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Time for a gun safe

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Does anyone know if you can change out the electric lock on a Cannon safe to a rotary dial lock? (I'm assuming I would hire a competent lock smith to make the change, I just don't know if its even possible).

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  JGunner said:
Does anyone know if you can change out the electric lock on a Cannon safe to a rotary dial lock? (I'm assuming I would hire a competent lock smith to make the change, I just don't know if its even possible).

yes you can are you having problems with your ele lock call cannon the might do it for you free depending on how old your safe is wont hurt to call 800-242-1055


I couldn't resist the black Friday deal from tractor supply company on a Cannon safe. (So its a brand new safe, that I won't even have until Thursday). My only problem with the safe was that it comes with an electronic lock - keypad. I would like to change it out to a rotary dial one. I thought it was possible, but I just wasn't 100% sure. (The manager at TSC also was unsure if you could change out the lock).

I'm looking to get the S&G 6730 (dial lock), I've read some good things about this lock in reviews.

  JGunner said:
I couldn't resist the black Friday deal from tractor supply company on a Cannon safe. (So its a brand new safe, that I won't even have until Thursday). My only problem with the safe was that it comes with an electronic lock - keypad. I would like to change it out to a rotary dial one. I thought it was possible, but I just wasn't 100% sure. (The manager at TSC also was unsure if you could change out the lock).

I'm looking to get the S&G 6730 (dial lock), I've read some good things about this lock in reviews.

Yes, you can change out the lock to a mechanical lock with out a problem. If you do find someone to change it out for you make sure they have safe lock experience and are not just a locksmiths.

  Eray said:
I would tend to agree with most of your observations. I would guess about 80% of gun thefts are kids looking for drug money and are not equiped to break into much of anything. They are just looking for a crime of opportunity and will move on to an easier score after seeing any safe. The next 15% are more advanced thieves and might assume the safe contained more valuable loot and might actually spend the time and energy to break in to it. The last 5% are true pros at what they do and no safe is going to stop them.

The question then becomes, Do you buy a cheap safe and plan having an 80% chance of stopping a thief or do you spend 2 or 3 times the money and increase your odds to 95%. Just depends on how much risk you are prepared to take. Life is full of risks and I am prepared to take a little more than some people. Others may be willing to pay more for less risk. It's a choice each individual has to make for himself.

Life is full of choices and we all have to make them, some good, some bad. All of the metal boxes (safes) the big box stores sell are made overseas and like I said before are sold on price , not quality. In all of the time that I have been in the safe / security business I have tried to offer my customers a choice of safes that fit their budget and are quality products.

A problem with the big box stores is they sell thousands of products and (safes) are just one of those products and are treated as such. I always find the stories that my customers tell me about their experiences at the big box stores interesting. While there are a lot of good people working at these stores , they generally do not know much about safes and security, some cannot even open the safes sitting on their floor. I buy products from these stores from time to time but I don't buy their cheap low in products that don't last because in my experience it ends up costing more in the long run.

Most of the safe service work me and my service tech's do is on lower end safes and its due to the low quality and poor workmanship of the safes.

Thanks for the discussion and your comments are always welcome, one thing I will say is that I will always try and shoot you straight whether people want to hear it or not. :biglol:

  safes said:
Well I guess it doesn't matter where you buy a safe as long as you get one to keep the kids safe and thugs from stealing your guns and valuables easily. I wish I had the buying power Tractor Supply has so I could sell them that cheap, but they buy thousands of safes. In this day the way our economy is, people spend what they can on a safe. So I try to sell as cheap as I can and a lot of competitors don't like that, so they tell you not to drive out of state to buy a safe. Well I can save you money so if you can't come and see me, please go by Tractor Supply, Dick's Sporting Goods, Academy Sports, or Bass Pro and buy a safe. By the way I think we should thank all of the safe profesionals out there. Making videos and talking about breaking into safes; doesn't that make you feel real protected knowing everyone (burglars included) is watching them on the internet? Just some food for thought...

I suprisingly disagree with you, TSC sells cheap quality safes at a low price because they bet up the safe manufacturers on price so they build a low quality cheap safe overseas that they dump on the market and sell on price only. So DR, I guess what you are saying is that if customers don't want to drive down to see you and buy a cheap low quality safe they should just go to a big box store and buy a cheap low quality safe? Okay, if that works for you.

I will keep saying the same thing I have said for over 18 years in the safe business. If you want a quality safe at a good price give me a call. I will be more than happy to show you the features of multiple brands of safes and let you make a informed decision based on the facts, not just based on a low price.

