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Before asking a question, look here! I have your answer!


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Any question you have relating to firearms will be answered here:

1. Glock

2. .45 ACP

3. Crossbreed Supertuck

4. Concealed Carry

5. No modifications other than night sights

6. Maxpedition for bug out bags

7. Zombies

8. Walmart

If this hasn't answered your firearm related questions, feel free to post your answer here.

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Any question you have relating to firearms will be answered here:

1. Glock

2. .45 ACP

3. Crossbreed Supertuck

4. Concealed Carry

5. No modifications other than night sights

6. Maxpedition for bug out bags

7. Zombies

8. Walmart

If this hasn't answered your firearm related questions, feel free to post your answer here.

Well, there ya go. Shut the forum. We're done here. B)

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It was obvious that you jest, but there's truth to it too. It can be frustrating constantly seeing the same questions over and over again. You just have to realize that everyone has to learn somehow and be patient with the repeats. You can't start out knowing everything....okay, well I did, but that because I'm special. :)

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It was obvious that you jest, but there's truth to it too. It can be frustrating constantly seeing the same questions over and over again. You just have to realize that everyone has to learn somehow and be patient with the repeats. You can't start out knowing everything....okay, well I did, but that because I'm special. :)

So special in fact that you participated in the olympics just for you. B)


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It can be frustrating constantly seeing the same questions over and over again. You just have to realize that everyone has to learn somehow and be patient with the repeats.

Agreed, but it's obvious that some people don't do a very good job at using the search function or even try.

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Any question you have relating to firearms will be answered here:

1. Glock

2. .45 ACP

3. Crossbreed Supertuck

4. Concealed Carry

5. No modifications other than night sights

6. Maxpedition for bug out bags

7. Zombies

8. Walmart

If this hasn't answered your firearm related questions, feel free to post your answer here.

lol so true.

By the way I tried the search but nothing came back, Guess it has not been asked before,

Who makes the best pistol, and what caliber should I get, and who makes the best holster for it, and, well you know my other questions already... lol

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

You missed a few more. And there are obviously more than this, too.

xx. You probably need a better belt.

xx. No, I don't think you could shoot the person in your hypothetical.

xx. Separate the ammo from the gun and keep it all out of reach.

xx. I know it's not posted, but they can still ask you to leave.

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