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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me

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If you walk into the building with any kind of ammunition they will take it. Even if it is in a box. You are not allowed to leave and take it to your car. You will be detained until you give the ammunition up. They take it from you and dump it into a cup then point at a sign they have posted saying no magazines or ammunition. After they do it and the customer has left they sit around laughing about it. I've watched them do it dozens of times to people.

The man loud mouth security guard acts like he is LE. He even tells people he will arrest them for disorderly conduct if they try to sell a firearm outside of the show. He has laid hands on vendors, including a member here.

I even called the local DA and they confirmed they were breaking the law by taking the ammunition. The DA said a private entity cannot legal take another private entity's property without due process. The security guard owner is not liked among the local LE either. But the DA said they had more important things to worry about than a $20 box of ammunition.

Same thing as if I posted a sign on my property that said no $20 bills then when someone enetered my property with a $20 I could sieze it based on their mentality.

They got me once and never again but I see them take hundreds of dollars of ammunition each show. Mine cost me $20 in defensive ammo.


BTW they are Knoxville Contract Security Division and are a private security company. No doubt intentional considering the local LE is K.C.S.D.. They wear uniforms that look similar to the Knox County Sheriif's Department. They have patches and badges that have KCSD on them in the same style. The patches are shaped exactly the same as well. To a person who didn't know they woudl assume they were LE but they are not. It would seem someone intentionally looking like LE, acting like LE and threateneing to arrest people would be impersonating and officer.

They are owned and operated by Gene Farmer, a well know idiot.

This is some crazy :poop:

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Guest Broomhead

If you walk into the building with any kind of ammunition they will take it. Even if it is in a box. You are not allowed to leave and take it to your car. You will be detained until you give the ammunition up. They take it from you and dump it into a cup then point at a sign they have posted saying no magazines or ammunition. After they do it and the customer has left they sit around laughing about it. I've watched them do it dozens of times to people.

The man loud mouth security guard acts like he is LE. He even tells people he will arrest them for disorderly conduct if they try to sell a firearm outside of the show. He has laid hands on vendors, including a member here.

I even called the local DA and they confirmed they were breaking the law by taking the ammunition. The DA said a private entity cannot legal take another private entity's property without due process. The security guard owner is not liked among the local LE either. But the DA said they had more important things to worry about than a $20 box of ammunition.

Same thing as if I posted a sign on my property that said no $20 bills then when someone enetered my property with a $20 I could sieze it based on their mentality.

They got me once and never again but I see them take hundreds of dollars of ammunition each show. Mine cost me $20 in defensive ammo.


BTW they are Knoxville Contract Security Division and are a private security company. No doubt intentional considering the local LE is K.C.S.D.. They wear uniforms that look similar to the Knox County Sheriif's Department. They have patches and badges that have KCSD on them in the same style. The patches are shaped exactly the same as well. To a person who didn't know they woudl assume they were LE but they are not. It would seem someone intentionally looking like LE, acting like LE and threateneing to arrest people would be impersonating and officer.

They are owned and operated by Gene Farmer, a well know idiot.

One would think that having made attempts to leave the property, verbally stating your desire to do so loudly, and still being detained for no reason by a private entity would constitute False Imprisonment, harassment, etc. I think a call to the local PD informing them of the situation, the impersonation LEOs, the intent of theft, the attempt to defraud, and the desire to press charges would get that stuff stopped real fast. If the "security" guards were armed, wouldn't the charges then become aggravated, increasing their severity? IANAL.

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One would think that having made attempts to leave the property, verbally stating your desire to do so loudly, and still being detained for no reason by a private entity would constitute False Imprisonment, harassment, etc. I think a call to the local PD informing them of the situation, the impersonation LEOs, the intent of theft, the attempt to defraud, and the desire to press charges would get that stuff stopped real fast. If the "security" guards were armed, wouldn't the charges then become aggravated, increasing their severity? IANAL.

Already spoke to DA and they agreed the security was breaking the law. The problem is finding an officer who would respond and be willing to start the process. Even if the process did get started the DA said they would just drop the case.

I think another problem is LE doesn't want to upset the venue. The venue used to use actual LE but started using security instead. I think LE wants the side jobs back so they are less than inclined to make waves. LE is upset they lost this side job but they are hoping to get it back as well.

I think it might be time to reopen the state's investigation into them. I got the ball rolling a year or so ago but dropped it after the show promoter paid me.


