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Former NY detective admits fabricating drug charges against innocent civilians


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now everyone that he ever helped arrest has a case to appeal. The flood gates will open. Even the ones that were guilty will use that to appeal.

You know they didn't keep records of who they falsely convicted, so it would be really impossible to sort out 100 percent.

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I actually suspect the quotas were not to reduce crime but to ensure future funding. The departments can go to the feds and say they need additional funding because the crimes rates are so high or because of trends when it may not be true. I have seen that as well in my time. Classifying a crime in a different category to tweak the stats for extra funding. If they are already receiving the max funding for one area of crime they will try to classify the same crime into another area that isn't receing 100% funding yet. Like taking a ring of bicycle thieves and classifying them into organized crime, gang related crimes or something else.

And then when the feds expect to see results from the money they gave the departments they will tweak the numbers again to give the illusion the extra money solved more cases. Like solving cases, without a trial, based on a conviction of a person who committed similar crimes.

What is surprizing is making arrests because of quotas would not show any trends if crime is either increasing or decreasing. If they have to make say 1,000 arrests a month regardless of actual crimes it would be hard to tell if crime is actually declining. I have worked under quotas before but they were contact quotas not arrest quotas. I never liked quotas because every day, week or even month can be different. Summer months tend to be more active months. And the time of the month tends to have trends on what crimes are bing committed. We would see more DUI's at the begining of the month and more domestics at the end of the month.

It is all a numbers game. The police are saying crime is up to get more funding, the mayor will say crime is down to get reelected. The DA will claim a 100% conviction rate on those arrests but never mentions those include pleas. Even if a murderer pleas out and receives no jail time it is still a conviction for the DA. I would rather see a DA without a 100% conviction rate because that shows he is not accepting pleas to boost his conviction rate.


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now everyone that he ever helped arrest has a case to appeal. The flood gates will open. Even the ones that were guilty will use that to appeal.

You know they didn't keep records of who they falsely convicted, so it would be really impossible to sort out 100 percent.

Yep. Every Defense Attorney that has a case these cops were involved in will ask for a dismissal or new trial. I would guess that’s a hell of a lot of cases.

I hope the DA didn’t agree to a plea that keeps this cop out of jail.

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