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Always double check before cleaning....


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I know a guy who accidentally shot someone without his finger on the trigger. And it wasn't pointed at the guy. In an amazing series of coincidences, three safeties on his gun failed and the laws of physics were suspended all at the exact same moment resulting in a gunshot wound to the femoral artery of his friend.

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I know a guy who accidentally shot someone without his finger on the trigger. And it wasn't pointed at the guy. In an amazing series of coincidences, three safeties on his gun failed and the laws of physics were suspended all at the exact same moment resulting in a gunshot wound to the femoral artery of his friend.

I would like to hear that story. (Not being sarcastic)

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I know a guy who accidentally shot someone without his finger on the trigger. And it wasn't pointed at the guy. In an amazing series of coincidences, three safeties on his gun failed and the laws of physics were suspended all at the exact same moment resulting in a gunshot wound to the femoral artery of his friend.

I heard a similar story, but the guy just shot off his own pinky

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I know a guy who accidentally shot someone without his finger on the trigger. And it wasn't pointed at the guy. In an amazing series of coincidences, three safeties on his gun failed and the laws of physics were suspended all at the exact same moment resulting in a gunshot wound to the femoral artery of his friend.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I think you are, but I could be wrong.

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I have yet to see a gun with an open chamber fire, or an unloaded one, or even one that was loaded and no one touched either 1) the trigger or 2) something directly connected to the firing pin (such as a hammer, or slide, or certain safety/decockers). Whatever happened here, you can bet either the trigger or the slide/firingpin/hammer were involved in it --- while it was pointed at the victim, and after a failure to open the chamber to see if it was loaded. These things just do not happen any other way in modern handguns. I simply do not buy into any of the stories that claim it happened any other way... though I will keep an open mind if someone explains how to repeat the event in a controlled test.

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I know a guy who accidentally shot someone without his finger on the trigger. And it wasn't pointed at the guy. In an amazing series of coincidences, three safeties on his gun failed and the laws of physics were suspended all at the exact same moment resulting in a gunshot wound to the femoral artery of his friend.

A childhood friend of mine, who is a ffl dealer and class 2 gun manufacturer had a .25 mouse gun someone gave him go off while chambering a round and grazed the palm of his hand. He said was one of the most painful experiences of his life. I don't remember what type gun it was but the firing pin was retained by a roll pin that failed. Needless to say the gun was torched(literally).


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