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Mashed My Lucky Trigger Finger GRAPHIC


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Well my computer had been a POS lately and it finally loaded the pics this time I looked at it. That looks painful. I did something similar about 2 months ago to my big toe on my right foot. I was moving 55 gal drums of fuel around and one of them fell off the forks and caught my big toe. I thought I broke it, the toe split and my shoe was all bloody. I've got half a new toe nail and one less pair of shoes. Good luck with the recovery, it took me about 2 weeks before I stopped hobbling around.

  mikegideon said:
Would the picture be small enough to make it your new avatar? :)

For Goodness sake!!!

Don't give him any ideas...:)

  pfries said:
For Goodness sake!!!

Don't give him any ideas...:)

He's more likely to post a picture of his forklift. He loves that thing, at least he did before it bit his trigger finger :)


Oh, I bet that does hurt. I did essentially the same thing on a double garage door one time.........Not the smartest thing I have done.


The pictures I posted are not the most painful hand or finger accident I have ever had.

I was trying to knock an exhaust joint loose on an old car. It was in a spot where it would swing everytime I would hit it, lessening the blow from the small sledge I was using. I had been beating on it for about 15 minutes and it was brutally cold out. So in my mind with one more swing with all I could muster that hit the right spot while I held it in place to keep it from rocking would knock it loose. After all at this point my hands were starting to numb from the cold.

So I grabbed the exhaust pipe as close to the perfect spot as I could and prepared myself with a few practice swings, all of which hit the mark perfectly. I then let loose with the absolutely strongest swing I think I have ever mustered. I mean I probably pulled a muscle swinging that sledge hammer as hard as I did.

What did I hear? Not the high pitched "tink" I had been hearing but a low muffled "thunk" with a slight ring. I opened my eyes and made an amazing discovery, closing my eyes as I swung might have been a major flaw in my plan.

At this point the pain hadn't really set in even though you would think it had based on my reaction. Without inspecting I grabbed my thumb and began cussing. If there ever was a Sailor's dictionary of curse words it was like I was reading it from A to Z. I walked around in circles all the while hoping it wasn’t as bad as I knew it was going to be.

Mad as I was the pain began to set in and even though I didn't cry I couldn't see from at that point because of the tears of pain welling up in my eyes. In an instant I went from being mad to having pity on my thumb and hoping my wife would have the same for me. After all she has seen this same incident play out before numerous times. Not sure if the cold made it worse but I could not have managed it made it any better.

I wiped my eyes clear and uncovered my thumb. Now I used to generally be pretty good at handling unsightly injuries and a thumb smashing was par for the course for me. But as I looked at my thumb my knees got week and I got the same feeling in my gut as you get when you are watching those skateboarders fall from outstanding heights onto the hard concrete.

It was completely red under the nail but wasn’t bleeding. As the nail continued to fill with blood the pressure built with every heart beat until it was unbearable. I knew I was in for a very rough week and it actually turned out to be a rough couple of weeks. The first week I looked as though I was perpetually asking for permission from the teacher as I walked around with my swollen thumb above my head. Lying in bed meant I had had to keep it elevated. Do you know how hard it is to sleep with your hand elevated? Very hard it turns out. I eventually got enough nerve to drain the blood from underneath. That relieved a lot of the pressure but not the pain. The pain finally subsided 2 weeks later and the nail finally fell off a little over a month later.

My poor left thumb, it bears the brunt of the right thumb’s abuse.


  mikegideon said:
Would the picture be small enough to make it your new avatar? :)

Okay, who's been talking. ;)


Several years ago I was hammering the legs of some inbed weld plates over.Guess in my haste my finger got in the way.Remember the pic on the web a few years back of the guy who blew the end of his thumb off placing it in front of the 500 Mag? Thats what my finger looked like,completly blew the end out of it,looked like a bloody,meaty mushroom.It healed back with a couple scars on the end now,took several years before I got all the feeling back in it

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