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Sig vs. HK (vs. SA EMP)

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Here's one that has a lot of potential to stir up strong feelings...

In the reasonably immediate future I think I will be picking up another pistol. I pretty much have it narrowed down to a Sig p226 or an HK p30. Or maybe a Springfield EMP. That one is totally different from the others, and I'm less sure about it (other than in terms of my interest in becoming a "1911" owner).

The Sig I think I'm most interested in is the p226 Tactical Operations model (formerly Blackwater). Night sights, TFO front sight, thinner more ergonomic grip (more like the E2 grip than the standard grip), extended mag well, and 4x 20(!) rd mags.

The HK is your standard v3 p30.

The Springfield is your standard EMP.

All three feel good in my hand. Comparison shoot of all three is impractical to impossible unless people happen to have them and want to get together for a shoot.

Intended purpose is HD and/or range use. EMP would switch to range use and potential carry. Don't really need another carry gun, though, as my Kahr and Glock to pretty much everything I need (my next carry-driven purchase would be some manner of pocket gun).

Thoughts? Opinions? Experiences? Celebrity Death Match results? ..........Aaaaaaaaaaand GO!

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The EMP is a very different gun than the others.

I am a huge HK fan, but am not crazy about the grip on the HK45 or P30. I prefer the USP and P2000 grips.

The Sigs are also excellent arms, and I really like the TacOps. If it were my money, that is probably the route I would go.


I had a P226 for over 10 years. They're just tough, solid guns. I can't say anything negative about them other than being too bulky for CC. Mine was home defense/truck gun only. I've never owned an HK but have a few buddies with USPs. Fun to shoot and very well made weapons as well. I don't think you can go wrong either way... it's not like you'll get one and think it's a peice of garbage. Try to find a gun shop that carries both and handle them a little to see which is more comfortable to grip. I can bet that both will recoil similarly, unless the HK is really light compared to the 226.

  BenderBendingRodriguez said:
Here's one that has a lot of potential to stir up strong feelings...

In the reasonably immediate future I think I will be picking up another pistol. I pretty much have it narrowed down to a Sig p226 or an HK p30. Or maybe a Springfield EMP. That one is totally different from the others, and I'm less sure about it (other than in terms of my interest in becoming a "1911" owner).

The Sig I think I'm most interested in is the p226 Tactical Operations model (formerly Blackwater). Night sights, TFO front sight, thinner more ergonomic grip (more like the E2 grip than the standard grip), extended mag well, and 4x 20(!) rd mags.

The HK is your standard v3 p30.

The Springfield is your standard EMP.

All three feel good in my hand. Comparison shoot of all three is impractical to impossible unless people happen to have them and want to get together for a shoot.

Intended purpose is HD and/or range use. EMP would switch to range use and potential carry. Don't really need another carry gun, though, as my Kahr and Glock to pretty much everything I need (my next carry-driven purchase would be some manner of pocket gun).

Thoughts? Opinions? Experiences? Celebrity Death Match results? ..........Aaaaaaaaaaand GO!

I've shot the P30L and I have a P226.

I love my P226 and the P30L just didn't do it for me. I don't know anything about the EMP so no comment there but I'd go for the Sig. The Tac Ops is a good edition but I would still opt for the aluminum grips. There's just something amazing about the Sig Aluminum grips. I've shot a P229 with them and I've hated my grips (standard polymer) every since. So my next one will probably be a Tac Ops .40 and then buy some aluminum grips during their next sale.

How much are each if you don't mind my asking.?

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Honestly don't remember off the top of my head, but they're all near enough a grand for me to just consider them costing that much as I come to terms with it.

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

I really think the decision is coming down to the HK and the Sig. I think the HK is a bit less expensive, though they would come out to basically the same once you factor in the extra mags I get with the Sig.

I definitely understand the reliability factor of the HK (not that the Sig is a slouch), but I've already got a Glock :rolleyes: I would probably also want to change out the sights on the HK, where I think the Sig sights could be kept. The 20 round capacity of the Sig is also quite appealing. The HK only holds 15, and that isn't any better than my "little" Glock 19. Or the Beretta, for that matter (though I think the Beretta will go to my dad after my next purchase). And the DA pull is heavier on the HK than the Sig.

Definitely seems like this should be a no-brainer for the Sig. BUT the HK had better controls. And is more customizable in terms of grip (at least from the factory). And it's more bulletproof with a more durable finish. And it's damn sexy. And it was also on my short list when I ended up getting the Glock (that purchased surprised even me, but it ended up being a great decision), so I feel like it's still out there taunting me with its awesomeness.

I suspect I am going to end up with the Sig and the HK at some point down the road, but it's not going to happen in the near future. And that makes the decision of what to do right now tough. Of course, if I found a bag of money my wife didn't know about...


a guy at work has a p226 and is without a doubt a huge fan. i have shot it and although it shot great it, the gun just didnt satisfy me. I've never shot a p30 so I can't speak facts about it. i do have a friend that has one and likes it....however my choice...with pretty much no reservation would be the emp. i have shot the 9mm and the 40. i love the feel and it can for sure be used as a great carry if you get the urge to do so! I dont personally own one yet but about another month of saving and i will for sure be a proud owner of one.

As far as the future purchase of a pocket pistol...I do suggest the sig238!

Guest TresOsos

I don't think you could really go wrong with any of your choices. Now having said that, if you have never owned a 1911 before and that's the impression I get, I wouldn't make the EMP my first 1911. If you want to step into the 1911 world I would suggest startiing with a Colt Government Model 5" or something equivalent.

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

You are correct that I have never had a 1911. It's a bit tougher to jump into that market when you don't want a .45. One day, though. One day.


