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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me

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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me

:rant:I had the misfortune of attending the Bill Goodmans Gun N Knife Show today...With a good attitude and sunshine on my face this morning I went to the Nashville Gun Show @ the fairgrounds...Normally I take my good friends 14yrs old son to help me carry stuff watch table (nothing wrong with a lil child labor and he loves guns and it's good for him) Recently I inherited several pieces and due to my interests being in other areas of firearms I am trying to liquidate pieces and get the select ones I desire to accompany me and mine into the new unsure times ahead...Said child labor was not with me today (teenage things ect) So I elect to go and get a table and set up my wares to do my buying, selling trading whatnot...This is no easy feat by myself as I was carry around 20 weapons 5 long guns cases ect and aprox 15 handguns...As I normally do I spend a good hour prepping checking ALL GUNS for ANY ammo...I NEVER TAKE AMMO, except for my carry and that mag stays in the truck...I luck out and find a spot up front at 9:15a.m. (WOW) this is gonna be a great day....NOT!!!I waddle up to the front door with all my crap (i mean quality merch, 2 trips worth) and the guy begins to clear guns and I ask where I can get a table "I need a table for the show please""Are you an FFL Dealer?" ummm no maam this is a private collection" , You can't set up a table and sell unless your an FFL, you have too many guns and you'd breaking the law"... No as a matter of fact I'm NOT, this is a PRIVATE COLLECTION, could you show me a law that says I MUST be a FFL to sell or trade my pieces and the LIMIT of guns I may have???" long pause......."Well we don't have any tables available anyway" "Well how about you just say there are "NO TABLES" instead of telling me about gun laws you have NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE talking about"??? ....ENTER PROMOTER who was almost as ignorant as her, who says "the show is full...BLAH BLAH BLAH..." and some mumbo jumbo from her about asking the ATF on sight to talk to me, which I would of had NO PROBLEM telling my situation to...as I'm not a FELON, I have a HCP and I am a TN resident...anything I'm missing??? Nope!irritated, I took all my crap back to my great parking spot which I DIDN'T have to pay for, put it all in the truck and grabbed 4-5 pieces paid my $8 and walked in and traded for a couple nice pieces today...I left around 2pm and walked out with some friends whom I shoot with weekly, we stopped at my truck and I showed him my new piece and the same OLD HAGG sent someone out to my truck (whom I knew) to see if I was conducting a "gun deal" in the parking lot....ummm WHAT!!!??? Firstly HELL NO, THAT is ILLEGAL, secondly I JUST got it I don't WANT to sell it....He laughed and went back in to deal with her...I will NOT be patronizing Bill Goodmans shows anymore...It's a pain in the a$$ as well as the MORONS they employee...(Now I'm not the type to ever put my hand on a woman, but I might consider paying another woman to smack one in the mouth (kidding) and so went my day at the Nashville show... For the record she was talking to her gun show employee and she is a proud loud yankee, and by her OBVIOUS lack of intelligence and Firearms LAW, I'd guess her from Illinois and most likely an Obummer supporter....End OF RANT:rant:...lol...

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Much anticipated and what I figured it'd be. I don't talk the laws unless I can quote them, which in most cases I can't because there's too much useless stuff rattling around in my head. I've never had a good experience at any gun show. I've only ever bought 2 guns (XD45 - 500 OTD and a S&W M&P15OR - 1200 OTD (Obama scare AR, and must have for dad)). I don't go to them anymore unless I have something to sell. I'll rely on my local and trusted gun shops to have what I am looking for or to order it. The BS there is usually pretty accurate unless it's coming from some random patron. It's a shame that gun shows aren't what they used to be. I remember when I was younger going with dad and seeing all the "deals" and being able to find an AK for under $300 or a nice old eastern block gun still in the wax paper for under $100. Not so much anymore, people forget it's a gun show not a gun shop. I doubt I'll be attending the gunshows here in TN anymore, never was impressed by them. I may still go in OH when I'm visiting dad, mainly because the gun shops in OH are horrible and way over priced. I need to get the rest of the family down to TN.

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Guest hawkeye10

As I have stated I don't go to the Goodman show and now you know why. Instead a friend and I went shooting in Woodbury and had a very relaxing day at the range. Now don't you wish you had went with me and not got all stressed out. I think you need to take a drink and calm down. Every thing will be OK. Next time you think I am going to a Goodman show call me and we will go shooting. LOL Don

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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me
As I have stated I don't go to the Goodman show and now you know why. Instead a friend and I went shooting in Woodbury and had a very relaxing day at the range. Now don't you wish you had went with me and not got all stressed out. I think you need to take a drink and calm down. Every thing will be OK. Next time you think I am going to a Goodman show call me and we will go shooting. LOL Don

Yes indeed I should have been shooting today instead trying to be subjected to that BS, but the fact I didn't let HAGG "run me off" was why I found such a sweet new deal on a PRISTINE PO, Warthawg <karmic reward for not telling her to F**K herself> which I now look forward to shooting tomorrow, instead of going back to that sad excuse for a gun show ...<typed in between sips of my Goose N grapefruit> thx for the invite btw :)

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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me

Not by state law I don't believe, but per the "RULES" of the show and fairgrounds pvt property??? Insurance bond maybe???...I don't really know, doens't matter since I wasn't trying to sell a gun anyway, just showing my buddy my new piece as we chatted before heading to lunch...

lol, Go figure???

