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"Anonymous" to attack NYSE

Guest bkelm18

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Guest bkelm18

Hacker group "Anonymous" says it will erase NYSE from the internet on Oct 10.

Anonymous Threatens to 'Erase NYSE from the Internet' | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

The page also contains their YouTube video "declaration of war" against NYSE. Pretty interesting. Part of me wants to say go for it, but the other part of me sees that there could result a lot of unintended, bad consequences if they actually follow through and that this wouldn't accomplish much.

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Guest bkelm18
They don't have that capability and if they did I would be first in line to put a bullet in their heads.

They've done it before (to other companies). They're not saying they will shut it down, just block it from the internet, which I would say is within their realm of capability.

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It looks like a denial of service attack. They are more than capable of doing this. They even have a link to a program for others to download to take part in the attack.

I suspect that with the air of how the country is right now if this hit mainstream media it would be a huge success. As it stands right now they have had about 8,000 viewers so there is hardly enough to really hurt Wall Street.

I suspect they will begin to get a following as time goes on and our economy crumbles.


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A denial of service attack can be done so many different ways its not even funny. Heck, a fluke at a major ISP with a corrupted DNS entry could stop access from everyone that doesn't know how to do an nslookup. If they truly made an attempt/were successful at bringing down the NYSE system, that would be bad ju-ju. It just seems like they are targeting the website to bring it down from public access. To a lamen it may seem like something big, but in reality it isn't. The NYSE can function just fine without its website, it is mostly just for reporting. It has no adverse effect on the day to day workings inside the market.

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Guest WyattEarp

they've already successfully attacked and brought down Playstation's Network, and plenty of other things

Anonymous (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I kinda hope they're successful, IMO the Stock Market is just another ponzi scheme. The rich get richer, while the good hard working people have their money stolen from them. One minute your 401K is nicely set for retirement, the next minute, 9/11 happens, and your portfolio takes a 75% hit and you just kissed retirement away. Gimme a ****ing break. I feel sorry for all the poor bastards who work for Netflix and have 401K's and IRA's set up through them, stocks have been plummeting, they've been losing $10 million + a month since July as customers continue to abandon ship.

the entire return on saving money in this country is a joke, there is no reward for having a savings account, you get a meager 5-6% interest rate (and that's the best, but only if you look hard enough and find a bank with that interest rate) most savings account interest rates are about 2%, but every loan you take out, depending on your credit is anywhere from 0% financing to 29% interest. The companies, banks, credit unions, and lenders just take, take, take, take and don't give anything back.

instead you're forced to play a game of russian roulette with your money, and hope you made the right decision, and you gambled on the economy remaining intact, and that you will have something to retire on.

the Stock Market is one of the worse things to happen to this country along with the IRS and Federal Reserve.

I also hope Anonymous is successful in taking down Facebook on Nov 5th as they've claimed they will do.

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I also hope Anonymous is successful in taking down Facebook on Nov 5th as they've claimed they will do.

Sounds like the makings of a good article for the onion news network. Hacker group anonymous takes down facebook, business productivity up 67%

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Guest db99wj
A denial of service attack can be done so many different ways its not even funny. Heck, a fluke at a major ISP with a corrupted DNS entry could stop access from everyone that doesn't know how to do an nslookup. If they truly made an attempt/were successful at bringing down the NYSE system, that would be bad ju-ju. It just seems like they are targeting the website to bring it down from public access. To a lamen it may seem like something big, but in reality it isn't. The NYSE can function just fine without its website, it is mostly just for reporting. It has no adverse effect on the day to day workings inside the market.

I agree with this. Lots of companies ran fine before Gore invented the interweb. Inconvenience, yes, but it won't be a doomsday deal.

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Just because you disagree with a system doesn't mean you should call for its collapse. Keep in mind that the life savings of literally millions of people, who have worked long and hard to get there, could be placed in jeopardy. If you don't want to be involved, don't be involved. But don't wish financial holocaust on a lot of good, honest people.

As for the original post, taking out the public information website is one thing. Taking out the infrastructure of the trading system would be another, much more serious event.

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Guest WyattEarp
Mr Earp could you please give me the names of banks that are paying 5% -6% on savings. I would like to put some of my savings in there. Thank You! China Coaster
do a google search. In 2006 i opened up an account with Emigrant Direct, and it was 4.99%. wish I had kept it open, but I had an emergency and had to use the money I had stashed away.
Just because you disagree with a system doesn't mean you should call for its collapse. Keep in mind that the life savings of literally millions of people, who have worked long and hard to get there, could be placed in jeopardy. If you don't want to be involved, don't be involved. But don't wish financial holocaust on a lot of good, honest people. As for the original post, taking out the public information website is one thing. Taking out the infrastructure of the trading system would be another, much more serious event.
I'll just agree to disagree with you then.
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Earp, what exactly are "they" supposed to give back? It is business and the reason America has prospered beyond the rest of the world. Workers work and get paid in return. They are then able to buy and "earn" more than they produced by investing. The risk is directly tied to the reward. Nobody put a gun to anyones head and the money is easily liquidated at the customers convenience. IN fact if you look back to the Great Depression, statistically speaking, if people had left their money in the market they would have not only made back what they lost they would have gained 10% in as little as 5-10 years after the collapse.

