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NYC arrests another HCP holder (this one from TN)

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Sad to see this.

IMO, I see this as a "Letter of the Law" vs a "Spirit of the Law" thing. Officer discretion should have been exercised here.

I used to live in NY, so sadly, this is not a surprise.

Law Enforcement isn't always a game of "Gotcha."

Edited by TN-popo
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I heard this coming home and thought crap.

Next thought wonder how she got up there I hope she didn't fly.

Remember a couple years back, similar thing happened in Chicago.

Heck, I really would not want to be in NYC with out a gun, guess while that place is like another country I probably never will go.

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I lived in the NY / NJ area and talked to a number of LEO's there. They all said that a gun bust was a good bust for their record and it usually held up under most all circumstances.

That being said, discretion may be thought of as a bit of a reach. I would suspect that a LEO that let someone go and was later found out he or she did, would be in near as much trouble as the poor unsuspecting victim that brought the gun there in the first place.

Yes, we should know the gun laws of the state we are going to but with so many people getting permits these days, and unfortunately many of them are not nearly as interested in guns as we are, the margin for error is ever increasing. This makes it bad for those of us that keep up with things due to the media coverage and how they love crap like this.

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I don't see how a cop there could use discretion in a case like this. Whats he supposed to do keep her gun or let her walk with it? There is nothing to do.

She screwed the pooch in this deal.

I hope her cocaine really is aspirin.

Edited by Mike.357
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Cant be a doctor of nurse if CONVICTED of a felony and she will have to get her record of arrest expunged if she is found not guilty or takes a plea deal and gets unsupervised probation under a misdemeanor and only if they are willing to drop charges after said probation period. Either way she is in deep caca that will take years to clear up if she can.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I agree that she should have done her homework & followed the laws of New York.

However, it is completely unacceptable to me that a state can get away with blatantly trampling the Second Amendment rights of someone. New York City didnt seem to have any problems bending over backward to let the Flea Party exercise their First Amendment rights. Why should they trample on the Second?

"The right of the people to keep & bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed." Seems like there is a lot of infringing going on.....

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Guest ArmaDeFuego
Well armon good old tn does not acknowledge 2a either. It is pretty well infringed here too

I agree. Although at least here I can open carry & not face years in prison for it....

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Guest ArmaDeFuego
Except for the thousands of places you can't.

- OS

Yea :( I definitely agree that its not perfect here. Luckily here in Clarksville those places are very few & far between.

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Guest bluecanary25

please do a search of Clarksville, Tn resolution 75-2010-11. It repealed the ban of carrying handguns in most of Clarksville's parks. (resolution 5-2009-10). I have searched for a final list of Clarksville parks that still do not allow handguns on their Parks and Recrreation site.... I know it USED to be buried in the website. Now I cannot find it and a search only leads to the 2010 resolution. Maybe someone else has found the current list?

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Tennessee tourist arrested after trying to check loaded gun at World Trade Center memorial | timesfreepress.com

Thoughts? While I feel for her, people really need to do some research before carrying out of their home state.

It's her fault but NY laws are so horrendous. I mistake is not worth 3.5 years of your life or losing your HCP because of it. They should say, you know what, you messed up. Pay a terrible fine and go about your business.

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Let's just remember that what she did was constitutional. It's NY State and NYC that has actually committed the crime.

It'll be interesting to see how that pans out if that's the route she takes with her lawyer. I wonder how many firearm advocate groups are going to throw their hat in the ring on this one.

On another note, no, ignorance is not an excuse. I don't, however, see her getting three years behind bars for something that lacked intent. They can't lock up real criminals that long in New York.

EDIT: Brian Haas just mentioned on another thread that police found what is to be suspected cocaine on her person. If this turns out to be true then she is beyond screwed and no one's gonna want to help her.

Edited by TMF 18B
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EDIT: Brian Haas just mentioned on another thread that police found what is to be suspected cocaine on her person. If this turns out to be true then she is beyond screwed and no one's gonna want to help her.

Interesting. Wonder how true it is an if we will ever find out if that's true or not. That just seems odd if she was carrying an illegal substance that she would follow the law about checking a gun. Just doesn't make sense to me.

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