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How I feel about bikers haha


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There's a huge difference here. What you don't get is that, all joking aside, no one is questioning your right to be on the road. You seem to start from the position that if you don't like someone they shouldn't be there or they are stupid if they make a different choice than you.

Wrong. That isn't what I said at all. Actions have consequences. If you put yourself in a dangerous position, then you shouldn't be surprised if you get hurt. That's how life works.

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I actually misunderstood. I thought the implacation was that the you would take out a cyclist like you'd take out a deer. I didn't watch the video because I thought it would just piss me off. Please apply my earlier statements to the sentiment that cyclists "should" be hit which I know was on the first or second page of the thread. I think the antelope thing was posted on the page for a cycling club I'm a member of so I've probably already seen it. Interestingly, it was posted with the caption of "Why I ride on the road". A few years ago their was a news story about a mountain lion attacking a mountain biker in California with a similar caption. There have actually been two documented mountain lion attacks on cyclists in the last few years. I guess we look tasty. I'll admit I misunderstood your post Batman. Maybe I am sensitive. It's just the whole my car/truck/SUV is bigger than your bike so you don't deserve to be here thing gets a little old.

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Wrong. That isn't what I said at all. Actions have consequences. If you put yourself in a dangerous position, then you shouldn't be surprised if you get hurt. That's how life works.

I've got no problem with this. My problem is that you blame the cyclist if a negligent driver causes an injury.

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I've got no problem with this. My problem is that you blame the cyclist if a negligent driver causes an injury.

I never said that, either. I believe you are just reading whatever you want to into my posts. Go back and read them again.... slowly.

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Speaking as a lawyer...You have every right to be out on the road with your bicycle.

Speaking as a statistician...You have no business being out on the road with your bicycle.

That about sums it up - no? 8 pages of self important, soapbox standing, phallus waiving, pointless banter and this seems to be what it boils down to. But then again someone is wrong on the internet...heaven forbid. Jeez louise I feel sorry for the spouses of the folks here.

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Guest WyattEarp

I was on campus last week leaving class. I stopped at the stop sign completely, then started to go, a kid on a bike coming off the street perpendicular to where I was just breezed through the stop sign like he was above the rules of the road. I didn't stop either and he slammed on his bike, the back end went up, he went over the handle bars and took a rough landing on the pavement about 6 feet from my passenger door. He started yelling at me as I went by and I told him just because he was on a bicycle didn't mean he didn't need to stop at the stop sign.

Im glad he didn't hit my car though because he probably doesn't have insurance or a car, and it'd be a waste of time and effort to try and take a college kid to small claims court, like trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip.

Frankly I don't understand the animosity toward cyclists. Those folks pay taxes just like the rest of you do, and they have just as much right to be on unrestricted roadways as you do. ;)

yes sir they do, but they're subject to following the same rules of the road as everyone else, it's when they don't that people get irritated, but that works both ways too because there's equally as many drivers that are ignorant of the traffic laws too. everyone on the road should be defensive when driving or riding a bike and obeying the traffic laws. only in a perfect world I suppose.

My problem with bicyclists is that they don't use their hand turn signals, they blow through red lights and stop signs, and they act like they constantly have right of way. Also, American roadways were not designed for people to be pedaling bicycles down them. American roads were designed for long distance travel in vehicles with engines. You wanna ride a bike, go to Europe where they actually still have small towns that you can ride a bike across in 15 minutes. Don't do it in a city like Nashville, in the middle of the road, turning onto whatever road you want without stopping at the sign, without signaling, and right into vehicular traffic that could and SHOULD splatter you into the highway. I swear if I become a metro cop I am issuing citations every time I see someone on a bicycle ignoring the rules.

spoken for truth. I haven't seen a biker yet at MTSU or around MTSU that has ever used their signals, and very few actually stop at a stop sign. I keep waiting till the day I see one get nailed, because all I will do is chuckle at their stupidity. I never understood why cities let them ride on the road to begin with. It's not the like sidewalks are so overcrowded with people that a biker couldn't ride on the sidewalk.

