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A little something for the liberal neighbors

Will H

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This might be old. I don't know.

If you are having trouble with your liberal neighbors talking about your guns this is perfect for you to put in your yard. Maybe they will rethink their position.


Not all liberals are anti guns you know. For some reason, it's just the stupid politicians.

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...but they vote for anti gun politicians. Same difference.

Most liberals I know are anti-gun at some level. At the very least, they'll back Obama on his "common sense" gun law crap. The sight of an AR-15 makes a lot of them pee their pants, even though they think "hunting rifles" are probaby OK.

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My in-laws are all liberals from up north. My wife's aunt cried when my wife told her I own guns... not kidding, cried. I don't think it's just an "anti-gun" thing; I think it's a total lack of understanding of why we would own firearms.

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Mikegideon, may I suggest you visit liberalgunclub.com. You will find many liberal shooters. FWIW, I am liberal and I shoot, hunt, and load my own ammo.

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Honestly I think part of the reason not that many of you seem to know too many "liberals" who are just fine with the concept of gun ownership is your sh*tty attitudes towards them. It's really unappealing to tell someone that you lean to the left when they are so vocally hostile towards your opinions. All the time. And bring it up even when it seems like a complete tangent from the natural direction of the conversation. It's also not that fun to stick around when people constantly take cheap shots about what you "must be like" because you feel one way or another politically.

Honestly, the pervasive negative attitudes towards "liberals" caused me to stop visiting this site for a couple months. It's just not that fun to listen to people talk sh*t all the time.

You might get further if you took the time to have legitimate conversations with those "socialist/communist" lefties rather than have your knee-jerk reaction every time you think one might be around. But eh, I guess that wouldn't be nearly as fun and amusing. Oh well.

So yeah, that's all the mini-rant you're going to get from this Jewish :D liberal :D:eek: from the most dangerous corner of the state :eek::eek::eek: at this particular moment.

Just for poops and laughs, though, let me leave you with a little Obama/Reagan video that might really get your little panties in a bunch. Looks like the sekrit mooslim socialist was taking some cues from the Republican idol's playbook...

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First, I may replicate the sign the OP posted. I have a few neighbors that need a little comeuppance.

Second, can one of the pro-gun liberals please provide a little insight into your justification for your stances? I am just curious how you get there.

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Which stances need justification? That's a pretty nebulous request.

And was intended to be a nebulous request. Considering what stances currently comprise the "liberal agenda", how do you explain a pro-gun stance?

This is just to satisfy my curiosity. I have no intention for a running debate of your personal convictions. Just want to understand where you are coming from.

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Wow... I did not mean to cause such a stir. First of all I want to say to any with liberal and/ or socialist views that I did not post this thread to bash liberals. I just thought it was a funny sign.

I have met liberal gun owners in the past. My wife's brother is one, although he cannot be a good example cause a lot of his views make no common sense at all like being pro abortion and anti death penalty. I even asked him if that means kill the innocent and save the guilty.

Anyway no offense was intended.

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Mikegideon, may I suggest you visit liberalgunclub.com. You will find many liberal shooters. FWIW, I am liberal and I shoot, hunt, and load my own ammo.

The whole anti-gun thing is a liberal agenda. My dad tought me how to shoot, but doesn't even want to see a picture of my AR-15's. He did ask me why I NEED them (mt answer was zombies). I know some liberals that accept gun ownership, and many more that don't.

If you're a liberal, and don't support the Brady Bunch or Obama's "common sense" gun laws, then it simply puts you way above your avarage liberals.

FWIW, I'm pro choice, was for the repeal of DADT, and think pot should be legalized now.

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Honestly I think part of the reason not that many of you seem to know too many "liberals" who are just fine with the concept of gun ownership is your sh*tty attitudes towards them. It's really unappealing to tell someone that you lean to the left when they are so vocally hostile towards your opinions. All the time. And bring it up even when it seems like a complete tangent from the natural direction of the conversation. It's also not that fun to stick around when people constantly take cheap shots about what you "must be like" because you feel one way or another politically.

