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All US troops out of Iraq by years end.

Guest bkelm18

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I still don't see how this "ended" the war. When Bush was there for the SOFA years back that was the official end in my book. The troops we've had there since are akin to what we've had in South Korea since the '50s. Obama is going to include this in his campaign as a victory for himself when he only inherited the success from the surge.

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I think the pros here probably outweigh the cons, but I sure hope we're not throwing a country under the bus just to further a reelection bid.

The way I read it, the Iraquis are kinda demanding the withdrawal. I can't help but believe we are leaving them in better shape than we found them.

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I think the Muslim Brotherhood just gained another foothold. I don't really give a damn about that part

of the world, except Israel. I do feel for them.

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Guest adamoxtwo

In the grand scheme of things we screwed Iraq up so bad that pulling out of there is a means to an end. We destroyed that country and left it in worse shape then when Saddam was there, and we still don't know (officially) who the enemy is there now. Iran (aka the Muslim brotherhood) just grew in strength and at the worse time possible. When we pull out of there and Afghanistan where will the enemy travel to attack us? that's right folks right here at home. Car Bombs road side bombs and suicide attacks will happen on our soil and there isn't a damn thing we can do to stop it. So I regrettably say that pulling out of Iraq is bad. We were not allowed to do what we needed to do and that is politics at its best. Bush was a lot of things but the reason he wanted us there is valid and from my two tours there. God Help us all in this war because it is not over and will never be.

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Guest justluck

Instead of Iraq, we need to get out of Afghanistan. Invite anyone to take it over. Beg China or Russia or Iran or Pakistan to take it. That place is a waste of money and time.

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Guest justluck
Hind sight says we should have never gone in. I just hope the country don't fall into a civil war or into the hands or Iran.

I think you will see a major Sunni insurrection again - Saudi Arabia will support it. Plus, I believe that Russia (an old ally of Iraq) will move back in, and that's bad. Remember that Russia is already big buds with Iran and Syria. We need to maintain an influence with Iraq. Would agree with you in never going in - it was really unnecessary. A Saddam Iraq was a good buffer against Iran.

Edited by justluck
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Instead of Iraq, we need to get out of Afghanistan. Invite anyone to take it over. Beg China or Russia or Iran or Pakistan to take it. That place is a waste of money and time.

There is a lot more to do in Afghanistan than there ever was in Iraq. We need to stay in Afghanistan for now as well as need to enter Pakistan. Pakistan is a safe haven for those we hunt. The border region between the two have more bad guys than there ever was in Iraq.

In all of my trips I told those who hired me I would never step foot in Iraq because I believed to my core that we should have never entered that country. Afghanistan is another story. We need to be there for a bunch of reasons.


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And... what were we getting in the deal besides a buttload of debt?

Hey, I wasn't weighing in about anything other than that's what's happening. I think they should have

nuked the damned place, in the first place. I don't agree with nation building. and I sure don't like paying for it.

i'm glad the soldiers will be coming home, but there will be some bad consequences. Whether or not we could

have done anything about it, I'll leave that up to someone else.

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Hind sight says we should have never gone in. I just hope the country don't fall into a civil war or into the hands or Iran.

That's something you can count on happening. It's happening all over the region, right now.

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Guest justluck
There is a lot more to do in Afghanistan than there ever was in Iraq. We need to stay in Afghanistan for now as well as need to enter Pakistan. Pakistan is a safe haven for those we hunt. The border region between the two have more bad guys than there ever was in Iraq.

In all of my trips I told those who hired me I would never step foot in Iraq because I believed to my core that we should have never entered that country. Afghanistan is another story. We need to be there for a bunch of reasons.


The bad guys live many more places than just there.

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Obama is such an idiot. Pulling all the troops out is a good thing, but what he just did was to tell the insurgents to wait, build up their strength, position themselves, and get ready for an all out assault on the new government in January. What a moron. If we are pulling out great. I am all for it, and then some. But, for crying out loud don't announce it to the world! He just increased the probability that their new government will fall and everything we did would be laid to waste!

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He just increased the probability that their new government will fall and everything we did would be laid to waste!

What is it that we did there other than waste thousands of lives, not to mention wounded, and billions upon billions of dollars?

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