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My daughter...


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When I waited tables many moons ago, there was a waiter where I worked that got a $500 tip on Christmas eve. (This was 1991.)

A gentleman came in Christmas Eve, sat and ate his dinner and had a long conversation with the waiter. Apparently he was quite lonely and had enjoyed the attention and conversation and left the large tip.

Not unheard of, but rare.

Cool for your daughter!

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What in the world is the Fairview Plantation and who has $1400 laying around for a tip. That it's great for her but blows my mind. I thought I was doing good when I was a bagger at Piggly Wiggly and had this hot chick give me a$20 tip two weeks in a row.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

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Good for her! And good for the customer! It's rare to have a chance to literally change someone's life (even if for a short while). If he can afford a $1400 tip, I'd bet he'll forget the money's gone or where it went LONG before she does.

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Good for her Mike. That is awesome.

I worked on the golf side at private club here in knox. The members were very generous at Christmas. I had lots of 100 dollar bills pressed into my hand but never that kind of dust all at once.

She must be well liked there and very personable. I am sure she makes you proud.

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New years bash might be good too if tables are billed individually.

A private club is a great place for a college kid to work their way through school.

I can't count the number of good kids that got job offers from members when they graduated. A lot of a clubs best employees end up stolen by members

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Make sure she knows to let the members know about her leaving before she quits.

She ought to start telling people a month before her last shift.

She may well get big tips as their way of thanking her for her service.

Several of assistant pros i worked with over the years got greased heavily in their last week. I did real well a couple of of times.

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Very nice. Does she have to share with bar tenders, dishwashers, etc? My daughter had a similar situation some years ago and didn't get near the amount of the tip. Regardless, she is obviously a fantastic waitress/server. In the right place one can make a decent living off tips.

Happy New Year to all.

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I was thinking about this thread when I was up in Knoxville today. I took my family to eat at the Texas Roadhouse (not bad), and left our waiter a 40% tip. While I don't make enough money to leave anywhere near a $1400 tip, I do try to tip generously when possible. My family always gripes at me about tipping too much. I have always felt it is just a way of being nice and saying thank you.

I remember one summer playing at the either the Grand Dunes or Barefoot Resort in Myrtle Beach. It was incredibly hot that day (~95 F). One of the attendants was wiping off my clubs after the round. I tipped the guy $20, and I will never forget the smile on his face and what he said to me, "I like your style."

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She does indeed make us very proud. She is using it toward her college bill; she's studying to be a dental hygienist, and she needed that badly.

Wonder what she'll get at the upcoming New Year shindig?

Sounds like she deserves it for her hard work and having her head in the right place. Nice to hear when the good ones get rewarded.

No tip pool. All hers. She does do an excellent job; and she's a knockout, to boot, like her Mom.

I'm in the same boat, a good reason to like guns.....

Happy New Year!

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