The vast majority of millionaires in this country are 1 generation millionaires. It is that reinvested money that makes it able for you and me to get a loan and buy a house or start a business and have the potential to become the next millionaire in the richest, nicest, most prosperous country in the world.

I'd say "they" have given back. ;)

As far as the "attacks", near sighted revolutionary anarchist are how Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, and Obama got in charge.

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Guest 6.8 AR
they've already successfully attacked and brought down Playstation's Network, and plenty of other things

Anonymous (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I kinda hope they're successful, IMO the Stock Market is just another ponzi scheme. The rich get richer, while the good hard working people have their money stolen from them. One minute your 401K is nicely set for retirement, the next minute, 9/11 happens, and your portfolio takes a 75% hit and you just kissed retirement away. Gimme a ****ing break. I feel sorry for all the poor bastards who work for Netflix and have 401K's and IRA's set up through them, stocks have been plummeting, they've been losing $10 million + a month since July as customers continue to abandon ship.

The rich get richer? That's justification for their destruction?

the entire return on saving money in this country is a joke, there is no reward for having a savings account, you get a meager 5-6% interest rate (and that's the best, but only if you look hard enough and find a bank with that interest rate) most savings account interest rates are about 2%, but every loan you take out, depending on your credit is anywhere from 0% financing to 29% interest. The companies, banks, credit unions, and lenders just take, take, take, take and don't give anything back.

instead you're forced to play a game of russian roulette with your money, and hope you made the right decision, and you gambled on the economy remaining intact, and that you will have something to retire on.

You're not forced to do anything with your money. There are many other places for you to play with

your money.

the Stock Market is one of the worse things to happen to this country along with the IRS and Federal Reserve.

Well, I'll agree about the Fed and the IRS, but I would call for their abolition instead. I've won and lost on the

stock market, but it was my choice to do it. In other words, I accept responsibility for my actions. I don't side

with a bunch of crackers and call for its destruction.

I also hope Anonymous is successful in taking down Facebook on Nov 5th as they've claimed they will do.

What has Facebook done to you? They are a private enterprise. You don't have to participate there, either.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest WyattEarp

when the Stock Market is rigged to help the rich get richer, and bypass rules and violate laws, and they don't get caught it is. some get caught, others don't. the average person who's trying to do it the right way and honest way are the ones that end up getting screwed.

it's all virtual money based on what the perception of worth of a company and on how a national/global economy's production is doing. someone, somewhere gives an opinion that sets that perception, which causes a chain reaction of events that can either be good or bad.

Case and point, Apple's release of the latest iphone yesterday, dubbed Iphone 4S. Just because it wasn't named Iphone 5, but yet it has a ton of new features everyone is anxiously awaiting, Apple's stocks fell 4% after the announcement. Tell me that's not stupid?

Some office jock oil speculator hears an oil pipeline got blown up in Kenya by terrorists, and suddenly gas jumps 30 cents overnight because of "fears" of a shortage in supply. You can't tell me that's not stupid either.

People are indirectly forced, because if they save with a normal savings account, they will never get anywhere, and there are no other options aside from playing the stock market. I guess they could go gambling at the casino, but that's just as bad.

I always wondered why so many people are on welfare, and would just rather sit around and collect a welfare check, get food stamps, and keep pumping out babies, and that's because there is no incentive for people, who work hard who do try to save their money, and have a retirement fund. I don't condone people people on welfare for an extended period of time, but I can't necessarily say I blame them either. Most people don't want to bust their asses until the day they die working, some want to retire and have a good retirement fund, but when the government misspends, gets us into expensive and lengthy wars that cost Billions per month, the economy tanks, and American companies start relocating their manufacturing overseas and jobs leave to save money and avoid taxes, those people can't do that because the 401K they had, they either have to cash out and get penalized to support themselves, or hope they can find a new job soon and then roll it over.

This country has serious problems, and they all start and end with money, the stock market, principles, and priorities. Seems no one in the positions of responsibility care though, because things just never change, we hear empty promises, continually get lied to, robbed, and cheated by people who say they care, yet never show it.

What has Facebook done to you? They are a private enterprise. You don't have to participate there, either.

facebook hasn't done anything to me, it's just a site full of people who feel the need to tell the world what they are doing every 20 seconds of their life. e-gossip and drama. immature adults, kids, teens. really pretty pointless. it's killing the social skills of people everywhere, it's costing employers $67 a billion in lost productivity a year, it directly affects students grades because they're too busy sitting on facebook to do their homework. i was on it for a year and a half, got addicted, then i deleted it because it wasn't doing anything useful for me, another mindless distraction when there's other useful and more productive things I can and need to be doing. I don't need status updates on someone changing their kids stinky diaper, or how mad they are they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. too each their own though, i just find it interesting how many people find entertainment in something so trivial, it's about as dumbfounding as those who after 23 years, still sit their asses down in front of the tube to watch the Simpsons every Sunday night.