On the subject of videos on the internet, if you watch my video's they show a well built safe cannot be pried open. I always feel its better to show people how a low quality product is not what it says it is , instead of them believing that it will protect their important items.

Shine a light on the truth and its still the truth.

  av88tor said:
So DR, I guess what you are saying is that if customers don't want to drive down to see you and buy a cheap low quality safe they should just go to a big box store and buy a cheap low quality safe? Okay, if that works for you.

Comparing yalls websites it looks like he sells pretty much the same safes you do.:shrug:

  Superman said:
Comparing yalls websites it looks like he sells pretty much the same safes you do.:shrug:

Surely Not?

  Superman said:
Comparing yalls websites it looks like he sells pretty much the same safes you do.:shrug:

There are a few brands that we both carry , but for the most part we carry different brands. DR doesn't carry Browning any longer and I don't stock Fort Knox safes. I have discontinued carrying Bighorn for the most part due to various reasons, but we stock over 8 different brands. If you have any other questions please feel free to call me. DR and I have both been in the safe business for a long time and have differing views on selling safes, but hey thats okay, life would be boring if everyone agreed on everything.


Posted (edited)

Well AV88TOR,all you have done is bash me and my business since i started advertising on here and it is getting old .For your info i have been in the safe business longer than you.I am not telling people to buy cheap safes,they will buy what they can afford or what they want to spend.I'm just letting people know that they have a lot more choices than you in Nashville.You told people not to drive down here for a deal,i was just returning the favor.I'm sure most people took it that way.I think i can tell people what i sell or don't sell at my shop,i don't need your help.There is safes in my shop that are not on my website.So you run your shop and i'll run mine.All they have to do is call or come by.So everyone on here just remember,if you want an economy safe or a quality safe at a better price call us at 205-486-2320,Daryl Rowe

Edited by safes
Posted (edited)
  safes said:
Well AV88TOR,all you have done is bash me and my business since i started advertising on here and it is getting old .For your info i have been in the safe business longer than you.I am not telling people to buy cheap safes,they will buy what they can afford or what they want to spend.I'm just letting people know that they have a lot more choices than you in Nashville.You told people not to drive down here for a deal,i was just returning the favor.I'm sure most people took it that way.I think i can tell people what i sell or don't sell at my shop,i don't need your help.There is safes in my shop that are not on my website.So you run your shop and i'll run mine.All they have to do is call or come by.So everyone on here just remember,if you want an economy safe or a quality safe at a better price call us at 205-486-2320,Daryl Rowe


So let me get this correct, you post and ad that says drive all the way to Alabama and buy a safe and I post my ad that says that I also have good deals on safes and you think I'm talking bad about you? Who was on this board 2 years before you ? So if anyone is slaming anyone it would be you, but hey thats just business. We have been selling safes for about the same amount of time and in all of those years you haven't change one little bit, still the same ole Daryl. We will never agree with each other but one thing is for sure, I will gaurantee that any customer that comes by my showroom that I will meet or beat any price you have on the same in stock safe. Which I have always done anyway. So no hard feelings just business. :) Do you still carry Browning?

Daryl I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas , no hard feelings on my end , its always fun going back in forth with you, some things never change

Edited by av88tor

Just business like you said what ever. Wish i knew about the board two years ago. You have a Merry Christmas to.

Guest GunTroll

So what is the best safe money can buy? And then what is the best bargain safe for the buck? Whats a middle of the road safe? This question is for the safe sellers only.

  GunTroll said:
So what is the best safe money can buy? And then what is the best bargain safe for the buck? Whats a middle of the road safe? This question is for the safe sellers only.

well everybodys going to tell something different try to scare you into spending more money it all boils down to what you feel good with i will be at gun show at the fair grounds in Nashville this weekend come by and lets talk thanks Daryl Rowe

  safes said:
well everybodys going to tell something different try to scare you into spending more money it all boils down to what you feel good with i will be at gun show at the fair grounds in Nashville this weekend come by and lets talk thanks Daryl Rowe

Dang. ;) There IS truth in this post. Go look at the boxes and ask questions. Very few people will wind up buying the BEST. It's a big ticket item, so everybody's needs/budgets are going to be different.

If I had a $400,000 gun collection, I would buy a top-of-the-line Browning because they protect the contents better than their second tier. If I had a $400,000 house, I may do the same because they look sexy. I'm a Browning fan for a number of reasons... alot of it is just personal preference

I have a lower end Browning because I could justify it after doing the legwork. a big part of my choice was cosmetic. If my funds would have been more limited, I may have gone the Tractor Supply route. Either way, I would have known what I was getting.

