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Grips? Part Du!

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Earlier I had asked about certain grips from Esmeralda. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6235.

Well, they came today and I like them! They are definitely darker than the original picture and look very much wood and not Ivory as the seemed to from the website. I gotta say, so far I really like them. They are different, but when I gripped my HP I really liked how the grips feel. very smooth yet gave a good grip. The pictures don't do them or the gun justice, but here are a few anyway.




Edited by Smith
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I know what you mean about unique. I was getting tired of the Cocobolo as everyone has them. These were just unique and different, in a good way IMO. A big bonus was the feel and fit! She does a good job, to say the least.

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Guest Verbal Kint
So, is that two different sets of grips, or just one. The first picture looks brown, and the last two look white. ;)

Pretty sure that's just one set, and you're seeing the flash from the camera more in the last photos.

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So, is that two different sets of grips, or just one. The first picture looks brown, and the last two look white. ;)

First picture is closer to the color than the others. They are a light brown. Definitely not white. It's one of those colors that I don't think translate in pictures very well.

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Guest flyfishtn

They look very good. I like the way they set off the gun with the contrast.

I went with VZ Gator grips in black to match my slide.

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