it is possible that when you called or were here looking at one, that it wasn't just the basic Pro carry II? Our regular price is $40 less than MSRP ($888.00) on a firearm that takes us 6-8 months to receive.

Kimber America | Pro Carry II


I've shopped kimbers lately at both stores and there's no way FGS has a better sticker price than the outpost sale prices. They are better than anyone else in town with the sale prices, normal pricing may be similar, but FGS has higher prices than anyone in Nashville.

  • 10 months later...
Speaking of Franklin Gun Shop, I have just had an interesting purchase. Purchased a "new" CZ rifle a couple of days ago. This evening I pulled out the manual and warranty information. But, I found the warranty card (owner's stub) was already filled out with a date of this past April. The filled out card also had my CZ's serial number! FGS represented and sold the firearm to me as new. This finding suggests otherwise (perhaps). I will check with CZ to see if they already have the firearm under registered warranty. Then I will address the findings with FGS. I will post a followup post when resolved (hopefully in a satisfactory manner).

I have been a longterm customer of the shop and have been generally pleased with their service. Agree that their posted prices are high.

Wow you really dug up a old post here, but I am very interested in how this plays out as well. Please keep us informed. I would hope it is some type of mistake because the great customer service of FGS has always been about the only way I can justify their pricing. Subscribed.
Man you guys having good customer service stories out of FGS must be doing something right that I'm not.

I've had experiences that range from ok to down right poor.
Last time I was in I had 4 things in mind that I wanted to buy, after being ignored for a while someone eventually asked if they could help me out. Upon asking for the first item, one of those 10/22 roto-trigger units(birthday gift for someone who really wanted one) the guy literally turned his back on me and over his shoulder said "no we don't stock those" while walking away from me tword another customer. I followed a few steps and asked if he had the second item on my list, all I got from that was "nope" without him even turning to look at me this time. So on my own I found item 3, a spam can of 7.62x54R. The same can AIM sells at 69.-79. They wanted I think 120. No thanks.

First time I went in was to see about having a front sight insert installed on my fathers S&W 36. Instead of a quote on the work I got a lecture that it was a useless repair because I probably couldn't hit anything out past 10 or 15 yards with a snubby anyway so why bother? Even tried explaining that while yes I could, this wasn't for me but my retired LEO father who has been shooting the thing probably since about the time the clerk was hitting puberty and qualifying with expert ratings at his department. Of course I said it a bit nicer, but the guy just looked at me like I was boring him and wasting his time so I packed it up and left.

Their selection is incredible but I think the last thing I bought from them was a 50rnd box of cci quiets. I believe I paid about double what Academy sports sells them for.

I am not a FGS fan and do my best to encourage the shooters I know to stay away.
Guest drv2fst
I was just there about an hour ago. I looked at 3 guns that I am serious about buying in the next month or two and every gun I looked at was $100 higher than "market" price.

One salesperson I was speaking to just turned and walked away as soon I handed him the gun back. I was shocked. Interested customer at the counter ready to buy a gun and he just walks off with not a word. I just left.
Posted (edited)

[quote name='drv2fst' timestamp='1354302483' post='852945']...[/quote]
Having done a couple of deals with you I could perhaps understand. ;)

From all I've read about them it seems that they just don't need to sell very often (maybe their profit margins are high enough that they can be very picky about when they actually sell)!

I've been to car dealerships like that where is seems as if they don't really want to sell a car - there has been more than one I've walked away from scratching my head about how such a business stays in business. Coming full circle; obviously FGS continues to stay in business so I guess what they are doing works for the people they want to sell to.. :shrug:

Edited by RobertNashville
Well as promised here is my experience today at Franklin Gun Shop re Djay3's 5 posts up. Pardon my long windedness in advance.

i waited for Brian and told him the CZ did great at the range but when I went to register the firearm the card was already filled out per above. He looked at the card and said he remembered that customer and that while that customer was looking at the rifle he must have filled in the card (despite the fact he had never purchased the rifle per Bryan). Bryan quickly took the filled in card and tore it up. I said I needed to keep it until I heard from CZ. I was perplexed but polite and said in view of the stuation I would like an adjustment. He said "sure maybe a box of ammo". We finally agreed on a modest $ in the form of a store credit. I thought we were finalized but I asked that he initial the store credit for me just in case I needed to give it to another clerk later. He grabbed the store credit from me; tore the credit up and said "you're telling me how to run my business and we are through".

I have been a longterm customer going back to his first location and have made many firearm purchases. I was shocked. I asked his brother Mike to mail me a blank CZ warranty form and he said he would.

That's the basic jist fellows.