Honestly, the pervasive negative attitudes towards "liberals" caused me to stop visiting this site for a couple months. It's just not that fun to listen to people talk sh*t all the time.

You might get further if you took the time to have legitimate conversations with those "socialist/communist" lefties rather than have your knee-jerk reaction every time you think one might be around. But eh, I guess that wouldn't be nearly as fun and amusing. Oh well.

So yeah, that's all the mini-rant you're going to get from this Jewish :yuck: liberal :D:eek: from the most dangerous corner of the state :eek::eek::eek: at this particular moment.

Just for poops and laughs, though, let me leave you with a little Obama/Reagan video that might really get your little panties in a bunch. Looks like the sekrit mooslim socialist was taking some cues from the Republican idol's playbook...

I have more liberal friends than I can count. A lot of them are Jewish. We don't talk about guns. Pisses 'em off.

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An ex-girlfriend of mine

was a native Komifornian and very liberal (straight ticket kind of liberal) she was a better shot than me… (Oooh did I say that out loud...:D) and really enjoyed skeet. She was a vegetarian so did not hunt. Was a great friend with one of my friends who was a staunch conservative? Go figure?


Edited by pfries
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...but they vote for anti gun politicians. Same difference.

No. We all vote the same. We weigh everything that's on their platform and decide if all the things they stand for that we're good with outweigh the things we're not.

In the end, not all liberals are anti gun.

Time to meet some different liberals, then? Hi, allow me to introduce myself...

Nice to meet you :yuck: I'm a liberal as well. That makes two of us :D

And was intended to be a nebulous request. Considering what stances currently comprise the "liberal agenda", how do you explain a pro-gun stance?

This is just to satisfy my curiosity. I have no intention for a running debate of your personal convictions. Just want to understand where you are coming from.

For me, it's common sense. Unfortunately, (this will sound kind of mean but it's true) people are stupid and their lives are completely ruled by fear. A gun is nothing more than a tool. A gun cannot kill you or anyone else. It takes a person buying the ammunition, loading it into the magazines or chamber (in the case of semi automatics, racking the slide to chamber a round), and pulling that trigger with the gun pointed at someone to kill. But it's easier to just say that guns killed x amount of people and not people killed x amount of people.

So I look at a gun as being just another tool in my house. I have a power drill, a power buffer, a power sander, knives, forks, spoons, and numerous other tools and my gun. They are all in the same category to me.

Edited by wcsc12
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The whole problem with labels such as "liberal" is they mean different things to different people. Most of my views as I have gotten older have evolved towards classical liberalism. A classical liberal today would be called a libertarian. A classical liberal/libertarian wants limited government, free markets, a strict adherence to the constitution, protection of civil liberties, private property rights, etc...

We also have liberals that are social liberals, which believe in the concept of social justice. Our progressive tax system and redistribution of wealth would fall under social liberalism. This where I part company with "liberals."

Next you have the socialists and statists who are also labeled "liberal." I feel that modern Democrats in Washington are a mix of social liberals and socialists/statists. There are some Republicans who would fall under that definition as well. There are so many derivations of "liberal" that I really have no idea what a person means when they call themselves such.

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The whole anti-gun thing is a liberal agenda. My dad tought me how to shoot, but doesn't even want to see a picture of my AR-15's. He did ask me why I NEED them (mt answer was zombies). I know some liberals that accept gun ownership, and many more that don't.

If you're a liberal, and don't support the Brady Bunch or Obama's "common sense" gun laws, then it simply puts you way above your avarage liberals.

FWIW, I'm pro choice, was for the repeal of DADT, and think pot should be legalized now.

See Mikegideon we can agree on some things. I am a classical liberal according to the dictionary definition- at least my dictionary.
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