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Hello from Kingsport!!

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Saw a link at The Firing Line and came here and glad I did. This is such a great and needed idea for a website. While TN is a gun friendly state, there are some changes that need to be made in the gun carry laws. I really hope with the new State Senate leadership with Ron Ramsey as the leader we can see changes in the restaurant carry and carry in state and city parks.

I shoot mostly at Cherokee Rod and Gun Club in Kingsport but have started shooting at Kettlefoot in Bristol and Tac 2 in Greeneville for IDPA.

Best wishes for much sucess on this website.

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Saw a link at The Firing Line and came here and glad I did. This is such a great and needed idea for a website.

Very happy to have you here and to hear that TGO is filling a need. It's reassuring to me to see folks like yourself sign up so quickly.

While TN is a gun friendly state, there are some changes that need to be made in the gun carry laws. I really hope with the new State Senate leadership with Ron Ramsey as the leader we can see changes in the restaurant carry and carry in state and city parks.

I couldn't agree more. I still track the Tennessee Firearms Ass'n for word on any improvements in that area, and it seems like there's not even any movement among our elected officials to remedy the situation. As you said, with this change of guard, maybe the situation will finally be addressed.

Thanks for signing up!

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hey waynesan, I started to go out to kettlefoot today, but the I can't find any 45 long colt..dang it! everyone wants to "order some" for me.

the one place I DID find it was over in weber city and the guy wanted like 31 bucks a box!

if you get time this weekend, and would care to go shooting, let me know, I'd like get aquainted with some ranges around here and meet fellow tn gun owners. heck, I MIGHT be able to throw in a really cute lady that shoots too. thats how I found out that ar's come in pink and black...go figure!

813-917-4596 (yah, I know its a florida number..I got this cellphone when I was working on towers down there)

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Hey Towerclimber,

I saw your intro yesterday and meant to post to it but got carried away reading and forget to go back.

I do most of my shooting at Cherokee Rod and Gun Club. We went today and I was shooting my new XD9 and my Ruger KP944. Got kind of chilly before we left.

Are you familiar with Cherokee? You can do a search on Yahoo and find their website and see what we have. I think you can even download an application form if your interested. Dues are just $75 a year.

You said you were looking for ammo yesterday. Did you try Gunslingers on Stone Drive? They've usually got a good supply of everything I've ever needed but I've never needed what you were looking for.

I work shift work so I don't get to go shoot like normal people but perhaps we can get together some time. I'd like to meet a noobie to the area. I'll give you a call when I get a chance. C-ya

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