I did once years a go, buy a shotgun from a sheriffs dep out of his car, (selling since the dept finally provided them and he was selling his personal he purchased for work) ...he didn't seem to have a problem with it...

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Guest Broomhead

My Dad, daughters and I all walked in about 5 seconds before you did. For most of our trip, my youngest was wearing one of the camo hats that the very nice milsurp clothing gentleman in the back-right gave to each daughters. I heard the "Hag" tell you about the table. The show wasn't full, they could have very easily set up several more tables in the back-right. I like gun shows, I always will, but I too haven't been impressed as of late.

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they seem to be working very hard to put themselves out of business

Sure seems like it. I dunno who started the charging for parking...at first i thought it was the Fairground board/Mayor who want to stop the shows...now I wondr if its the gun show promoter,looking to make more money, lol.

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It is not illegal to sell a firearm as part of a private party sale.

The fairgrounds can have a policy against selling firearms in the parking lot, or anything else for that matter, but that does not make it law. Private property owners can set their own policies but just because someone violates them doesn't make them criminals. Private party policies are not an arrestable offense if violated.

What a private property owner can do is ask you to leave the property and you must leave or risk being arrested or cited for trespassing. They can ask you to leave the property for any reason or no reason at all.

Problem is most of these rent a cops have no clue about the law. When actual officers work these shows there tends to be a lot less problems. Here in Knoxville at the RK Shows the security steal from customers all the time stating it is their policy to do so. Good part is the show promoter will hand out money to who ever complains about it. Bad part is you never get your items back.


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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me
It is not illegal to sell a firearm as part of a private party sale.

The fairgrounds can have a policy against selling firearms in the parking lot, or anything else for that matter, but that does not make it law. Private property owners can set their own policies but just because someone violates them doesn't make them criminals. Private party policies are not an arrestable offense if violated.

What a private property owner can do is ask you to leave the property and you must leave or risk being arrested or cited for trespassing. They can ask you to leave the property for any reason or no reason at all.

Problem is most of these rent a cops have no clue about the law. When actual officers work these shows there tends to be a lot less problems. Here in Knoxville at the RK Shows the security steal from customers all the time stating it is their policy to do so. Good part is the show promoter will hand out money to who ever complains about it. Bad part is you never get your items back.


Steal what, I would have someone's A$$ if they took my property!

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Guest Don't-Tread-On-Me
We also went and what a waste of time and cash! The funniest part was that the old crabby lady at the front door wanted to search my wifes purse for a camera. I was like lady, ever person in the place that has a cell phone has some sort of camera on them!

Geez! Front door HAGG was a complete coocoo nut job!

What the hell was she worried about cameras for???

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Steal what, I would have someone's A$$ if they took my property!


If you walk into the building with any kind of ammunition they will take it. Even if it is in a box. You are not allowed to leave and take it to your car. You will be detained until you give the ammunition up. They take it from you and dump it into a cup then point at a sign they have posted saying no magazines or ammunition. After they do it and the customer has left they sit around laughing about it. I've watched them do it dozens of times to people.

The man loud mouth security guard acts like he is LE. He even tells people he will arrest them for disorderly conduct if they try to sell a firearm outside of the show. He has laid hands on vendors, including a member here.

I even called the local DA and they confirmed they were breaking the law by taking the ammunition. The DA said a private entity cannot legal take another private entity's property without due process. The security guard owner is not liked among the local LE either. But the DA said they had more important things to worry about than a $20 box of ammunition.

Same thing as if I posted a sign on my property that said no $20 bills then when someone enetered my property with a $20 I could sieze it based on their mentality.

They got me once and never again but I see them take hundreds of dollars of ammunition each show. Mine cost me $20 in defensive ammo.


BTW they are Knoxville Contract Security Division and are a private security company. No doubt intentional considering the local LE is K.C.S.D.. They wear uniforms that look similar to the Knox County Sheriif's Department. They have patches and badges that have KCSD on them in the same style. The patches are shaped exactly the same as well. To a person who didn't know they woudl assume they were LE but they are not. It would seem someone intentionally looking like LE, acting like LE and threateneing to arrest people would be impersonating and officer.

They are owned and operated by Gene Farmer, a well know idiot.

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