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Do you sometimes clean your wife's gun for her after shooting together?


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I really appreciate it when my wife goes shooting with me. And, yes, she does know how to clean her own gun.

What do you all think about cleaning your wife's gun for her after the shoot from time to time?

Is it a gesture of love, or is it allowing her to evade a primary responsibility?

I know she doesn't care for the smell of Hoppe's No. 9 as much as I do.

I know that when she cooks, I'll clean the dishes. When I barbecue, she'll do prep work and the side dishes.

I also know that my son the Marine is pretty hard over on "Don't let the sun set on a dirty gun" and that everyone is responsible for their own.

I don't know if this is a Glock vs 1911 topic, but it might be . . .


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Guest rockbottom12

My wife is in med school so I always clean them. However when our situation changes and she ain't reading so much. She will start helping again. She is really good at it. It isn't a point of struggle for us though.

If it keeps peace and keeps your wife shooting then clean her gun.

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My misses does not shoot as much as I would like but….

She knows how to strip, clean, and maintain the self-defense weapons in the house, at this point I make the kids help, as they are the ones that need to learn and practice.

If she knows how to do it proficiently then I do not have a problem with doing it… but then again I am one of those that enjoy it.

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I clean them all. Once you get into it, there is no reason for a second person to get dirty or to have a seperate area, set of rags, hand off rods and brushes to each other, and so on. I made her clean a few so she understood what it was about, and how to do it if needed, but to be honest I am just happy she loves to shoot, and figured out how to open the safe, and can pick up ammo for us, etc. Not that those are a big deal but it took a while to get this far!

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I am so glad that some of you guys (and gals) are helping your children learn how to clean their weapons. My father, uncles and all of their friends, fought in world war two. I was honored to be able to help my father clean his shotgun or rifle. My father taught me how to clean his guns, while he taught me about the evils of communism. His generation had done so much and sacrificed so much but the job was not over. It is still not over, our young men and women are still fighting. It was an honor to clean the rifle of a man who fought and defeated the Japanese and Germans. I think our children should learn how to clean a firearm. Our sons and daughters.

My advatar is the MacMillan Taratan, from Scotland. We came to this country to find freedom. We settled in what is now Alabama and Tennessee. We found freedom and have been fighting for it ever since.

Edited by Will Carry
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My wife and I went shooting yesterday at Thanksgiving with my family, and I woke up today to find this list on the fridge (to remind herself):

"Clean rifle

Clean kitchen"

I am a lucky guy. :)

In that order?

Major plus one

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Guest Old goat

I told my wife " its your gun, you got it dirty, you clean it" she replied " they're your clothes, you got them dirty, you clean them". Since I dirty more cloths than she does guns, I changed my way of thinking.

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Guest WingMan380

My wife knows how to strip and clean her weapon. I don't make her clean it when I clean mine if she wants to jump in and clean hers too I let her otherwise I clean it for her because she has to live and put up with me so it is the least I can do for her.

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