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at the expo in knoxville the security is paid and hired by the expo ae part of the rental agrement .at the zoo its rk shows they hire knoxville policemen .the security officers at the expo are strange to say the least . i had one threaten me with arrest one time over parking he dont work there anymore .at the last show one of them led me to belive he was a sheriffs deputy the real cause for alarm imo is this company with the same people do school security for knox county schools

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at the expo in knoxville the security is paid and hired by the expo ae part of the rental agrement .at the zoo its rk shows they hire knoxville policemen .the security officers at the expo are strange to say the least . i had one threaten me with arrest one time over parking he dont work there anymore .at the last show one of them led me to belive he was a sheriffs deputy the real cause for alarm imo is this company with the same people do school security for knox county schools

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that impersonating a police officer?

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I don't do the shows anymore. Usually more junk n' jerky than quality guns.

Yeah, I've seen enough beef jerky, Ching Chong fake police & HCP badges, and BDU's for a lifetime. I haven't been to a circus.. er.. gun show in years.

All the gun buying and selling one needs can be done right here on TGO <3

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The show at the fairgrounds is one of the worst shows I've ever been too...a close tie with the one at the AG center in Franklin. One thing I miss about Knoxville are the gun shows as they are all pretty good. The Murfreesboro show is pretty decent...and it's 5 minutes away so that helps...lol

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Guest lostpass
Already spoke to DA and they agreed the security was breaking the law. The problem is finding an officer who would respond and be willing to start the process. Even if the process did get started the DA said they would just drop the case.

I think another problem is LE doesn't want to upset the venue. The venue used to use actual LE but started using security instead. I think LE wants the side jobs back so they are less than inclined to make waves. LE is upset they lost this side job but they are hoping to get it back as well.

I think it might be time to reopen the state's investigation into them. I got the ball rolling a year or so ago but dropped it after the show promoter paid me.


You see the rub here from the perspective of the police, right? If they go and stop it everyone will say they are busting up the security so they can get their old side jobs back. If they do nothing about it is because they are trying to curry favor and get their old side jobs back. They are in a no win situation, either way they look like greedy folks angling for the next paycheck.

The easy way, I suppose, to take care of this is for the authorities to have a chat with the problematic security guard in a low key manner. But, I would bet, that this isn't just a huge priority for them. I suspect there is no secret agenda or anything, just a plain old bunch of "don't care" going on.

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I was behind BlackVanDriver in line when the hag was looking for a camera. I wish I had stayed home.

This is why I haven't been to a BG show in so long. The RK Show in M'boro is way better.

LOL and it took you till the middle of the building to say hi?? Hey, I am almost excited to find out how your kiddo likes her Christmas present!

So did you buy anything? Tried selling the SP and the Six but no one had any real money. The old men Vultures kept eyeballing my Speedsix and offering $275. So still have both but the wife said sell the SP if we can and she will deal with the six untill can get some $$$ for a S&W 327 to match my 625.

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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me
LOL and it took you till the middle of the building to say hi?? Hey, I am almost excited to find out how your kiddo likes her Christmas present!

So did you buy anything? Tried selling the SP and the Six but no one had any real money. The old men Vultures kept eyeballing my Speedsix and offering $275. So still have both but the wife said sell the SP if we can and she will deal with the six untill can get some $$$ for a S&W 327 to match my 625.

You know you're KILLING ME!!! Right???:)

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LOL and it took you till the middle of the building to say hi?? Hey, I am almost excited to find out how your kiddo likes her Christmas present!

So did you buy anything? Tried selling the SP and the Six but no one had any real money. The old men Vultures kept eyeballing my Speedsix and offering $275. So still have both but the wife said sell the SP if we can and she will deal with the six untill can get some $$$ for a S&W 327 to match my 625.

I was a few people behind you when we got to the door. By the time we got branded and herded through the chute you were way ahead of me (I literally look at everything...why not, I paid to get in).

I got me a knife and 4 others to give as gifts. Aside from that, just baubles and trinkets. You? I expected the SP to sell faster, but at what the geezers offered offered for the Six I'm not surprised you left with both.

My daughter's present caused a HUGE rift. My wife is so jealous! She thinks I should give it to her instead, LOL. I said no way...I get to be Super Santa this year.

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I will have to say I too will not attend another show, but not for the same reasons. The of course, I guess I remember real gun shows from the past also.

5 dollahs to park . . .

They are trying there best to kill the fairgrounds

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We also went and what a waste of time and cash! The funniest part was that the old crabby lady at the front door wanted to search my wifes purse for a camera. I was like lady, ever person in the place that has a cell phone has some sort of camera on them!


I could have warned you to stay away from the show :)

Oh well...if I'd been there we could have walked around and complained.

I went to one with cash this summer to buy a 1911 and the prices were all higher than in the local gun stores.

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