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Runners create traffic jam


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So, at what point would it have been "legitimately" inconvenient?

Whenever my mother told me to go play in traffic.....

I understand your point and they could probably advertise the race more to help.

As far as the LEO, well I would probably make a phone call or three and politely explain what you saw and how you feel this could be improved for future events at no additional cost to the taxpayers. Give the means, the officer is already there, the what , direct traffic to support the flow of cars, the benefit, less car piled up so less likely to have an accident and that it should relive some of the tension that undoubtedly some drivers felt easing attitudes and agin increasing safety.

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For what it's worth, I've been all three of these folks.

I've been the cop working traffic control for a large race complete with spectators. I've been the inconvenienced driver and I've been the guy running the 5k or half marathon. Lately, I've been the last one. Yesterday morning our group of about 35 started at 6 a.m. and most of us ran between 11 and 13 miles. We don't have any traffic cops giving us any help and we run most of our route down deserted residential streets until it's light enough to run trails in the park, then we criss cross back over across some of the less travelled streets to get back to our cars. It's pretty risky sometimes because we know cars are not looking for us, even with a large group. I can only imagine the headaches for race organizers with a limited budget to spend on traffic cones and police support.

That said, I think OS has a legitimate complaint if the cop is simply sitting in his/her squad car listening to the radio and watching the honeys stroll by. If something could have been done to re-route the traffic or do something to help relieve the congestion without disrupting the runners, I think he/she needs to be reprimanded.

Here in Memphis, there are normally a couple of different mix of officers involved. Some of them are trained traffic officers who understand the nature of the beast and will do what it takes to keep everybody moving with the least amount of static as possible. Others are purely there for the overtime and could care less as long as someone signs his OT sheet. I'm sure it is the same most other places. Unless the brass roll through and see this person slacking off, not much is going to get done.

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I spent way too much time on this! :P


YES!! I tell ya, I'd be willing to put up with a traffic jam for quite a while to enjoy some bouncy-bouncies. Not to hijack this thread, but since we're on the topic of runners "running amok", are there any Hash House Harriers around?

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If the race is on a public, open road (like what was described in the OP), they better be ready for cars on the course!

This is why the police was sitting there, to mark the course off limits. Sounds like to me, the problem is with what the police officer was doing for traffic control. It is one thing to be sitting there when the runners are trickling by one by one, a pair here and there, but when a large group is coming by, and this will depend on what part of the course it is, early on, there will be a lot of large groups in more places, toward the end, smaller groups, the traffic control officer needs to be out, directing traffic around if needed on high traffic roads. So again, sounds like the traffic control officer was not doing what he should have been doing to help traffic move along faster and safely.

So recently I've learned that drivers suck, bikers suck and know runners suck....oh and cops suck too, but not just in these situations, but in all situations (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS SARCASM!)

Or could it be that we all need to slow down, enjoy our surroundings, be more considerate of others around us and not whine so damn much.

(Oh, I"m a driver in an area with lots of bike traffic and sanctioned running events, especially on Saturday mornings, that also runs, in races and for pleasure, that are held on public streets, that cross public streets 4 to 5 times per week and have been on both sides of the equation multiple times.)

OH, there is a lot of truth in Strick's chart above.

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I've been the guy running and the guy on a bike. Both in training and in plenty of races over the years. In the last two years I've been in both a running race and bike race where someone was killed by a driver who simply wasn't paying attention. That's a terrible tragedy for everyone involved.

From my perspective as an athlete, I obviously like that margin of safety when they close the roads. Having ridden that same stretch of 96 dozens of times, you're right. The shoulder is really wide. Nonetheless my training partner was forced off the road last year by a motorist on their phone who crossed the line and frankly never even saw my friend. I guess that's the reason I don't get that worked up about it when I'm the motorist sitting in traffic.

Plus, TMF 18B is right. A lot of those runner chicks are pretty hot. Surely that's worth a few extra minutes spent sitting in traffic?

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So, I guess anyone who ever complains about ANYTHING is "whining".

Please. :koolaid:

Read my post, your complaint is valid, the officer was not doing what he was supposed to be doing, traffic flow. This is something that should not be a major inconvenience for anyone, especially 20 minutes, their lies the validity in your complaint. The rest of my post is the amount of whining that goes on in todays world. A lot of people need to slow down and enjoy the world around them, there is a lot of cool stuff going on.

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A lot of people need to slow down and enjoy the world around them, there is a lot of cool stuff going on.

This is exactly how I feel. There are so many cool things to do in the world that I can respect other peoples hobbies etc... even if I don't take part. When I have mountain biking friends who complain about horse poop or a trail closure for a hunt day, or when I used to get yelled at by hippie hikers in Oregon for mountain biking etc, or when I've read about people complaining about "damage" to rock formations caused by climbers ... I always find it ironic that people enjoy a certain activity but they don't want to tolerate even the slightest inconvience for something they don't do. Personally, I see so many fun things to do that the only thing I don't understand is people who sit at home in front of the tv or live in a shopping mall...

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I'm thinking the most inconvenient part would be having to deal not only going to a craft fair with your wife (signed papers on that, I just have to suck it up), but to have two of her friends with you. You, sir, were being punished all the way around.

by the way, were any runners flattened by a wildebeest? (sorry, own personal agenda against rampaging wildebeest with that one)


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My girlfriend has been one for years. hasn't really hung with the Nashville folks very much.

Yeah, I've been wanting to get into it for years, but am always so busy. Plus it's hard to justify to my wife to have her come pick me up for DD duty from Nashville. A couple of guys I used to work with had been in some groups in other cities and had some wild stories. Good times from what I hear.

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