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Guest bigbuck_tn

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ok there was 5000 GAPS sold to PA state troopers and 5400 sold to NY state troopers and 6000 sold to S.C troopers and 5200 sold to GA troopers that is 21600 right there

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ok there was 5000 GAPS sold to PA state troopers and 5400 sold to NY state troopers and 6000 sold to S.C troopers and 5200 sold to GA troopers that is 21600 right there

Even so, there's no way that Glock manufactured 25 times more pistols than S&W... that would be abround 5.5 million just in 2006.

I would be interested in the import record of Glock and others... it's sure to be impressive. But, my question is, what Glock models are manufactured in the US which would account for the number listed?

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Even so, there's no way that Glock manufactured 25 times more pistols than S&W... that would be abround 5.5 million just in 2006.

I would be interested in the import record of Glock and others... it's sure to be impressive. But, my question is, what Glock models are manufactured in the US which would account for the number listed?

I agree with you their

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Guest bigbuck_tn

I believe that they have started making frames in GA. The slides and barrels are still imported since the Tennifer treating process is EPA regulated and very difficult to get setup. Cheaper to keep making them in Austria.

I'm not sure about the other misc parts.

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Numerous safeties on guns are akin to to the operations needed to get a vehicle in motion.

Safety 1: Keyed ignition

Safety 2: Shifter

Safety 3: Parking brake

Trigger: Accelerator pedal/clutch

Some people still drive their cars into fixed objects unintentionally, and some people fail to get their vehicle moving when needed, because one of the 'safeties' was on.

Still, if there was a vehicle which required no key to be inserted and turned, no parking brake to be disengaged, and no actuation of the shifter before pressing the gas to get in motion, it's not difficult to fathom that the people who were careless with the more complicated controls will be even more likely to unintentionally put the car in motion when it's so much easier to activate (ie, getting in/out of the car foot hits the pedal and crash through the garage door).

Of course it's a training and awareness issue... but we're talking about humans here :D

I know where you are going with this, and I agree with ya 100%--Glocks, M&Ps, and Kahrs are easier to shoot (fewer controls/restrictions); therefore, the average dummy probably shouldn't use one. While Glock probably outsells all the competition, I seriously doubt that there is a 25:1 ratio. What I'm getting at is that there are probably too many Glocks out there--only trained, experienced shooters who are always conscious of their triggers should carry Glocks, or anything similar (specifically, XDs, M&Ps, or Kahrs). All others probably need to stick with 12 pound first shot double actions.

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