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Chinese Sniper School

Guest lostpass

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Guest lostpass
I wish someone would translate what he's saying.

My mandarin isn't the best but I think it is:

"Holy *&%^! remember this is the target. THIS IS THE TARGET"

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Guest lostpass
They've been doing this for years.

With a standing army of 200 million, what's a few guys lost? The Kings of the East can breed as fast as they lose troops to this.


200 million? Can that be right? Holy cats thats a serious amount of soldiers. I suppose the parades last a few weeks.

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200 million? Can that be right? Holy cats thats a serious amount of soldiers. I suppose the parades last a few weeks.

I was quoting the Bible to be honest.

According to Wikipedia Military service is compulsory. At the time of writing there was 318,265,016 men fit for service ages 16-49 with another 10.5 million males reaching service age annually.

If anyone wants to get into the math of it, the old saying rings true, NEVER GET IN A LAND WAR IN ASIA. Without weapons of mass destruction a conventional war against china cannot be won. Can you kill 10.5 million people a year just to keep their numbers from increasing? Can you go for a year, killing a million people a day to wipe out their army? I mean come on. The US military knows how to whoopa22 but there's only been about 19-20K deaths in Iraq since '03.

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Yeah. WW2 had a total death toll of 50-70 million including civilians. 10 million per year plus 300 million to begin with? Oh crap......

Oh and just so you can all sleep better at night, Caster's number's are just for males. Double those to include Chinese females of service age.

Edited by monkeylizard
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Guest lostpass
I was quoting the Bible to be honest.

According to Wikipedia Military service is compulsory. At the time of writing there was 318,265,016 men fit for service ages 16-49 with another 10.5 million males reaching service age annually.

If anyone wants to get into the math of it, the old saying rings true, NEVER GET IN A LAND WAR IN ASIA. Without weapons of mass destruction a conventional war against china cannot be won. Can you kill 10.5 million people a year just to keep their numbers from increasing? Can you go for a year, killing a million people a day to wipe out their army? I mean come on. The US military knows how to whoopa22 but there's only been about 19-20K deaths in Iraq since '03.

The bible gives numbers for the size of the Chinese army? Color me confused.

Wikipedia says that the actual size of the Chinese army is 4.5 million compared with 2.9 million for the US. Wiki also gives figures for Iraq as low as 100,000 to over 1,000,000. And that is without trying to kill a bunch of folks.

As for winning a land war in Asia, well, that is a different story.

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Wikipedia says that the actual size of the Chinese army is 4.5 million compared with 2.9 million for the US. Wiki also gives figures for Iraq as low as 100,000 to over 1,000,000. And that is without trying to kill a bunch of folks.

As for winning a land war in Asia, well, that is a different story.

That's only active duty. If they tool up for war, every physically able male will be made to fight. Unlike here where cowards like me can hide, a chinaman will be forced into service. No need to outfit and keep that many troops in peace time, but watch them if they need to go fight. It'll be like someone opened up the gates of Mordor. They won't need skilled tactics. To be brutally honest, I imgaine the Chinese government would really benefit from it. Imagine a communist society ridding itself of large portions of it's population. It would free them from the great burden they carry.

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