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Occupy Oak Ridge


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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Don't want to get too caught up in another political debate, and it would probably be better to let the vets have the day to themselves, but plenty of our service men and women have participated in the Occupy * protests. And some have even been seriously injured or killed by the police as thanks for their participation.

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Don't want to get too caught up in another political debate, and it would probably be better to let the vets have the day to themselves, but plenty of our service men and women have participated in the Occupy * protests. And some have even been seriously injured or killed by the police as thanks for their participation.

Your gonna have to provide some proof on that one buddy. The only veteran killed at an OWS event was a suicide in California.

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Here are some comments at the bottom of the article for your enjoyment:

I am a US Korean War Veteran very proud of my service.

I would like to have a way to opt out of any prayers for me from a bunch of left wing radicals.

You could have had this on any day and, as a Veteran, I consider it completely inappropriate that you OWS people are having any kind of "global" rally on the one day set aside to honor veterans. I don't need your "short prayer" as you've completely dishonored the millions of veterans on their day by your actions. But we fought for all the idiots in America too!

I agree. The OWS movement is largely comprised of the same mentality and misfits that spit on veterans returning from Viet Nam. It’s also politically biased. And linking it to freedom of religion is offensive. What is the linkage??
I sure hope nobody gets shot....... the "peaceful protesters" are starting to kill each other, 2 in the past 24 hours. The last one over a bag of pot. No doubt about it, they are democrats. Wonder if the Obamites supplied the guns to the drug dealer?

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Your gonna have to provide some proof on that one buddy. The only veteran killed at an OWS event was a suicide in California.

This is the first article that came up in google and is probably the incident the poster was thinking about.

Second Iraq War vet injured in Occupy Oakland clash with cops  - New York Daily News

I also think there was another in the Occupy Oakland protests, but couldn't find that one quickly.

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Guest bkelm18
Don't want to get too caught up in another political debate, and it would probably be better to let the vets have the day to themselves, but plenty of our service men and women have participated in the Occupy * protests. And some have even been seriously injured or killed by the police as thanks for their participation.

That's what happens when you riot. The police fight back.

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At noon I drove through the OR Municipal Building parking lot where I could look down and get a good view, I counted 17 people sitting in chairs.

Great turn out.

I did get to see a pristine example of The General Lee in the Municipal Building parking lot, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.:D

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.... And some have even been seriously injured or killed by the police as thanks for their participation.

"Participation" ? I'm sure they were just sitting their singing "Kum By Ya" playing an african lap drum and the police came up and just whacked them on the head with a billy club. Injured or Killed? Vets Killed at an OW movement? Help me out here on this one.

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. . . but plenty of our service men and women have participated in the Occupy * protests.

First of all, active duty personnel and active reserve and guardsmen don't participate in these protests. It's against the law. There are sanctions, and this is taken seriously.

Second of all, regarding those who CLAIM they are military veterans, it's best to VERIFY they are ACTUALLY military veterans, let alone honorably discharged vets. It's easy enough to go to a military surplus store and snag an old BDU shirt and claim to be a vet. Hardly no one ever checks, so it's an easy lie, and it makes for great street theater.

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Guest mikedwood
At noon I drove through the OR Municipal Building parking lot where I could look down and get a good view, I counted 17 people sitting in chairs.

Great turn out.

I did get to see a pristine example of The General Lee in the Municipal Building parking lot, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.:(

17 Wow! That's huge! Thanks for the check. I was curious.

Every couple of weeks me and my wife go walk around Market Square and the biggest occupy numbers I've seen there are about 8 and as few as 3. I dunno what they draw for the planned stuff.

Seeing the General Lee certainly makes it a win!

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Guest Darthlaidher

Yeah I get what they are protesting against but I don't like who's protesting and what they are doing. Its just a bunch of new aged hippie druggies trying to fight for a cause. Unfortunately they are to busy making a fool out of themselves by assaulting and doing drugs to actually do anything.

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Guest Darthlaidher
Heck, I don't even understand what they're mad about. Capitalism? The fact that the real world expects you to actually work in order to get paid, and not just sit around and have things handed to you? :screwy::popcorn:

Wasn't one of there reasons was lack of jobs? I can Attest to the lack of jobs since I live in CA and that is part of the reason I'm trying to move back to TN. Even the low paying retail jobs aren't hiring. The other week 1700 people applied for 1 bank teller position at bank of america, they had to turn away people. I went to fill out an app at a place that was only wanting someone to work for 3 days and that was it not 3 days a week just 3 days and the line was really long. Its bad out here so I can relate to that.

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I've been thinking all along that if these "Occupy" folks just got together and really organized, they could start their own economy. Don't like big business, such as Walmart? Then open a store, and all the occupy folks can patronize you. Don't like Wallstreet? Then don't invest there, invest in your new busiunesses. When your new store starts making a profit, you can give away your money just like you think should be done now for you. Don't like the current system? Make your own new system supporting each other. When (if) people see how awesome it is, they will be convinced and have a change of mindset.

The problem is, most of these people are not enterprising or motivated. It's a whole lot easier to sit around banging drums all day, smoking fatties, and complaining about how the government should be taking better care of them.

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Guest bkelm18

The problem is, most of these people are not enterprising or motivated. It's a whole lot easier to sit around banging drums all day, smoking fatties, and complaining about how the government should be taking better care of them.

Well when you put it like that, it sounds pretty friggin' awesome. :)

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