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MCTS Hosting an IDPA Classifier on October 15, 2011

Guest gw2and4

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Guest gw2and4

I am going to try and shoot a really good classifier. No misses.

I tried that once. Got me SSR/Novice. That whole accuracy thing takes time... lol

Sent from my iPhone 4

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Michael said he would shoot no misses last time. Just trying to keep up. LOL Last one at Gallatin with my M&P in ESP I shot 126.41. So I was only 6.41 off shooting expert if it had been SSP. I don't want to move up before the big match. It really doesn't matter I guess. Just let-er rip and see what happens. Maybe shoot it twice(ssp, esp)at this classifier. Both classes with my M&P.

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Believe or not Expert in SSP is a tough,tough division and class. I thought i was brave to shoot SSP Expert at the Summer Sizzler but I got my ass handed to me. So just take your time in your shooting I think you will know when you are ready to go up a class. I am still shooting ESP as a SS because I know that I am not ready yet to go up a class. And thats why I will be shooting CDP in our up coming Classifier Match. I been putting it off to long on shooting my CDP gun...


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The classifier is fun to shoot and is a great benchmark of skills. Great match for first time shooters and juniors to come out and see what it is all about. No movers or no-shoots to deal with. Shoot at the same three targets for all three stages.

Draw and fire, strong hand--weak hand on the first stage.

Advancing and retreating fire, slide lock reload and more strong hand in stage two.

Shooting behind a barricade, "Tactical reload", and low cover on stage three.

90 shots total.

I encourage anyone who has been thinking about trying IDPA shooting come on out.

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The classifier is fun to shoot and is a great benchmark of skills. Great match for first time shooters and juniors to come out and see what it is all about. No movers or no-shoots to deal with. Shoot at the same three targets for all three stages.

Draw and fire, strong hand--weak hand on the first stage.

Advancing and retreating fire, slide lock reload and more strong hand in stage two.

Shooting behind a barricade, "Tactical reload", and low cover on stage three.

90 shots total.

I encourage anyone who has been thinking about trying IDPA shooting come on out.

Well said, and I will add that you must be classified to shoot IDPA sanctioned matches like the Music City Cup.

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Yes. Matt hit the nail on the head. I am checking IDPA numbers and last classifier date on all competitors. There has been emails sent to the competitors that may be lacking in this area and how they should fix it. The alternative may have a MM/SS moved up to MA.......LOL.

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You can sign up for IDPA via the web. Your IDPA number will be PENDING until IDPA processes it. If it is past the MCTS Classifier, we will hold your classification until it is available. We have to have an IDPA number to put into the software for shooters. In short, you can still register for the Music City Cup with a pending number. It takes a simple phone call to speed it up for the Music City Cup verification needed.

DAG you will need your weapon weighed?

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Yes, we will hold uploading classfications for those waiting pending numbers approximately 1 month as we realize IDPA is somewhat slow about certain things. The number will need to be valid if the individual plans on competing in the Music City Cup in November. I can assist in speeding up the process.

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Had a great day at the range. Hope everyone had a good time.

Thank to all who helped and set-up and tear down.

This was my first time as Match Director, first shooters meeting, and first time running shooters. Thank you Greg Bell and Matt Tipton and everyone else who was patient with me. Should have the scores completed by this afternoon and will get them posted.

Oh, and Hognut, I told in the shooters meeting that you were bragging about your night match prowess. I think some will be out to beat you.

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It was another good turner out, I would like to Thank all the guys that come out. Group of guys I was shooting was all awesome everyone helped out on pasting targets. I got moved up to the class I need to be in so I was happy with the way I shoot and the man bullet worked just great...

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I did shoot CDP yesterday Rick, I wanna go ahead and start shooting more CDP. Plus I went ahead and put the Apex Forward Sear Set instead of sending it to Burwell for the trigger work. It was a whole lot of difference. As far as adding my own score for the classifier it will put me to sharpshooter. I am happy with that I figured I need to get use to more recoil than my powder puffs.

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I hope you enjoy shooting CDP, I know I have. I am begining to learn how to do it a little and it has been fun. I saw the scores, and your 120.67 is a very nice time for being new to CDP. Once you get used to the difference in recoil and timing it gets easier. Glad you got SS, you are shooting well enough to deserve it. It looks like we had a good turnout on Saturday, sorry I missed yall. Me and Codi went to Lexington to the horse races at Keeneland and had a blast.

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