Former FGS loyal customer,

Posted (edited)
Unbelievable. I will surely keep that in mind as I have had some not so friendly experiences with them. I have had some nice chats with the older bald guy with the galco shoulder rig though. Edited by glowdotGlock
[quote name='glowdotGlock' timestamp='1354316511' post='853100']
I have had some nice chats with the older bald guy with the galco shoulder rig though.

Over the years I also had pleasant experiences; that is what made my experience and treatment from the owner this week especially surprising.

Oh well, Franklin Gun Shop will likely continue to thrive and I will happily continue on my way with my hobby. And so it goes. ; )
  • Like 1

Honestly between D&T, G&L, and Nashville Armory all of whom are great to deal with and have great pricing there's just no need for me to step foot in there again. It is tempting to go in and fondle stuff others may not have in stock but that's just not something I'm into doing. I'd rather buy something on a whim sight unseen than go in there and have to ask for help again.

Really glad these chuckle heads are not vendors here personally. They'd stink the place up. :)

Guest ThePunisher
Ever notice when purchasing accessories that they don't give you an itemized printed receipt like most stores do.
I'll add my recent experience...

I purchased a small carry pistol from FGS about 3 years ago for $700 tax and all. Long story short, I never fired a shot through it as I decided shortly after I purchased it that I wanted a different caliber for my carry weapon.

I went back the other day to check out their pricing on a Kahr CM9, and what they might give me in trade. I knew going in that I wouldn't get a banner deal, and I wasn't expecting one. But the idea of making an easy swap and having paperwork to back everything up made me amenable to a bit of a reaming... I would have accepted a straight up trade, for example, even though I would have felt slightly taken advantage of.

So I get there and check out the CM9 which is priced at... wait for it... $479! I nearly choked, but ok, fine, as long as the trade in value is reasonably close to that, it's all good and I'll do the deal.

Trade in for my never fired, still in plastic, still in production pistol I bought *from them* was $350. So at the end of the day they wanted me to pay another $150 to trade an originally $700 gun for the Kahr CM9.

I went to the Nashville gun show yesterday and picked up the Kahr for $389 and sold my old pistol for $475 instead. I'm hereby done with FGS...
I'm not sure what's going on up there. Some of my recent visits have been shall we say less than stellar. I understand dealer vs retail pricing but the "deal" I was offered yesterday was outright attempted robbery. Granted I wanted something rather hard to get and was willing to pay a premium for it I felt like they were trying to break it off in me. I just might be done as well. The funny thing was there was a older guy who walked up as Brian was making his "offer" I said something to the effect of I'd have to be drunk and brain dead to take that deal and the old guy piped in with "damn I told him the same thing" so it's not just us. Perhaps the loss of Useltons has hindered the ability to haggle
[quote name='dunndw' timestamp='1354489797' post='853932']
I'm not sure what's going on up there. Some of my recent visits have been shall we say less than stellar. I understand dealer vs retail pricing but the "deal" I was offered yesterday was outright attempted robbery. Granted I wanted something rather hard to get and was willing to pay a premium for it I felt like they were trying to break it off in me. I just might be done as well. The funny thing was there was a older guy who walked up as Brian was making his "offer" I said something to the effect of I'd have to be drunk and brain dead to take that deal and the old guy piped in with "damn I told him the same thing" so it's not just us. Perhaps the loss of Useltons has hindered the ability to haggle

I don't know, true enough Useltons is gone but at around the same time Nashville Armory came to town. I'd be surprised if FGS hasn't or doesn't feel the pinch of a quality establishment just down the road.

Once NA gets its stock up there will be little or no reason to go anywhere else south of Nashville. Just can't think of single reason to be treated with contempt AND pay over MSRP when I can get treated with respect and pay under it. Maybe I'm crazy and some people like paying more for less?
  • Like 1
When they were in the strip mall next door they were great. The old man ( the father I'm guessing) was more hands on and a lot easier to deal with than that greasy curly haired liar of a son of his. Seems like they got too big for their breeches with the move.
It's a great place to go when you are not sure if you are going to like the feel of a new gun. Guaranteed they'll have it, so you can go handle it, then go to an easier to deal with vendor and buy it cheaper.
Go there, fondle it, then go somewhere like guns and leather and buy it cheaper from a better quality dealer (and human).
I think the greasy haired liar is Brian. A fewYears ago, he sold me hard on a particular 1911. A year later, he claimed that pistol was crap and that they'd never sell the line. He offered $150 in trade. I politely declined and reminded him that he had personally sold me the 1911. He walked away. I never stepped foot back in there. Never will.

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