Nevertheless you have to admit that damn near every person on a bicycle acts like they can do whatever they want regardless of vehicle traffic. That, and I can't tell you how many times I almost got ran into at LSU by some dick on a bicycle comin' around the corner of a building as fast as he can pedal. These experiences leave me with nothing but contempt for bicyclists.

there's a solution to that. When someone comes whipping around a corner like that, you simply stretch out your arm and clothesline the jackwagon. that'll be the last time he comes flying around that corner, guaranteed.

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there's a solution to that. When someone comes whipping around a corner like that, you simply stretch out your arm and clothesline the jackwagon. that'll be the last time he comes flying around that corner, guaranteed.

Yeah, that may work. There again it might teach the person who stuck their arm out to never do that again. Having a bicycle pump shoved up your rear and inflated to 125 psi wouldn't be exactly comfortable.

That is not the way to teach someone a lesson. You may hurt them, you may get sued, or they may hurt you. None of those are good.

Edited by mav
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I was on my way home this afternoon and stopped a a light before getting on the interstate. A guy on a bike comes riding up on my right. No bike lane. When the light turned green, off he goes, right in front of me into the intersection. How is it that a cyclist has the right of way over everyone else who has been waiting in line to get through the light? Is that legal?

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The only thing that bothers me about bicyclists is that in my home town they designated a lane for them on the major roads. Probably 4~ or me feet wide. Then they get in packs going down the road 4 or 5 wide. You got the lane you wanted, use it. Other than that it doesn't ever ruin my day, I see it all the time on campus. Only one really uses hand signals the right way.

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Didn't bother to read all the new posts, as it's clearly split up into 2 groups. The pro cyclists have reiterated time and time again that these problem cyclists are the minorty. In my honest experience, they are the majority. Motorcycles seem to have been brought in a bit, I have no problem with them as they are usually extremely safe. In my experience bicyclists seem to have no concern whatsoever if they run into a pedestrian or if they get themselves run over which is what infuriates me about them. I understand that this is not every cyclists, but it's darn near every one I've seen on the road. Also I would never do things like throw cigarette butts at them or "target them", when I'm stuck behind a cyclist I simply pass when the road is clear. Like I said it just seems that cyclists are constantly ignoring red lights and stop signs. A cyclist actually almost got me fired from a delivery job (yes, Domino's) when he road his bicycle off the sidewalk into the road as I was halfway through turning onto it. My boss yelled at me about not having right of way (when I did, he's just a moron) and threatened to fire me if I ever "drove wrecklessly like that again". I was half tempted to plow my truck into his fancy expensive SUV just so me bloodied self could stumble out and tell him THAT was wreckless driving. Anyway, I'm sure that's enough.

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This entire thread says a lot about people...and I'm not talking about the cyclists. Get over it, share the road.

If it's not somebody on a bike then within the next 10th of a mile there will be some other inconvenience. Old ladies in their Buicks, pedestrians, people in other cars texting and yapping on the phone, random critters running across the road....

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Didn't bother to read all the new posts, as it's clearly split up into 2 groups. The pro cyclists have reiterated time and time again that these problem cyclists are the minorty. In my honest experience, they are the majority. Motorcycles seem to have been brought in a bit, I have no problem with them as they are usually extremely safe. In my experience bicyclists seem to have no concern whatsoever if they run into a pedestrian or if they get themselves run over which is what infuriates me about them. I understand that this is not every cyclists, but it's darn near every one I've seen on the road. Also I would never do things like throw cigarette butts at them or "target them", when I'm stuck behind a cyclist I simply pass when the road is clear. Like I said it just seems that cyclists are constantly ignoring red lights and stop signs. A cyclist actually almost got me fired from a delivery job (yes, Domino's) when he road his bicycle off the sidewalk into the road as I was halfway through turning onto it. My boss yelled at me about not having right of way (when I did, he's just a moron) and threatened to fire me if I ever "drove wrecklessly like that again". I was half tempted to plow my truck into his fancy expensive SUV just so me bloodied self could stumble out and tell him THAT was wreckless driving. Anyway, I'm sure that's enough.

