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My friend got robbed

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So my buddy went to Wal Mart in Rivergate last week and was robbed at gunpoint in the parking lot. He had his two sons with him and no gun :) Three young males approached him (one had a pistol) and demanded he give up the money. He complied and they slowly backed away and hopped in a car amd fled the scene. I'm glad him or his kids wern't harmed, but it is sad that a man can't go anywhere and not be safe. The robbers made out with $1300 and my friends pride. He was embarresed, but I let him know that their lives were more important. I guess this just has to be a lesson learned. #1 always have your firearm close #2 no where is safe #3 wal mart sucks

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He walks around with $1300 in his wallet?

Yeah, I was thinking the same.

I'd atleast keep $1200 of that in the car, and keep all of $100 on my person if that :)

Happy to hear the situation didn't get worse, and that everyone is safe & sound!

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Yea, I left out his stupidity: He had just gotten a loan for something and had been in his vehicle counting the money before he got out. That doesnt give someone the right to rob him, but at least i know why he was targeted.

#4 theifs are scum of the earth is right

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Guest bkelm18
Yea, I left out his stupidity: He had just gotten a loan for something and had been in his vehicle counting the money before he got out. That doesnt give someone the right to rob him, but at least i know why he was targeted.

#4 theifs are scum of the earth is right

Gotcha. I figured the thieves had known. Seen him withdraw it or something.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I agree, why in hell would you walk through a Wal-Mart parking lot with $1300 & no gun? Thats crazy. I carry like $100 on me max at any one time, & the poop would probably hit the fan if anyone ever tried to take it from me in a Wal-Mart parking lot......

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I just had a close friend go through this same situation. He was targeted by three guys (not at WalMart) and was asked for his wallet. Before telling the rest of the story, I'm curious how the majority of us would react. He was carrying concealed and had his HCP. Do you pull your weapon and make a stance, taking the chance of getting shot? Or do you simply give up the wallet?

Edited by BlackHawk93
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Guest bkelm18
I just had a close friend go through this same situation. He was targeted by three guys (not at WalMart) and was asked for his wallet. Before telling the rest of the story, I'm curious how the majority of us would react. He was carrying concealed and had his HCP. Do you pull your weapon and make a stance, taking the chance of getting shot? Or do you simply give up the wallet?

If they've got a gun on you, it would be foolish to try and make a move. You can't outdraw a drawn gun. Give them the money. Not worth your life.

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If they've got a gun on you, it would be foolish to try and make a move. You can't outdraw a drawn gun. Give them the money. Not worth your life.

I agree with this ... If I see 3 guys approaching me quickly (whether dark or light) and don't see a firearm, I'd then draw mine so atleast I had the jump on them. If their's is already pointed at me, at that point, it don't matter whether I'm armed or not, my firearm won't leave my side.

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Guest WyattEarp

i never carry more than $20 on me. my motto is, i don't carry more cash than I can afford to lose. $20, as a college student is all I can afford to have stolen, it might sting, but it won't break me. $1,300? i'd be screwed for an entire semester.

any insurance on the loan? or is he out the money and responsible for the loan still?

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez
or is he out the money and responsible for the loan still?


And everyone who is saying don't try to draw on a drawn gun has the right idea. If they already have their gun out, that battle is lost unless and until the bad guy has a serious lapse in attention. At that point the best thing you can do is keep your gun secret.

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I agree with the "give up the cash" idea if they are drawn. I am def. considering the loan place tip off theory. I am gonna tell him about that and see if he has any thoughts. He was robbed in daylight hours too, I think it was like 5p or so. Really brave or really stupid robbers.

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Guest bkelm18
I agree with the "give up the cash" idea if they are drawn. I am def. considering the loan place tip off theory. I am gonna tell him about that and see if he has any thoughts. He was robbed in daylight hours too, I think it was like 5p or so. Really brave or really stupid robbers.

My vote is that the robbers knew exactly who they were targeting. Broad daylight in a Walmart parking lot, pretty big risk for armed robbery if there's no guarantee of goods. At least that's how I would view it.

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Yep.. That was a set up all the way.. and it's true you can't out draw a drawn gun.. Given time to think about it.. The armed robbery in broad daylight, in a public place, by three guys, would almost guarantee pre-knowledge of the loan and indicate that turning over the money would end the ordeal. With others (kids) present, there's even additional motivation to comply with the thugs..

However, all that logic comes "with time to think about it".. One probably never had time to think about it until it's over. It could have ended very differently had the victim been alone and in a secluded location. Unfortunately we ain't in the 50's anymore and complying doesn't always mean it'll end with your money.. Just saying.. Cheers.. Ron

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