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To go along with TN-PoPo and his skill thread..

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How often do you seriously train? I'm talking focused, objective based training with specific goals and drills in mind.

I train pistol drills every week and carbine at least monthly. Shotgun? It just looks so comfy leaning against the bedroom wall...

The funny thing is I like the shotgun best of all 3

Interspersed with this is 2-3 long weekend classes throughout the year. They may be advanced but I try to work in at least 1 fundamental class per year to keep my technique grounded in the right place. Mixed in are 2-3 1 day local classes. I think it is a decent balance but I would like to shoot outside a bit more


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Investing in training is investing in yourself.

You are essentially "upgrading software" any time you train. Sure it makes us feel warm and fuzzy to buy a new pistol or an optic for our rifle, but FAR more important is upgrading our mindset, skillsets and maybe most importantly our CONFIDENCE.

That is one of the benefits of training that is worth far more than you pay for it. Having a gun is a good first step....but it is still little help without having the mindset to use it. Developing the skillsets to use the weapon effectively makes you a more competent user, but the increase in confidence, to KNOW that you can perform the skills under pressure is what is what allows us to not panic and to function well without falling apart under pressure. And that increase in confidence crosses over into other areas of our lives too.

Training can be the ultimate "self help" program. It improves your skill, your confidence and good training even helps you think more analytically and critically.

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