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Wally World carries AR15

Guest bluecanary25

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Guest bluecanary25

Stopped in Murfreesboro store on Old Fart Porkway. Spoke with the nice gentleman at the counter. In the case, camo (not Mossy), a Remington AR15 (that is what wuz tole to me). I cannot tell you how the thing is configured, is chambered for .223, according to the gent at the counter. (I'm not AR15 knowledgeable and can't buy one at this time, so have limited interest).

Rumor alert:

During the course of discussion, I was told that Wally World plans on increasing rifle sales and is bringing them back to most stores... keep in mind this was just in conversation.

Now some of ya'll have been waiting, with baited breathe, on how much this lovely is priced.....

Did I mention that Wally World may get Bushmasters too? Just stuff overheard while there......

Oh yeah the price of this beast had sticker price of $997, before TICS and tax.

Grammar and spelling and long winded post IS INTENTIONAL.

If I told this bluntly, who would have believed me? Bet some here still think it ain't true.

Somebody in the 'Boro go out and prove me right!

Or maybe I am delusional..... been proven to be a different thinking ID10T.

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I would not buy from them, no matter how good the price. The company is not very gun friendly overall and all they will do is try to fold up the mom & pop gun shops, eventually. Their track record in such matters is well known.

That is exactly how it is supposed to play out. Walmart pretty much owns its niche in the retail market. With their buying power, it would be easy to under cut the competition. Then once they dominate the market..they stop selling guns again.

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Guest bluecanary25
Pics of it would've been good

My phone takes crappy pics, blurred images from shakey optics... :(

The rifle looked nice but I did not care for the camo.

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So walmart sells guns with the intent of putting gun stores out of business?

I musta misread.

It's like dejavu all over again. Walmart's goal in life is ultimate gun control, their whole business strategy is to shut down the gun industry, not make money.

Oh by the way that's the R15 Remington special built hunting AR, been out for a while, pretty good price, competitive at least, rarely see them under $1100

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I'm not following the Walmart is against guns or is for gun control theme. Am I missing something? How does selling an AR, or cheap ammo and shot guns and hunting gear demonstrate this?

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It's like dejavu all over again. Walmart's goal in life is ultimate gun control, their whole business strategy is to shut down the gun industry, not make money.

Oh by the way that's the R15 Remington special built hunting AR, been out for a while, pretty good price, competitive at least, rarely see them under $1100

And don't forget the special wallmart serial numbers they have that will prevent you from selling it to a gunshop and getting a fair price

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