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MCTS Hosting an IDPA Classifier on October 15, 2011

Guest gw2and4

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Rick its good that you got away with Codi, I know if I get a chance to go out with my wife it is a treat for us.

Honestly Rick I like shooting my man bullet gun its all the same on my 9mm and .40 as far as the mag and slide release. Your right as soon as I get use to the recoil and timing I think it will be alright. I felt really strong with the first two stages as you can see the third stage I was just all over as should have slowed it down some more. I was really happy on the times I got Rick I just got to work on my third stage.

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Guest The91Bravo

This was my first match, and I know it will definately not be my last. I want to tell you all that Frank and I were hesitant going to a new place, but the group I was with had to be the most welcoming bunch of guys that we could have had. I want to thank Allen, Chip, GW, Carl and everyone else for helping make it a great day.

Thanks for letting my 11 y.o. son Anthony pick up brass, with him being autistic, if he gets to focus on something he likes, he will excell. For that alone I am grateful.

I do have one question, if I apply for membership NOW, can this classifier count for me?

Thanks again

\Steve Collins

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Guest The91Bravo


I just joined, so if you could, could you change my scoring sheet from Saturday from

IDPA membership: NO to PENDING,

I did not know I would have as much fun and comradery as I did, so I needed to join ASAP :-)

If you need it, my IDPA order number was:

Order ID Number is M-21231-101711

THANKS again

also Greg,

Are there anymore Range cleanup days, or work days coming up? I would like to volunteer myself and my son. Please let me know

Edited by The91Bravo
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