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The Official What Did You Get For Christmas? Thread.

Guest WyattEarp

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i got a 2 hour ride in a p51 d mustang it may have been the greatest 2 hour in my life i just wish i could see a little better but to take it to about 30000 feet and tip it over in a dive was something i cannot desdribed hope everone is having a great day david

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Most importantly, I got to be with my family today. Much better than being stuck in the hospital.

I got an EOTech 517 for my AR, some cash, and some pants. My son did well too. He ended up with an assortment of new PS3 games, a Kindle Fire, tons of clothes, and a few other misc gadgets and toys.

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Guest Broomhead

Got a SOG Fast Hawk from my FIL. Otherwise...zilch.

Santa brought my oldest daughter a cupcake maker that looks a little like a Foreman Grill and tons of cake mixes and frosting. One of her favorite shows is Cupcake Wars. My Rents got her a wood weaving loom.

My youngest got a Minnie Mouse 1-2-3 Grow With Me trike from Santa. It converts from a parent-pushed ride-on to a standard trike, then to a push scooter. My Rents got her an anatomically-correct baby girl doll (we're expecting another girl in April).

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The wife and I got each other a 27" IMac. I got some books, shirts and a gps for the car. I have been wanting that for quite a while since I am severely directionally challenged. It was a little subdued this year since it was the first christmas without my mother in law. The wife is having a hard time.


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Guest Bassman17SC

The best present I got was just being with the families. On Christmas Eve, it was the wife's; on Christmas Day, we spent the day with my folks. However, I got some pretty good loot: a new Titans 3-in-1 winter jacket combo, some shirts, some calendars, and several gist cards to Bass Pro Shops. Both sets of parent gave us cash, which is always good. A quick pic of the stuff under the tree:


And here is a couple of items that my dear wife gave to me:


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Merry Christmas to me, (with the wife's seal of approval)! I bought a 1911A1 Serial# 1,888,xxx that was made between 1944 to 1945 and that has been modified with target sights and trigger work for competition. The slide has no markings whatsoever so I assume that's aftermarket as well, but I didn't buy it for its collectability. This has been in my FIL's possession for about 30 years now, and since he's getting up there in age he was going to sell it rather than keeping it in the family.:) I didn't need it, but the idea that he would sell it rather than pass it on to my son bothered me so I bought it.

I also got a couple of bags of candied popcorn, a polo shirt, and a $25 gift card.

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Most importantly, I got to be with my family today. Much better than being stuck in the hospital...

After several weeks in the hospital, it was good to be able visit with family, attend Christmas service at church and enjoy being at home.

Santa re-stocked the ammo supply.

Edited by tnhawk
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