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A story about "The Freedom Group" buying up all sorts of gun and gun supply companies


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A story about "The Freedom Group" buying up all sorts of gun and gun supply companies. And, to what end? There's some speculation that the George Soros affiliated organization might be buying up weapons companies to begin denying guns and supplies to private citizens. Read the (long) story and make up your own mind.

Also might explain why we're starting to see Bushmasters and Remington ammo in WallyWorld.

How Freedom Group Became the Big Shot | HeraldTribune.com

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A story about "The Freedom Group" buying up all sorts of gun and gun supply companies. And, to what end? There's some speculation that the George Soros affiliated organization might be buying up weapons companies to begin denying guns and supplies to private citizens. Read the (long) story and make up your own mind.

Also might explain why we're starting to see Bushmasters and Remington ammo in WallyWorld.

How Freedom Group Became the Big Shot | HeraldTribune.com

Tired tinfoil myth, floating around the net for some years now.

Freedom Group is owned by Cerberus Capital Management.

No connection with Soros has been shown with either org.

The story you link to even says flatly he does not.

The gun industry was ripe for the pickings, and you know these controlling corps creamed in their jeans when Obama spiked gun sales off the charts.

- OS

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Guest oldslowchevy

this had to be false, why would anyone spend billons of dollars buying gun compaines just to not sell guns. i mean why would some one really go broke doing this.

the net is full of crap like this.

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Tired tinfoil myth, floating around the net for some years now.

Freedom Group is owned by Cerberus Capital Management.

No connection with Soros has been shown with either org.

The story you link to even says flatly he does not.

The gun industry was ripe for the pickings, and you know these controlling corps creamed in their jeans when Obama spiked gun sales off the charts.

- OS

Bless you. This was going to get stupid.

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This unsubstantiated rumor has caused a great deal of unnecessary concern for gun owners NRA-ILA urges our members to take great care before repeating baseless rumors found on the internet.


We caused the big gun and ammunition price jump and then the shortage of ammunition. The anti-gunners didn’t have to anything but stand back and have a good laugh. AR prices are just now getting back to where they should be, so I’m sure something will come along that will cause a “crisis”.

Cerberus is about making money. Buying companies and limiting product won’t do that.

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We caused the big gun and ammunition price jump and then the shortage of ammunition. The anti-gunners didn’t have to anything but stand back and have a good laugh. AR prices are just now getting back to where they should be, so I’m sure something will come along that will cause a “crisis”.

Cerberus is about making money. Buying companies and limiting product won’t do that.

I guess there's no real way to tell, but I wonder how much money was generated by increased sales and higher costs of ammo and guns because of the "shortage" of ammo and the fear of guns being unavailable that would not have been made anyway?

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I guess there's no real way to tell, but I wonder how much money was generated by increased sales and higher costs of ammo and guns because of the "shortage" of ammo and the fear of guns being unavailable that would not have been made anyway?

That was a shortage caused by demand. A shortage caused by production lows within one company will only loose that company money.

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