Guest GunTroll

That was a politician answer. :)

I assume you (both) like firearms. What safe(s) do you have in your house? And most importantly why did you buy that one over the rest?

I understand the personal decision answers. When I'm asked similar questions about firearms I go the same route and base most of my answer on the big factor of budget. But when asked what do I like if it were mine to buy I say _________ .

  GunTroll said:
That was a politician answer. :)

I assume you (both) like firearms. What safe(s) do you have in your house? And most importantly why did you buy that one over the rest?

I understand the personal decision answers. When I'm asked similar questions about firearms I go the same route and base most of my answer on the big factor of budget. But when asked what do I like if it were mine to buy I say _________ .

Let me try this again. Go stand in front of the safes and LOOK. Ask quetions if you got 'em. You will either see the difference in quality, or you won't. If you are too blind or stupid to see the difference, buy the cheapest thing you find that will hold your guns. :)

Chances are good, that just like your pistol, your safe will never be called on to do it's real job.


One thing I might add about the cannon at TSC. The one I bought this year does not impress me as having the same quality as the one I bought from them last year. The door on the new one is smaller with a larger frame trim around it. I would assume this to be because the heavy door is the most expensive part of a safe. The floor of the safe no longer has a notch for the T section of the interior to fit into. It just sits flat on the floor now. The old one has a S&G lock where the new one has a DuraRam. Even though it is smaller, I believe the Winchester safe at TSC may be a better buy in terms of quality. Even though the Winchester is smaller, it weighs almost as much and has bolts on all sides. I live in a subdivision with houses on both sides and people home almost all the time so I think either one is enough for my use.

Guest Lester Weevils

Dumb question time-- The brownings look great. They advertise two layers of fire proofing panels on some models. I had read that some fire safes use sheetrock for the fire insulation because supposedly it slows heating in the safe by venting steam. Supposedly the interior temp can't much exceed 212 degrees until after all the interior moisture has cooked off, or something like that.

Do any of the "better models" use sheetrock? Or what do the nicer safes use as a superior alternative to sheetrock?

A few years ago it seemed like a good idea at the time to experiment making a "slightly more fire resistant" box out of a 50 cal ammo can. I glued sheetrock panels on all the interior surfaces, sealing the panel edges with fire barrier caulk from ace hardware. The fire barrier caulk is advertised to expand and fill gaps in the event of a fire.

Glue in the bottom panel. Then lay a bead of the fire caulk on all the edges for a side piece, then glue in that side panel. Keep going for four pieces till the entire thing is boxed inside with sheetrock, with fire caulk inside each seam. Then I taped each seam with that stick-on 4" metal foil flashing tape. Laid a bead of fire caulk on-top of the interior sheetrock lining so the piece of sheetrock glued to the top of the ammo can sits flush with the fire caulk when the box is closed.

Dunno if it would make any difference. It was a messier and slower job than expected, with lots of sheetrock dust to clean up. Some time ought to put some papers in both the test box and also in a non-treated 50 cal ammo can, toss em both in a big trash fire, and see if the "fire proof" ammo box protects the contents any better.


I found an easy decision and a simple solution to this safe thread. I just bought insurance its much safer then a safe, not only does it cover theft but is fire rated at a billion degrees for as long as the fire can burn.

Guest GunTroll
  mikegideon said:
Let me try this again. Go stand in front of the safes and LOOK. Ask quetions if you got 'em. You will either see the difference in quality, or you won't. If you are too blind or stupid to see the difference, buy the cheapest thing you find that will hold your guns. :lol:

Chances are good, that just like your pistol, your safe will never be called on to do it's real job.

Pipe down you. I was asking the two safe guys. As my original question stated or unless you are in the safe selling business now....stay tuned for an educated answer from someone who is. I have stood in front of many and as it turns out I am not even looking for one at this time. But a great recommendation I'll take any day.

  NRA said:
I found an easy decision and a simple solution to this safe thread. I just bought insurance its much safer then a safe, not only does it cover theft but is fire rated at a billion degrees for as long as the fire can burn.

Perhaps. I have a few firearms that are well over fair market value simple for the fact that they are irreplaceable family heirlooms as far as I'm concerned. Even if I take out a policy to cover them to the extent that (IMO) they should be, I still can never get them back once they are ash.

  GunTroll said:
Pipe down you. I was asking the two safe guys. As my original question stated or unless you are in the safe selling business now....stay tuned for an educated answer from someone who is. I have stood in front of many and as it turns out I am not even looking for one at this time. But a great recommendation I'll take any day.

See there... they done wished each other "Merry Christmas". :)

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