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Blaming Facebook for unproductivity and the decline of our students academics is like blaming guns for killings and spoons for Rosie O'Donnels fatness.

Again, nobody is forced to speculate in the market. The market for the most part is fairly stable untill the feds pump out monopoly money. That is the real problem with the market ... the government, not buisness and investors.

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Earp, what exactly are "they" supposed to give back? It is business and the reason America has prospered beyond the rest of the world. Workers work and get paid in return. They are then able to buy and "earn" more than they produced by investing. The risk is directly tied to the reward. Nobody put a gun to anyones head and the money is easily liquidated at the customers convenience. IN fact if you look back to the Great Depression, statistically speaking, if people had left their money in the market they would have not only made back what they lost they would have gained 10% in as little as 5-10 years after the collapse.

The vast majority of millionaires in this country are 1 generation millionaires. It is that reinvested money that makes it able for you and me to get a loan and buy a house or start a business and have the potential to become the next millionaire in the richest, nicest, most prosperous country in the world.

I'd say "they" have given back. :)

As far as the "attacks", near sighted revolutionary anarchist are how Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, and Obama got in charge.

that is not entirely true. Now, while the rich are responsible for investments and backings which help us al, they are not responsible for loans, in and of it self.

Banks are responsible for loans. Banks need money to write loans. Not millionaires.

One person can deposit 1 million dollars in a bank, and in return, that bank can write loans for 1 millions dollars.

Or, 1 million people can deposit 1 dollar in the bank, and in return, that bank can write loans for 1 million dollars.

The latter is why banks were invented. To have a resource for people to collectively put their money so others can use that money for loans.

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that is not entirely true. Now, while the rich are responsible for investments and backings which help us al, they are not responsible for loans, in and of it self.

Banks are responsible for loans. Banks need money to write loans. Not millionaires.

One person can deposit 1 million dollars in a bank, and in return, that bank can write loans for 1 millions dollars.

Or, 1 million people can deposit 1 dollar in the bank, and in return, that bank can write loans for 1 million dollars.

The latter is why banks were invented. To have a resource for people to collectively put their money so others can use that money for loans.

Yep, small accounts are where a lot of the car, refinance, personal, LOC, etc loans origninate but buisness and large loans need large acoounts to make those possible. So big loans need large accounts so that small buisness can get the loans to pay employees who use smaller accounts to fund the smaller loans. It is a nifty little circle working there. :)

I just don't understand why some folks can't see the forest for the trees. Sure there is abuse on both ends. The welfare and the rich end. However, the rich abuse still puts out net positives in our economic system. The low end .... all they can do is take.

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Yep, small accounts are where a lot of the car, refinance, personal, LOC, etc loans origninate but buisness and large loans need large acoounts to make those possible. So big loans need large accounts so that small buisness can get the loans to pay employees who use smaller accounts to fund the smaller loans. It is a nifty little circle working there. :)

I just don't understand why some folks can't see the forest for the trees. Sure there is abuse on both ends. The welfare and the rich end. However, the rich abuse still puts out net positives in our economic system. The low end .... all they can do is take.

I agree. But at the same time, disagree. The money is going to be there, regardless of how few or how many put it there.

Take an apple pie for an instance. You can slice that pie in 3 pieces so that 3 people can have a lot, or you can slice it in 10 pieces so that 7 more people can have a slice too. Doesn't matter how many slices there are and how many people get a slice because in the end, it's still a hole pie

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Guest db99wj

The media is a large part of the economic collapses around the world. Their multiple doomsday reports everyday continues to keep consumer confidence low. I blame the media for a lot of our problems being magnified, in other words, they make mountains out of mole hills.

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Nothing good will come of it. It could perhaps drive the push for Facebook or some other company being in charge of Internet identity management. It will be ironic when Anonymous causes no one to be anonymous on the net, not that we truly are anyways.

Somewhat related, or not. The stock market has pretty much been taken over by computer algorithm trading. Some trader/hedge funds/companies pay big $$$ for split second faster connections in order to game the system, this is a fact. These are direct pipes to the exchange floor.

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Blaming Facebook for unproductivity and the decline of our students academics is like blaming guns for killings and spoons for Rosie O'Donnels fatness.


But seriously, this hacker group represents the short sightedness of those that get caught up in the romance of a revolution, but not the reality of it. Anyone can destroy. Not everyone can build. I'm no fan of anyone who's solution is to "bring the system down" without posing what to do to create a better system so we can continue to enjoy our way of life. This group is just made up of pathetic autofellaters with the ability to cause damage. If they do this they are in the same category as Al Qaeda in my opinion.

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