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HCP friendly sign in Pulaski...

Guest steve24

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Be a guaranteed way to get my business on a regular basis.

Agreed. Also, I know criminals aren't very smart, but if I were looking for a target, I think I would look elsewhere.

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Guest gunsmoke

I have been there several times but never seen that sign. Me and my buddies (all of which are HCPers) hunt in Giles county and usually make it a point to eat there at least once on each trip. That sign is just another reason for us to give them our business! Next season i will be sure to thank management for their support!

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I'm kind of wondering if they know what it means though. Wouldnt surprise me if they think it means "Tennessee Health Care Providers Welcome!" Hahhaha

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just saw this sign tonight at our local Chinese restaurant here in Pulaski... :wave:


I did a search as to where I could get this same sticker and my search engine brought me to the AR15 forum and it turns out the owner of the eatery is a member there. The ideas he got for the sticker were from other forum members. As far as I can tell its been posted that way since 2009. This> Lili's Authentic Oriental Cuisine (Chinese), across from CVS on West College Street.

Edited by z90HD
added text
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Guest NYCrulesU

Can you PM me the name and addess? I would love to send them just a little note thanking them.

I would also love to know where I could get a handful of those stickers. I know of a few local places that don't mind guns in their business...but would love to see them post signs. Maybe we could start to see a possitive trend...

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Can you PM me the name and addess? I would love to send them just a little note thanking them.

I would also love to know where I could get a handful of those stickers. I know of a few local places that don't mind guns in their business...but would love to see them post signs. Maybe we could start to see a possitive trend...

Save the picture. any Graphics place can make them.

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