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Uberti 9-shot .22 Revolver...your thoughts please !!

Guest rod locker

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Guest rod locker

Looking for a 9 shot revolver .22 for my wife for Christmas. Ruger, Heritage Arms, and Uberti has them. Any one have any experiance with Uberti? I like the styling of their pistols really well.

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Guest hawkeye10
Looking for a 9 shot revolver .22 for my wife for Christmas. Ruger, Heritage Arms, and Uberti has them. Any one have any experience with Uberti? I like the styling of their pistols really well.

I would be very careful in making your decision. You say "you" like the styling of the Uberti. You are buying her a Christmas present not you. A gun like you are talking about might be to heavy for a woman. If it were me I would let her try some different guns and let her make the decision. As you know a gun is a very personal thing and we all like different things. If you gave me a Glock for a present I would hate it and sell it ASAP. This is just my opinion!!! Don

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Guest rod locker

Forgot about that issue Don. I was wanting to suprise her for Christmas. We go to the range about once a week and she wants a trouble free revolver. Thanks for the thought.

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If it were me I would let her try some different guns and let her make the decision. As you know a gun is a very personal thing and we all like different things. Don

Along those lines I will throw it out that when I was looking at Heritage Rough Riders prior to buying mine (actually, the day I bought mine), I looked at a 3.5 inch barreled, birds head grip model. I wanted one with a 6.5 inch barrel and the birds head grips are only available on the 3.5 and 4.75 inch models. Also, the birds head grips didn't feel just 'right' in my hands. My wife, however - with her smaller, more gracile hands - really liked the way the birds head grips felt better than the 'standard' plow handle grips. I've even considered getting her one of those but when it comes to shooting .22s she likes semiautos better so I haven't, yet. I do have to say that those 3.5 inch birds head models look pretty good, IMO. I'm not sure if any of the other manufacturers mentioned make a birds head grip model or not but if you can find a birds head for her to hold she might like it better.

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A gift certificate from your favorite gun shop would let her pick which one she likes. An alternative, if your favorite shop doesn't have enough selection, would be a gift certificate from you for the firearm of her choice.

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The three pistols you named are all quality firearms, just in different price ranges. I will say that the Ruger will hold it's value better than the other two. But if you're going for the best bangfor the buck, the the Rough Rider is the way to go. The only thing I don't like about the RR is the stupid safety the Government forces the importer to have put on there, so they can be brought into the states. I'm pretty certain the Uberti has a safety too.

Weight wise, none of the three weight as much as a "full sized" centerfire single action revolver does.

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The only thing I don't like about the RR is the stupid safety the Government forces the importer to have put on there, so they can be brought into the states..

Just for the sake of clarity, the Heritage Rough Rider .22 revolvers are not imported. Unless I am mistaken, their other 'small bore' Rough Rider (the .32) isn't imported, either. My understanding is that some parts for their big bore revolvers are 'started by' by Pietta in Italy and then 'finished' at the Heritage shop in America where the whole thing is assembled (that is the way it is stated on the Heritage website) while the small bore Rough Riders (the .22 revolvers, at the very least) are entirely made and assembled in America. Therefore, as odd as the safety seems - especially since Heritage still recommends carrying the Rough Rider with the hammer down on an empty chamber - I don't think it has anything to do with import regulations.

Edited by JAB
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Guest rod locker

We looked at the Ruger 8 shot .22 today and she really liked the way it felt in her hands. She still doesn't know I am getting her another pistol for Christmas. Just trying to decide which one she really likes. She carries a .38 Special every day. She also has a Ruger MK III .22 but she likes the fact that you just load and shoot a revovler without jams or a lot of up keep.

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