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Guest ArmaDeFuego

Less than 3 now!

That video is pretty funny hehehe. I've been trying to stay away from videos & boards about the game though. I read a slight spoiler for the beginning of the game earlier today from some punk on a forum who didnt use spoiler tags. :(

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Need sleep, but will pick it back up in the morning. Did the quest for the dragon claw in Riverwood, and it was quite awesome. Funny thing though, I didnt bother to level up until after I finished, went from level 1 to 4 heh.

Fastest way for leveling especially for me is to do smithing with the leather bracers. I got it for pc last night night as well and graphically it is far superior but I still suck massively with keyboard and mouse.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I'm 28 but a lot of that was just from leveling up smithing in town. :)

I've played about 25 hours or so I'd say. I've only seen 3 of the big cities so far & only really spent time in 2 of them haha. This game is so massive.....

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Between Skyrim and the Mass Effect series, I can't really decide which one I like the most. Skyrim has been absolutely fantastic. It has been quite the bargain considering how many hours I have spent on it and I haven't really done anything in regards to the main quest and have only been to two towns.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I'm about 50 hours in now. Got a few houses & am level 34. I still havent advanced the main questline very far. I've done a poopload of sidequests tho. I'm really good at getting sidetracked while running around town tho. I will spend a couple hours just selling stuff & smithing sets of armor to put on my mannequins in my houses hahaha.

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Guest Victor9er

OK, so I admit I'm not as far into the game yet as the rest of you, just haven't had the time to really delve into it yet. But I'm wondering something... can you not sell items that you've stolen? I have a couple of weapons and armor that I... er, acquired.. that doesn't show up in my sell menu when I talk to a merchant. Anything that I can "take" though lets me sell it.

Did I miss that part in the manual somewhere?

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OK, so I admit I'm not as far into the game yet as the rest of you, just haven't had the time to really delve into it yet. But I'm wondering something... can you not sell items that you've stolen? I have a couple of weapons and armor that I... er, acquired.. that doesn't show up in my sell menu when I talk to a merchant. Anything that I can "take" though lets me sell it.

Did I miss that part in the manual somewhere?

Spoiler Alert:

Yes, you can sell stolen merchandise. However, you have to "fence" perk under Speechcraft. I don't have that perk, but I know that is what it takes.

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Guest Victor9er
Spoiler Alert:

Yes, you can sell stolen merchandise. However, you have to "fence" perk under Speechcraft. I don't have that perk, but I know that is what it takes.

Ahhh, ok so that's it. Thanks! At least I know I'm not losing my mind lol.

(ok, maybe I am, but that's beside the point!!)

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Guest Victor9er
You also get a fence when you join the thieves guild

Haven't gotten that far yet, I just joined The Companions so far. Like I said, I'm barely into it right now. I know I haven't even scratched the surface yet.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I'm roleplaying as a good guy my first time through, so no Thieves Guild for me. Of course since I am good I dont steal things either so I dont have any stolen goods I need to sell. :)

Once I finish this guy I'm sure I'll start again & play the most evil thief/assassin type character I can think of. I'll do the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood on that playthrough. :) At the rate I'm going though I probably wont get around to it until next year. (Literally) Like I said, I'm about 50ish hours in & I feel like I have still just started.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

A little update:

I now have 76 hours on my first character I made, which is pretty much a straight warrior. He's level 40 & is basically a walking tank. Full daedric weapons & armor. I dont have much of my stuff enchanted though so mages can still be a little challenging if I dont immediately close on them & start shield bashing them to interrupt. I STILL havent finished the main quest. I've finished the Imperial questline & the Companions questline though. I'm maybe like 2/3 through the main questline. I've got like 4 houses & more gold than I know what to do with.

