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Who is your favorite knife manufacturer?

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Too many good production houses to pick one; not to mention all the fabulous individual custom makers.

Traditionally, I have always leaned toward Buck, but I have bought 5, count em FIVE, bummers in a row, and these were all US made, too. Have three of them back to Buck for service, including one for the second time. Sad.

- OS

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I guess I need to answer my own question. It is a toss up for me between Chris Reeve and Kai USA. While I only have the one Sebenza (for now), I have a bunch of CR fixed blades. All of CR products are absolutely top quality. They are elegant while retaining a hard use practicality My favorite folder and fixed blade are both CR knives. The only downside to CR products is they are relatively pricey, and this is the reason I chose Kai USA as my co-favorite.

Kai and its divisions have a huge product line at varying prices and styles. You can go from the very inexpensive Chinese knives up to the Sebenza priced ZT0777. They also manufacture moderately priced (~$100) high quality knives such as the ZT 0350, which is considered by several on the forum as one of the best deals on the market. They manufacture styles from the very traditional folder to the uber-tactical ZT line.

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Guest cardcutter

For a folder I still go wit a three blade Case.

For work I carry a Swiss Army. I have lost too many good knives at work.

For the field I go old school. You just can't beat a Ka Bar.

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I'm kinda like some of the other guys that love the Case and Tree Brand stuff. I do too; but its mostly a nostalga thing (....for me at least...) in carryin a real, genuine bone handled knife; which i almost never do now. I've been almost completely taken over by the "new" knife stuff mostly because i like bigger knives and because the new handle materials are so light. I love the Cold Steel stuff, spyderco, kershaw, and benchmade. I also like specific models of the CRKT and Boker stuff; especially the smaller knives like the Los Bandos bokers.


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I'm a big fan of Benchmade, myself. I've only had a couple, but they were very well made and kept an edge better than anything else I've owned. The downside of good edge retention is it takes a little more work to sharpen them...worth it though.

I've been carrying a Kershaw Leek for a couple of weeks now and I have to say, it's working out very well. Excellent blade shape and I love that I can switch the clip to tip-up or tip-down. I haven't had to sharpen it yet, so I can't comment on edge retention yet.

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My favorite makers are Helle and Mora for fixed blades (I love Scandinavian blades) and Opinel, Victorinox, Bear and Sons and Rough Rider for folders. I also like old Cases, Schrades and Camillus. Don't much care for their newer stuff.

I used to be into the tacticool folders like Kershaws (good knives!) and CRKTs, but they just don't interest me anymore. If I were going to buy something like that, I'd probably go for a Dozier.

Edited by Moped
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I like Buck, Case and Benchmade knives.

For my hunting, I have a Case Light Hunter, and two Buck Lite Max (one small, one large)

For carry, I like my Benchmade Pika II...I have one serrated, one plain blade. I also have a Buck BLW I carry from time to time. And a case Texas Jack pocketknife I carry occasionally.

Edited by moondawg
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Guest 22-rimfire

I have no idea what my favorite knife manufacturer is. Like guns, if it is well made, I like it.

As far as brands go, I really like the Great Eastern Cutlery (GEC) folder products. Quality exceeds Case in almost every pattern. I am fairly new to GEC products. I still have quite a few Case folders.

DaddyO, I grew up with that exact Case knife in my pocket. Still have it.

A lot of people dislike SOG blades. I have found them to be generally pretty good knives.

I really like Fallkniven knives. They are hard to beat for a user knife.

I am a big fan of Vic swiss army knives. I have one of these with me almost always along with a Spyderco Delica.

Bob Dozier's knives are exceptional for the price in a custom.

As you can see, I don't play favorites. I'm not willing to spend the money for a Sebenza (Chris Reeves) even though I know they are very good knives.

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Guest Wildogre

Absolute favorite would have to be my Randal Model 14 Attack with a Border Patrol Handle, EDC is a little CRKT Brian Tigue blade is less than 2 inches, weekend carry is a CRKT Point Guard. Best made has to be an Al Mar I got back in 85 or so. Most recent is a SOG Petagon Elite II too bad I can not carry it legally here in Nashville. The Randal is illegal to carry too. At least that is what I understand about TN knife laws. I also have a CRKT KISS. Three CRKTs so they win by majority rule.

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Absolute favorite would have to be my Randal Model 14 Attack with a Border Patrol Handle, EDC is a little CRKT Brian Tigue blade is less than 2 inches, weekend carry is a CRKT Point Guard. Best made has to be an Al Mar I got back in 85 or so. Most recent is a SOG Petagon Elite II too bad I can not carry it legally here in Nashville. The Randal is illegal to carry too. At least that is what I understand about TN knife laws. I also have a CRKT KISS. Three CRKTs so they win by majority rule.

I have never handled a Randal knife but I have heard nothing but great things about them

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