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Music City Tactical Shooters IDPA Match 1/7/2012

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I broke the top strap my new protective boot tonight. Can't sleep due to all of the medicine. Another dose tomorrow minus one pill. I guess I need to go by Dr. Greg and get a new strap or buy a whole new boot for 300.00(hopefully insurance will pick up the tab again). See everyone there at the range. Shooting plate racks only SUCKS!

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Great match today. Big thanks to all the people who helped put it on. Tanked stage 3 a little but had a good day. I appreciate the quick turnaround on the scores. My daughter ended up taking the gold on the balance beam and got a few other medals to boot in her gymnastics competition in Memphis today.

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Great match today. Big thanks to all the people who helped put it on. Tanked stage 3 a little but had a good day. I appreciate the quick turnaround on the scores. My daughter ended up taking the gold on the balance beam and got a few other medals to boot in her gymnastics competition in Memphis today.

Glad you were able to get there on time. Tell her Congrats!!!!!

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Great match today. Big thanks to all the people who helped put it on. Tanked stage 3 a little but had a good day. I appreciate the quick turnaround on the scores. My daughter ended up taking the gold on the balance beam and got a few other medals to boot in her gymnastics competition in Memphis today.

congrads to you and your daughter!

i had great stage times, but did not hit anything! at least not much has changed in 2012. :D

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