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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez
For once I agree with Wendi.

No kidding. She is a joke, and I have to believe that the only reason she still has a job is because her inflammatory pieces drive a lot of site traffic.

That said, Lee Harris is really a stand-up guy. I am confident that his out-of-office behavior is a good indication of what he would do if elected. I've voted for him twice now, and I hope that enough other people can get their sh*t straight to put him in office and keep Kemba out.

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No kidding. She is a joke, and I have to believe that the only reason she still has a job is because her inflammatory pieces drive a lot of site traffic.

That said, Lee Harris is really a stand-up guy. I am confident that his out-of-office behavior is a good indication of what he would do if elected. I've voted for him twice now, and I hope that enough other people can get their sh*t straight to put him in office and keep Kemba out.

I agree with you. Mr Harris is a outstanding candidate, but you guys underestimate the ignorance of the voters. Ford is selling help/handouts and the majority of people in that district are looking for a handout. I would be shocked if "The Face" does not win.

Edited by LINKS2K
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I have always joked about having my last name legally changed to Ford and then running for some low-level elected office. Would be the easiest way to get a job here.

AfterI won, I would buy a bulboard sporting my pale face and giving two thumbs up. It would read "Ford says thanks to the people of Memphis".

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I have always joked about having my last name legally changed to Ford and then running for some low-level elected office. Would be the easiest way to get a job here.

AfterI won, I would buy a bulboard sporting my pale face and giving two thumbs up. It would read "Ford says thanks to the people of Memphis".

If I am not mistaken a guy named Ford almost won a local election based on his name and he was not related to the dynasty.

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Experience doesn't mean squat these days so why not elect the cute chick? Millions of dolts in America voted for a Senator with just a few months of experience for the highest office in the country only because he's black. If they just have to elect a black person, Condi Rice would have been 1000 times better and more experienced than Comrade Obama, I would have been alot more excited to vote for her than mcCain. I don't blame her for not wanting anything to do with politics anymore but I sure wish she would have ran against that Socialist Chicago Thug in 08.

Anyway, with Memphis the way it is, can the cute chick really screw it up any worse?

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Experience doesn't mean squat these days so why not elect the cute chick? Millions of dolts in America voted for a Senator with just a few months of experience for the highest office in the country only because he's black. If they just have to elect a black person, Condi Rice would have been 1000 times better and more experienced than Comrade Obama, I would have been alot more excited to vote for her than mcCain. I don't blame her for not wanting anything to do with politics anymore but I sure wish she would have ran against that Socialist Chicago Thug in 08.

Anyway, with Memphis the way it is, can the cute chick really screw it up any worse?

Obama was not elected because he was black. Obama was elected because Bush/Cheney was a monumental clusterf*ck and the GOP was offering McCain/Palin. Hell me and any crackhead could have been elected after Bush.

As for Ford, she has nothing to offer. The people that will vote for her have zero hope or expectations.

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