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Gun Sights Glow Paint

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Guest bkelm18

The difference is that most quality night sights have tritium or something along those lines that doesn't need to "charge" before they glow. The glow paint needs to be exposed to light to charge up before it will glow, and it will only glow for a limited time before needing to be recharged.

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Guest Lester Weevils

It would be nice to find paint that is unusually phosphorescent bright in the daylight for range use. There are some out there, but haven't tried ordering any to see how well they do. Supposedly some paints will convert the UV in daylight for an extra brightness boost in the visible range.

I usually shoot at a range that has covered shooting stations, and the targets are in bright daylight. It is difficult to see the sights on a lot of guns, shooting at bright daylight from under shade.

Have tried some "dayglow" bright colored fingernail polish in green and red, but it doesn't noticeably improve sight visibility shooting at daylight from under shade. But maybe there is some "super phosphorescent" stuff somewhere that would.

Fiber optic sights work great under those conditions, but it is hard to find well-made fiber-optic sights for just any gun out there. Some models are well covered, but others don't have any options. There are web threads where people drill holes in their iron sights and insert fiber-optic rods, but that takes a bit of nerve to go drilling on the gun.

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Ok, here is what I do and it works great and lasts a lot longer than paints. I mix up some clear two part epoxy then add some glow in the dark powder. Then I dab that into the spot on the front sight for the white dot ising a tooth pick or other sharp object. Then I drizzle some more of the glow in the dark powder on top of the epoxy while it is still somwhat wet. Then when it sets up it is impervious to almost any solvent you might use on your gun.

I prep the front sight by using a small drill and get rid of the old white dot paint. I also deepen the hole for the epoxy as well so it has a better chance of staying in place.

This works equally well with titanium dioxide, the whitest substance know to man. I also have titanium dioxide.

The epoxy method is pretty much permanent until you take the same drill bit and drill it back out.

Most often than not those glow in the dark paints are similar to nail polish. And those will break down under most cleaning solvents used on firearms.

If you want we can meet at a local range and I have plenty of epoxy, titanium dioxide and glow in the dark powder to do you sights. Just need to kind of do it when I am feeling ok.


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