I have the HK P30L 9mm & HK-45

pistol-training.com » Blog Archive » HK45 Endurance Test: Week Thirty Seven HK 45


"At 91,300 rounds, the P30 was running strong. Even after a chunk went missing from the frame, the gun had turned in well over five thousand rounds of accurate and reliable service. I carried it every day"

pistol-training.com » Blog Archive » P30 Thursday: Week Forty-Two

Bottom line they are accurate and 2 of the most reliable pistols around.

I am not a Fan Boy towards any pistols but HK builds a nice gun.

I have 2 XDM's and an FNP for polymers and find them to be very accurate and so far no problems but the HK's JMO are built like tanks and are worth the bigger price tag.

I would buy another HK ..XDM ... or FNP and like I said no FAN BOY towards HK's but they are worth the price tag.

Guest coldblackwind

I know nothing about the emp. I have a sig P6 and its a great gun, accurate, comfortable, and reliable. That said I also have a usp40c, and it is hands down my favorite semi auto pistol that I have ever shot. I would personally go with the HK probably, but theres nothing wrong with the sig either so you really can't go wrong.

Guest The Highlander

I have no experience with the P30, but HK's are well-respected. I have the other two on your list, and carry/shoot them frequently.

The most accurate pistols I own are a SIG P220 in .45 (essentially the P226 is the same gun in 9mm) and a SIG P225 9mm. I have fired, with witnesses, a one hole group with the P220 at 11 yards. I have a .22 lr conversion kit for the P220 that makes it an even better value in my opinion. If I had to get down to only one gun, the P220 would be it. Yes, I carry it too. I'm like Clint Smith, it is a big gun when I put it on, and a big gun when I pull it out. I've never had a malfunction of any kind with a SIG. HK's are good, but saying they are more bulletproof than a SIG is a little like comparing Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie! Hard to go wrong either way.

My EMP is a 9mm. I have other 1911's, but it is by far my favorite. I have average/smallish hands and all 1911's fit me pretty well, but the EMP feels like it is made for my hand. I have a set of G10 grips from Larry Davidson on mine, and even without the frontstrap checkered, the gun is basically locked into my hand when shooting. As a carry gun, it is exceptional. It is literally the same size as my S&W Centennial that used to be my "small" gun. But it comes with night sights, a decent trigger, and twice the fire-power as the .38. The EMP also comes with a nice case, good mag holder and fair holster (it may wear the finish on your pistol, mag carrier works great) and three mags. The only malfunction I've experienced with the EMP was shooting left-handed. My right thumb pushed in on the takedown pin, pushed it out far enough to prevent going into battery. Happens with every 1911 I shoot when I fire left-handed and don't pay attention to the right thumb. I'll eventually get the pin flattened and recessed to prevent the problem. Again, it is due to my hold, not the gun, and happens to me with all 1911's. I'm right-handed but practice shooting lefty every trip to the range.

Honestly, if you want a home defense/range gun, either the SIG or HK is great. For a gun you will carry more, the EMP is hard to beat.


Sigs are nice but don't fit my hand well. I have large hands. I have seen Sigs ftf. Could have been the ammo. I am on my second HK USP and neither have ever failed to function in any way shape or form. I think they would feed an empty shell. Low recoil and accurate as hell.

Never could buy a 1911 in anything but 45. Just doesn't make sense to me.


Sigs rock. HK's are cool too, but they hate you because you suck. Seriously, I know Sig is pretty cool to their customers. I think I would ask some HK owners to weigh in on their customer service experience. With guns to evenly matched that could be the deal maker/breaker.

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

I am leaning pretty heavily towards the Sig at this point, I think. I really like the HK, but I think it just isn't different enough from my Glock 19 to justify it. Either that or I will just pick up a Glock 17 and some sort of pocket pistol (preferably in 9mm).


Have owned and shot the EMP in both 9mm and .40, as well as its .45cal brother. Very accurate, essentially trouble-free, and have yet to find the personal protection round they wont feed. Springfield CS was very good, too - had to return one of the two original magazines that came with the .40 EMP, and they sent me two mags for my trouble. Good folks.

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Dropped by the gun shop before a meeting yesterday afternoon to see if my thoughts had developed any further. Handled the EMP and realized that the backstrap safety would take some major getting used to (just felt odd in my hand). The feel of the rest of the gun was good, and I liked the trigger. Probably out of the running, though.

Thought long and hard about the other two. I really prefer the feel and slide lock of the HK (also, decided I would be going for the P30L rather than the P30 if I go down that road). Prefer the decocker of the Sig. Mag release is more or less a tie for me. The SRT on the Sig is head and shoulders above the HK, though. On its own the HK trigger isn't really that bad, and the DA pull (while technically heavier) feels good, but the reset is much longer and noticeably mushier than the Sig. While there is a lot that can be said about the Glock triggers, I think the very powerful and reasonably short, crisp reset make me less excited about the HK than I may otherwise have been. The rear sights on the HK are also completely unsuitable for racking the slide in an emergency.

I think the HK is probably a better gun. I know the finish is better, if nothing else (though as this is not for carry, that is less of a concern). It's also somewhere around $100 less expensive (though I would only get 2 mags rather than 4, and adding even 1 more would more or less make it a wash). I think the HK ergos and control are probably also better for me. The higher grip and recoil buffer could also combine to make for some very quick shooting. But it's no higher capacity than my Glock, which is kinda a bummer. And the sights are pretty lame.

This will probably end up going down like my last purchase. I will make my decision and when I get to the store I will walk out with something different. Maybe even something that wasn't technically in the running (like a G17 and a P3AT). If they had a G34 I would probably be all over that. Last time I had decided on the M&P9 and walked out with a Glock. After having decided previously that I hated Glocks and would never own one. Sigh.

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