I also started a second character who is going to be a dual wield thief. He's level 18 or so now. I'm only about 11 hours in with him. He's going through the thieves guild quests & just started on the Dark Brotherhood questline. ;)

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Guest Victor9er

I'm still not far into it. Taking my time and playing sporadically (sp?). I have pretty much a straight warrior also, Nord level 11. Pretty well equiped though, I have all steel armor, upgraded to superior. And I have an Elven sword and longbow both of which are upgraded to superior also. I have the Thane title with the chick that follows me around, and I own 1 house. And I've managed to kill 2 dragons so far. Working on the companions quest and several of the side quests right now. My next quest in the main story line is to visit the Greybeards, which I'm putting off for a bit while I continue to work on some of these side quests.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego
I'm still not far into it. Taking my time and playing sporadically (sp?). I have pretty much a straight warrior also, Nord level 11. Pretty well equiped though, I have all steel armor, upgraded to superior. And I have an Elven sword and longbow both of which are upgraded to superior also. I have the Thane title with the chick that follows me around, and I own 1 house. And I've managed to kill 2 dragons so far. Working on the companions quest and several of the side quests right now. My next quest in the main story line is to visit the Greybeards, which I'm putting off for a bit while I continue to work on some of these side quests.

Sounds like you are on a roll. Seems like smithing is a good skill to get up if you are gonna be a warrior. The upgrades you can make to your weapons & armor are well worth the perks you have to invest imo. If you upgraded the elven sword does that mean you are going the light armor path on the smithing tree? Thats kind of weird for a warrior but certainly doable. Actually if you get a lot of the light armor perks you would still kick butt as a warrior. I went heavy armor & on the default difficulty level things cant even really touch me now at level 40. I have like 650 armor rating. Sometimes I let things just wail away on me so I can get my armor skill up a little more hahaha. I dont really take any damage.

I used to have a little bit of difficulty with mages, but not really anymore. I took the block perks that let you block 50% magic damage with your shield, & the one that lets you run with your shield. I also have an item I found (I wont say what it is so as to avoid any potential spoilers :rolleyes: ) that gives another +30% magic resist. So now when I come across a melee guy I just block, bash, & completely own him with my Daedric sword, & if I come across a mage I just put my shield up & rush him & keep bashing to he cant cast & slice him til he dies. I have no fear in any dungeon anymore really. I should probably bump the difficulty up to expert, but I kind of like being a badass. :)

You are doing pretty much what I did with the main quest. I dont think I went to see the Greybeards until I was like level 20. Even then I would only go back & do another quest from the main questline after I had finished up most of the other stuff in my quest list. Now I'm like level 40 or 41 & I still have several more quests to finish in the main questline. I'm still going around looking for words of power. I like seeing what they all do. :)

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Guest Victor9er
Sounds like you are on a roll. Seems like smithing is a good skill to get up if you are gonna be a warrior. The upgrades you can make to your weapons & armor are well worth the perks you have to invest imo. If you upgraded the elven sword does that mean you are going the light armor path on the smithing tree? Thats kind of weird for a warrior but certainly doable. Actually if you get a lot of the light armor perks you would still kick butt as a warrior. I went heavy armor & on the default difficulty level things cant even really touch me now at level 40. I have like 650 armor rating. Sometimes I let things just wail away on me so I can get my armor skill up a little more hahaha. I dont really take any damage.

I used to have a little bit of difficulty with mages, but not really anymore. I took the block perks that let you block 50% magic damage with your shield, & the one that lets you run with your shield. I also have an item I found (I wont say what it is so as to avoid any potential spoilers :rolleyes: ) that gives another +30% magic resist. So now when I come across a melee guy I just block, bash, & completely own him with my Daedric sword, & if I come across a mage I just put my shield up & rush him & keep bashing to he cant cast & slice him til he dies. I have no fear in any dungeon anymore really. I should probably bump the difficulty up to expert, but I kind of like being a badass. :)

You are doing pretty much what I did with the main quest. I dont think I went to see the Greybeards until I was like level 20. Even then I would only go back & do another quest from the main questline after I had finished up most of the other stuff in my quest list. Now I'm like level 40 or 41 & I still have several more quests to finish in the main questline. I'm still going around looking for words of power. I like seeing what they all do. :)

Yeah, I am trying the Elven side of the smithing tree, but primarily because I think the Elven weapons are a little more powerful than the Dwarven I believe... I think they are like 1 point higher in damage according to the book I have. Of course my goal is to get to the Dragon Armor perk anyway, so either way lets me get there but going this route is a little quicker. I just recently got the Elven smithing perk, the two Elven weapons that I have now I, uh... "found" and managed to upgrade. :)

I only have the one dragon shout so far, but I managed to kill a second dragon, so I guess I need to find another words of power to get another shout activated. Other than the shout I hardly ever use my magic. I'll probably go back and create a second character and try to do something like a thief/mage combination if I can. We'll see.

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