A majority of cyclists you've encountered is not a majority of cyclists. And the bike rider who came of the sidewalk doesn't count, he was on the sidewalk as many have stated they should be. And if you were turning, the bike (if assuming the same as a pedestrian) had the right of way. Now if the bike rider was in the road, and passed you as you turned then he would have been clearly in the wrong. This is exactly why bicycles should not be ridden on sidewalks. They move too quickly for motorists to yield when turning, and if on the sidewalk have no expectation to stop before crossing the road.

As far as running stop signs and red lights, its wrong. Nothing more can be said about that.

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It wasn't, oh, I need to turn here but a cyclist has ridden out onto the ride. It was, I'm turning, I'm turning, I'm almost onto the other rode, OH LOOK A KID ON A BIKE!

I understand completely, that's why bikes on sidewalks are dangerous.

Plus a "kid on a bike" does not a cyclist make

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Seems to me that Elbow1 must have the worst luck at being around all these bad cyclists he percieves are the majority of cyclists. Most bicyclists I have encountered have been the majority as they obey the rules of the road( some much better than most of the drivers of motor vehicles). And being's I'm a cyclist myself, I always give the guy on a bike the room he needs. But I'm one of the cyclists that stays off-road whenever i can as i am a mountainbiker( when the weather is nice). So you will only find me on a busy highway riding my bike if there is no other alternative. And no, spandex or lycra is not my choice.

As for the "riding on sidewalk" comments/suggestions. It is a law that bicyclists are prohibited from riding on pedestrian walkways, though it is hardly ever enforced. Bicyclists are supposed to ride with the flow of traffic, Pedestrians are supposed to walk against traffic on a roadway if that roadway does not have sidewalks. At least this is what i remember.

I delivered pizza too before while in college, There are more bad drivers out there than bad cyclist.

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I've stayed out of this thread until now and previous threads like this because, at the end of all of this, I doubt if anyone's opinions are changed after the discussion and I don't wish to waste my time trying to convince someone of my position. My intent is not to argue with anyone, it's just to state some comments on me as a cyclist.

  • I try to stay off roads that I know are very busy and have limited shoulders. I plan another route. Most of the time you can get there another way.
  • I stop at red lights.
  • When pulling up to a stop light where cars are already present, I stop at the back car and don't ride to the front unless I will be turning right.
  • I give hand signals.
  • I stop at stop signs if cars are present. If I see that they want me to proceed without stopping, I wave and say thanks.
  • I don't ride in the middle of the road. I will ride as close to the shoulder as is safe. As stated before there is a lot of debris that motorist don't see so don't assume it's safe to ride there.
  • I don't ride two abreast when cars are trying to pass. That's why we holler, "car back" and go to single file.
  • I get pissed when I'm in my car and see a cyclist blow through a red light or do something stupid because I know motorist view all of us in the same light. It makes me look bad.

I said all of this not to pat myself on the back, it's just to point out all cyclists are not jerks in regards to traffic laws. Just like not all motorists are jerks.

Almost without exception all cyclists are motorist, but not all motorist have been cyclist. Don't be so quick to judge cyclists until you've been the one riding on the saddle.

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There are more bad drivers out there then bad cyclists but there are also more drivers then cyclists period. Almost hitting someone on a bike is a lot more stressful then almost having a fender bender, simply because of the larger amount of damage you'd do to the person on the bike at the same speed. It's extremely frustrating when it seems you care more about not hitting them then they care about not getting hit.

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This same logic has been used by gun control advocates. If we banned all the guns.........

Haha, man, some of you make leaps that are amazing.

I haven't read a single person suggesting banning bicycles or motorcycles. I agree with DaddyO - if you don't want the risk of being exposed, then don't ride a bike on the road. You're more likely to get shot if you choose to handle firearms daily - that's not suggesting they should be banned, it's just a fact. Most of us choose to handle them anyway, for various reasons, accepting that risk.

Bikers are the same way. But don't blame the rest of us for pointing it out.

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When you post that the cyclist shouldn't be surprised if they get injured, it implies they are at fault.

Is a helmet-less cyclist at fault if an animal runs in front of them causing them to crash?

No, of course not.

But the fact that they chose to do something stupid (riding without a helmet) means I won't be surprised they are injured. Assuming they live, they shouldn't be surprised, either.

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