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Best Gun Safe

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What's the best gun safe out there? I've looked at Heritage, Liberty, Fort Knox, Cannon, Winchester.... I just don't know what's the best one for the money. What kind of suggestions do you all have? I'm looking for a large safe...(25-50) gun size.

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If you want to know about warrantys read for your self on line you will find out who has the best sales people will tell you anything to sell you something but what is in writing is what counts and what the company will back up

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Just remember that Free isn't always free, check the final price and compare. Also, who is delivering your safe for free? is it a few guys that have worked for the company for a long time and are trust worthy employee's or are they seven dollar an hour part time guys that now have the combination to your safe, your address and now know where all of your valuables will be stored.

As "safes" commented, check out the warranty on a safe by reading their website or written warranty card or better yet call and ask the company who does their service work in your area and call them and ask how they stand behind the warranty. Just because a company says something on a website doesn't mean that they will stand behind the warranty.

The biggest problem I see with safe warranties are from the companies that don't actually manufacture any safes, they just contract with cheap overseas safe manufacturers that build low quality safes.

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The biggest one you can afford! Trust me, after you get it, you will start stuffing all kinds of things into it, then want another.

Best advise on here! They do fill up fast!

Fort Knox builds a fine safe I just could not pay that much. I have a Champion that I am very pleased with.

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I have an older liberty presidential series, and it is awesome. It has not been in a fire and no one has tried to break into it, but it certainly seems to be well made and it stores a lot of guns. To be honest they all seem the same to me within a given price range... the more you pay (in general) the more space you get, the thicker the walls, the better the fireproofing, better warrenty/coverage, etc. I am not sure brand has that much bearing on it, as most safe companies seem to have products from small, thin, and cheap all the way to huge, heavy, and expensive -- and they look similar enough that I wonder if its just 3 or 4 base companies making them with all the different logos stamped on them afterwards...

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Well no employees here to worry about, all family and i do all my own deliveries myself. So you get to meet the owner of Southland Safes and that's what people want, someone they can trust .

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