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Do you sometimes clean your wife's gun for her after shooting together?


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Guest WyattEarp
I really appreciate it when my wife goes shooting with me. And, yes, she does know how to clean her own gun.

What do you all think about cleaning your wife's gun for her after the shoot from time to time?

Is it a gesture of love, or is it allowing her to evade a primary responsibility?

I know she doesn't care for the smell of Hoppe's No. 9 as much as I do.

I know that when she cooks, I'll clean the dishes. When I barbecue, she'll do prep work and the side dishes.

I also know that my son the Marine is pretty hard over on "Don't let the sun set on a dirty gun" and that everyone is responsible for their own.

I don't know if this is a Glock vs 1911 topic, but it might be . . .


if she can shoot it, she can clean it. :D

......and maybe this is why I don't have a wife and I'm not married at the age of 31...:)

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Guest WyattEarp
Same here. It's a trade off. If I had to clean clothes wouldn't get done. If she had to clean guns, wouldn't get done.

whoa, whoa, whoa....what's a matter with you? Laundry can't be that hard! I'm 31, I can cook, fry, bake and barbecue. I can clean the bathroom, do the dishes, sweep and mop the floor, cut the grass, wash the car, fix anything broken around the house (in my case apartment), I can do laundry and fold it, I can pay bills, balance the checkbook, and hell I can even go to the grocery store and Wal-mart. now I just wanna know what your excuse is? :)

my only problem is all the women out there are intimidated by a self-sufficient man who can do all that without having to be told a hundred times and nagged at. so I guess I'm just damned if I do, and damned if I don't.

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whoa, whoa, whoa....what's a matter with you? Laundry can't be that hard! I'm 31, I can cook, fry, bake and barbecue. I can clean the bathroom, do the dishes, sweep and mop the floor, cut the grass, wash the car, fix anything broken around the house (in my case apartment), I can do laundry and fold it, I can pay bills, balance the checkbook, and hell I can even go to the grocery store and Wal-mart. now I just wanna know what your excuse is? :(

my only problem is all the women out there are intimidated by a self-sufficient man who can do all that without having to be told a hundred times and nagged at. so I guess I'm just damned if I do, and damned if I don't.

They are intimidated because you can do things that would drop their work load? Perhaps since they can't hold the "do this now or I'm not doing that" thing over your head.

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Guest WyattEarp
They are intimidated because you can do things that would drop their work load? Perhaps since they can't hold the "do this now or I'm not doing that" thing over your head.

I don't know but I asked a woman once, and I was told this "women, like men that have their **** together, but are still somewhat of a project. Meaning they can get a good job that pays good, provide a roof over their head, put food on the table, and support them, but don't know how to do much else, so they can "shape" them and "mold" them to their standards" If you seem too perfect, they run because they think you're hiding something or you're too good to be true. sounds dumb to me, but considering I haven't had a girlfriend in 18 months, what the hell do I know about women? at this point I'm starting to think not very much. :)

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WyattEarp (and others),

Regarding spouse: It makes me happy to make her happy, and then, sometimes, she makes me VERY VERY Happy. In that special way that a lot of guys seem to like. Frankly, I'm hooked.

And, since making her happy to make me happy has been going on for more than 35 years, I occasionally get VERY VERY Happy without having to go bottom trolling in bars and get in fist fights with big drunk guys.

If I have a chance to make her happy by cleaning her gun (and putting the dirty clothes in a laundry basket instead of draping them all over the house), then that makes me happy, and sometimes, just sometimes, VERY VERY Happy.

Are we communicating here? Good. 'Cause that makes me happy. But only a little bit.

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Guest WyattEarp
WyattEarp (and others),

Regarding spouse: It makes me happy to make her happy, and then, sometimes, she makes me VERY VERY Happy. In that special way that a lot of guys seem to like. Frankly, I'm hooked.

And, since making her happy to make me happy has been going on for more than 35 years, I occasionally get VERY VERY Happy without having to go bottom trolling in bars and get in fist fights with big drunk guys.

If I have a chance to make her happy by cleaning her gun (and putting the dirty clothes in a laundry basket instead of draping them all over the house), then that makes me happy, and sometimes, just sometimes, VERY VERY Happy.

Are we communicating here? Good. 'Cause that makes me happy. But only a little bit.

and thats what it's all about my friend. making the one you care about smile, and happy is the man's job. I felt that way about my last gf, but she didn't feel the same way, so what can ya do? maybe one day, I'll find my special someone, but right now, i'm all about business, school comes first, then career, then maybe just maybe, a special little lady will come my way.

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My wife is still learning and I am not going to scare or turn her off by forcing her to clean them.

She watches me clean them and asks me questions sometimes so maybe someday she will be ready to do it herself. For now I make sure it gets done. She does other things around the house and I probably don't do enough truth be told.

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Guest Old goat
I don't know but I asked a woman once, and I was told this "women, like men that have their **** together, but are still somewhat of a project. Meaning they can get a good job that pays good, provide a roof over their head, put food on the table, and support them, but don't know how to do much else, so they can "shape" them and "mold" them to their standards" If you seem too perfect, they run because they think you're hiding something or you're too good to be true. sounds dumb to me, but considering I haven't had a girlfriend in 18 months, what the hell do I know about women? at this point I'm starting to think not very much. :)

Yep, that's it it Earp, you're just too good to be true.

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Guest WingMan380
if she can shoot it, she can clean it. ;)

......and maybe this is why I don't have a wife and I'm not married at the age of 31...:shrug:

Keep that attitude and you will still be single at the age of 62.

Not trying to be rude but reading your post on here you are slightly arrogant which is a big turn off to the ladies.

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