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Great Weekend!

Guest db99wj

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Started off Friday night at the CBHS Vs Brentwood Football game which included, beer, pizza, beef brisket, duck poppers, ribs, summer sausage, deer tenderloin, old charter. Yes, this was a high school football tailgate that has been going on for years, it's a tradition. CBHS won!

Saturday, 4th Grade football end of year party for my son, undefeated!

5 Mile run.

Basketball game for my 7th grade daughter, she played great, we won, on to next round of this tournament.

Saturday night, Bass Pro, picking up 22, .223 rounds for Sunday's shoot.

Sunday, Church, loaded up the truck with various firearms. Taught my 7 year old and 4 year old about firearm safety, went back over with my 9 year old and 12 year old. My 4 year old knows exactly what to do and what not to do if he sees a gun lying around!

on the road down to Mississippi to a friends deer camp for some shooting fun.

Shot: .40, 44 Mag (giggle), .22 rifle and single shot pistol, Marlin 30-30, Remington 308 bolt action, .35 Whelen primitive weapon, and I was able to site in my AR

Highlights: Son, shot 30-30, he's 9, at 50 yards, popped the 2 soda can off the top of the posts

AR grouping at 25 yards, 50 yards and 100 yards.

AR hit 12"X12" plate at 200 yards with iron sights!

Neither one of us could hit the 2 liter soda bottles at 300 yards with the 308. The target is in a clear spot, the wind was around 15-20mphs with gusts up to 30 mph.

I hit, with the first shot of the 308, soda bottle at 400 yards! My buddy was pissed (not really)

44 mag, is my Model 57 that was my dads. Still haven't got the stripped bolts out of the scope mount, so we were just shooting at the 25 yard target. My buddy got it and shot it a few times, cut down a pine tree that was about 3" in diameter, it brought it completely down about 5' up from the ground!

My son did great, learned how to be a man (what is done there, said there, stays there!) He shot very well, remembered his safety class.

Got back home, ran 10.35 miles

Grocery store,




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